An Liang did not ask for the detailed information of the Life Winner System [Mysterious Financial Gift Package], because An Liang had been with the Life Winner System for so long, and he knew very well that asking would be in vain.

National Dance Academy, inside Dance Studio No. 7.

An Liang explained to Ning Ruoshuang about sponsoring their school, and then said with some distress,"Shuangshuang, let's go to the Beautiful Tomorrow Dance Studio. There is no heating here and it's too cold."

This time Ning Ruoshuang did not refuse again, she He responded obediently,"Yeah!"

Less than ten minutes later, An Liang accompanied Ning Ruoshuang to the Better Tomorrow Dance Studio. Ning Ruoshuang naturally chose the separate dance studio on the second floor.

An Liang accompanied Ning Ruoshuang to practice dancing while sending messages to Zhao Wanxi

‘An Liang: Are you at school?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: [Location information: Teito University School of Economics]’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I'm at school and I'm arranging for someone to contact Professor Zhang Zhixiao's team. I'm going to take them to see the dark core technology first.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I asked about the situation of Professor Zhang Zhixiao’s team. Their situation this year is not easy. I heard that R&D expenses have even dropped a bit.’

‘An Liang: Can this also be reduced?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Their team has never produced anything practical, so it is normal that R&D expenses have dropped. '

Most scientific research projects require continuous investment, and most of the time the future is invisible, just like exploring in the dark without seeing the light.

Under such circumstances, how many people can persevere?

Even Teito University is a bit unable to hold on. After all, Teito University has too many scientific research projects that need support. Zhang Zhixiao’s team is not the only one doing research and development.

‘Zhao Wanxi: Do you have anything to do this afternoon?’

‘An Liang: Probably not’

‘An Liang: Even if something happens, it can be handled online’

‘Zhao Wanxi: After I have reached an agreement with Professor Zhang Zhixiao’s team, I will invite them to visit Dark Core Technology in the afternoon. You can come over and discuss the terms with them.’

‘An Liang: No problem’

‘An Liang: Does your school know that you are poaching?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Of course I don’t know!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I will definitely poach someone first, and then talk about the sponsorship fee. Once the deal is done, our school will have to hold its nose and admit it.’

‘An Liang: That’s amazing, my Wanxi! '

It's near noon, Imperial University, Comprehensive Research Building.

Zhao Wanxi came to Room 303 on the third floor, which is the studio of the carbon-based chip research and development team.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

Zhao Wanxi knocked on the door

"Please come in."A serious voice came out.

Zhao Wanxi opened the door and entered the studio. She saw Zhang Zhixiao who was checking documents, so she took the initiative to say hello,"Hello, Professor Zhang, this is Zhao Wanxi who just contacted you on the phone."

"Hello, classmate Zhao. Zhang Zhixiao put down the documents and said,"You just said you wanted to invest in our team. Is this true?""

Zhao Wanxi did not answer this question. She asked back,"Have Professor Zhang heard of Dark Core Technology Company?"

Zhang Zhixiao nodded affirmatively,"That is one of the best semiconductor companies in China."

Zhao Wanxi was slightly surprised. She didn't expect Zhang Zhixiao to have such a high opinion of dark core technology.

"Does Professor Zhang know Dark Core Technology Company?"Zhao Wanxi asked again.

Facing Zhao Wanxi's inquiry, Zhang Zhixiao hesitated for a moment before responding,"What exactly does Mr. Zhao want to know?"

"Does Professor Zhang know that Dark Core Technology is also developing carbon-based chips?"Zhao Wanxi asked.

Zhang Zhixiao denied,"I'm not sure."

"I heard that the purity of carbon nanotubes is a very important indicator in the field of carbon-based chips. Professor Zhang, you spent 13 years improving the purity of carbon nanotubes to 99.99995%, right?"Zhao Wanxi asked directly and affirmatively.

Zhang Zhixiao did not deny it. He responded,"This kind of purity is still not enough. According to our theoretical calculations, if it is to be applied in practice, it needs to be improved by at least three orders of magnitude."

Zhang Zhixiao continued to add,"However, to increase the purity of carbon nanotubes by three orders of magnitude, neither the manufacturing cost nor the experimental loss cost is something we can afford."

Zhao Wanxi responded calmly,"The carbon nanotubes currently used in dark core technology are 8 nines after the decimal point, and the ninth digit after the decimal point is the purity of 8."

"99.**%The purity?"Zhang Zhixiao was surprised.

Zhao Wanxi heard the numbers clearly, and she nodded affirmatively,"Yes, at least the experimental report of the dark core technology records such data."

"this...Unlikely?"Zhang Zhixiao said hesitantly.

"Why is it unlikely?"Zhao Wanxi asked back.

In fact, this is true!

Zhao Wanxi can check the confidential information of dark core technology. Of course she knows what purity of carbon nanotubes are used in dark core technology.

Zhang Zhixiao was silent for a moment before responding. ,"If it is carbon nanotubes of this purity, according to our theoretical estimates, combined with the current carbon nanotube manufacturing technology, their experimental costs will be very high."

"Even if Dark Core Technology has in-depth cooperation with Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, if they use 99.**%Carbon nanotubes, their research budget is at least tens of billions of dollars."Analysis by Zhang Zhixiao

"Although carbon-based chips have theoretical advantages over silicon-based chips, the future of carbon-based chips is currently unclear. Who is willing to invest tens of billions in research and development funds?"Zhang Zhixiao smiled bitterly.

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