Faced with An Liang's teasing, Zhao Wanxi hummed,"Isn't it just for you?"

"Yes, yes, our Wanxi family is so nice! An Liang said with praise,"But to be honest, Imperial Capital University is not willing to let him go, right?""

Zhao Wanxi explained,"It doesn't matter if Teito University is unwilling to release him, because Teito University gives their team very little R&D funds every year and cannot support their research at all. After Zhao

Wanxi finished speaking, she showed her mobile phone to An Liang for review,"Well, this Zhang Zhixiao team has been conducting research on carbon-based chips since 2000. In 2007, they made carbon nanotubes and began to put them into practice." In the field of research, in 2017, they even made carbon nanotubes with a size of 5 nanometers."

"It's a pity that Teito University cannot provide more R&D funds. Now their team is soliciting investment everywhere, but they cannot give an accurate return plan, so their team runs into obstacles everywhere." Zhao Wanxi added.

Carbon-based chips are indeed not a new technology!

As early as 1998, IBM's Watson team teamed up with Delft University of Technology in the Tulip Kingdom to produce the first carbon-based transistor.

It's a pity. Carbon-based materials were limited by the technical ceiling in that era. In addition, IBM was a listed company, and shareholders demanded higher benefits. Naturally, it was impossible to invest endlessly in the research of carbon-based chips.

Xia Guo Carbon-based chip research also started very early. When Xia Guo just entered the new millennium, a team entered the field of carbon-based chips to conduct research, such as Zhang Zhixiao’s team.

Unfortunately, such a research team did not have financial support, and the research and development progress was very fast. Slowly, it took seven years to go from theory to the steps of preparing carbon nanotubes.

At present, Dark Core Technology only spent one year to go from theory to step with the help of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Going into practice, and carrying out actual R&D and testing work.

Ning Ruoshuang was curious on the side,"How much R&D expenses does the Imperial University team have per year?"

Actually, An Liang is also a little curious. The research and development progress of Zhang Zhixiao's team is too slow. How low is their research and development funds to make such a slow progress?

Zhao Wanxi responded,"Last year's research and development expenses were 20 million. I heard the year before last. Only 10 million, less before"

"..."An Liang is speechless

"so little?"Ning Ruoshuang was surprised, because when An Liang and Zhao Wanxi communicated just now, An Liang said that dark core technology would suffer a loss of more than 40 billion in 2020.

Therefore, the annual research and development expenses of Zhang Zhixiao's team at Teito University were 200 yuan that of dark core technology. One percent?

And the research and development expenses in the past were less?

No wonder the research and development progress of Zhang Zhixiao's team is so slow!

An Liang took a deep breath and sighed,"How did they persist in this predicament for twenty years?"

Zhao Wanxi responded,"You know the school environment."

"I don't understand!" An Liang denied without hesitation.

How could he understand such a thing?

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang,"I have arranged for people to contact Zhang Zhixiao's team, and we are prepared to provide them with a higher R&D budget and higher salary. , I believe they will agree"

"Will Teito University have any objections?"An Liang expressed his willingness to respect Royal University.

Zhao Wanxi responded,"If Zhang Zhixiao's team agrees to us, I plan to donate 200 million yuan to Royal University in the name of dark core technology."

"Can. An Liang nodded,"In this case, Teito University won't say anything!""

"The fundamental reason is that Teito University cannot afford the high research and development costs of carbon-based chips."Zhao Wanxi pointed out the root cause.

Imperial University cannot afford the research and development expenses of carbon-based chips.

After all, tens of billions of R&D investments are required at every turn. How can Imperial University have so much money?

The university's R&D expenses are very small. It is impossible to invest so much money in a single project, and universities are more willing to cast a wide net.

As for high-investment research projects, joint research and development between universities and enterprises is the best choice.

However, in many cases, corporate sponsorship There are too many restrictions, and the university's R&D team has too many thoughts, which leads to distrust of each other, thus forming a vicious circle.

For example, when Zhao Wanxi chose Zhang Zhixiao's team this time, her first thought was to poach directly, not through hidden cores. Technology contacted Teito University to sponsor Zhang Zhixiao's team.

Because there are many problems in doing so!

For example, if Zhang Zhixiao's team really developed a carbon-based chip with the sponsorship of Dark Core Technology, how should the technology patent be calculated?

It belongs to Zhang Zhixiao after all. Or is it from dark core technology, or even from Teito University?

Disputes over ownership of patented technology have happened too many times, so Zhao Wanxi never thought about sponsoring research and directly chose to poach.

Even if An Liang was allowed to operate it, An Liang is so willing to share, he will make the same choice as Zhao Wanxi. If

An Liang is willing to share, that is An Liang's own choice.

To put it simply, you can only ask for what Brother Liang gives you; if Brother Liang doesn't give it to you, You can’t reach for it yourself!

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