Teito University, Room 303, Comprehensive Research Building.

Zhang Zhixiao said with a wry smile what he thought was impossible.

Faced with Zhang Zhixiao's remarks, Zhao Wanxi responded calmly,"Professor Zhang's budget is a bit conservative. Dark core technology invested more than 40 billion in research and development funds in the field of carbon-based chips in 2020.""

"Xia Guoyuan?"Zhang Zhixiao asked a little silly.

Zhao Wanxi nodded affirmatively,"Yes."

"In addition, dark core technology has passed a research and development budget for 2021, totaling 82 billion Xia Guoyuan." Zhao Wanxi added

"this..."Zhang Zhixiao couldn't help but shake his head to wake himself up. He almost thought he was dreaming!

"Classmate Zhao, are you kidding me?"Zhang Zhixiao looked at Zhao Wanxi hopefully.

Zhao Wanxi denied,"It's not a joke. If Professor Zhang doesn't believe it, we can go to Dark Core Technology to visit the specific situation in the afternoon.

Zhang Zhixiao agreed without hesitation,"No problem!" Classmate Zhao, can I bring one more person with me to visit?"

"Is it Professor Jiang Yong?" Zhao Wanxi asked back.

Jiang Yong is the core figure of Zhang Zhixiao's team. He and Zhang Zhixiao jointly form the core of carbon-based chip research and development.

Zhang Zhixiao nodded affirmatively,"Yes, I want to visit the dark core technology with Professor Jiang."

"no problem." Zhao Wanxi agreed, then raised her left wrist to check the time, and added,"It will be noon soon. Professor Zhang, please contact Professor Jiang. We will go out to eat first, and then visit the dark core technology. Zhang

Zhixiao responded,"We have lunch directly in the school cafeteria. We want to visit the dark core technology as soon as possible.""

Zhao Wanxi did not refuse,"Okay, I will first contact the controlling shareholder of Dark Core Technology and ask him to come and visit Dark Core Technology with us."

"It would be great!"Zhang Zhixiao responded.

When going to the cafeteria of Imperial University, Zhao Wanxi sent a message to An Liang to explain the situation. After finishing talking about Zhang Zhixiao's team, Zhao Wanxi sent another message.

‘Zhao Wanxi: Do you want to come over and have dinner with us at noon?’

‘An Liang: Okay, I'll be right over. '

In less than ten minutes, An Liang landed in the open-air parking lot of Imperial University in a multi-passenger flying motorcycle, and then met Zhao Wanxi, Zhang Zhixiao, and Jiang Yong at the entrance of the cafeteria.

Zhao Wanxi introduced both parties, and everyone walked into the cafeteria together, but everyone was not thinking about eating.

After only seven or eight minutes, Zhang Zhixiao finished his lunch, Jiang Yong also finished his lunch quickly, and then the two of them looked at An Liang and Zhao Wanxi.

An Liang smiled secretly. It seems that Zhang Zhixiao and Jiang Yong are very active, right?

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi chatted while eating, and it took almost ten minutes for them to finish eating.

Zhang Zhixiao immediately spoke,"Mr. An, classmate Zhao, let's go quickly. I just checked on my mobile phone. The headquarters of Dark Core Technology is in Shishan District. It's a bit far from us."

Jiang Yong seconded,"Yes. If we encounter a traffic jam when we go there, it will take more than an hour."

An Liang laughed,"Don't worry, there won't be a traffic jam."

After saying that, An Liang led Zhao Wanxi in front and led the way.

Zhang Zhixiao looked at An Liang holding Zhao Wanxi, and he felt a little enlightened. It turned out that Zhao Wanxi and An Liang were a couple, and An Liang was the controlling shareholder of Dark Core Technology. No wonder Zhao Wanxi knew about Dark Core Technology.

After a while, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi brought Zhang Zhixiao and Jiang Yong to the side of the multi-crew version of the flying motorcycle. An Liang added,"We will fly directly there, it only takes twenty minutes."

Zhang Zhixiao looked at the multi-crew version of the flying motorcycle. , he secretly sighed that it was great to have money. In such a bad traffic environment in the imperial capital, if you use a flying motorcycle as a means of transportation, you will not be affected by traffic jams at all.

In the multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle, An Liang is naturally in the driver's seat, Zhao Wanxi is in the co-pilot seat, and Zhang Zhixiao and Jiang Yong are in the back. An Liang sets the destination and then leaves it to the intelligent flight control system to drive.

On the way, Zhang Zhixiao couldn't help but ask,"Mr. An, your dark core technology is already the leading semiconductor manufacturer in China, why do you still invest high R&D expenses in the field of carbon-based chips?"

An Liang asked with a smile,"Zhang Why has the professor devoted himself to the research and development of carbon-based chips for twenty years?"

Zhang Zhixiao responded affirmatively,"Because of the blockade of silicon-based chips, and because carbon-based chips are the future development direction."

Jiang Yong seconded,"In In the field of silicon-based chips, others have already formulated the rules, stipulated the development route, and restricted everything with a framework. Players who enter the field later must play according to their rules."

Jiang Yong continued,"In the other side, We can never stand up if we set rules. If we want to break such a blockade, we can only change one field and establish our own rules."

Jiang Yong added,"Mr. An, your dark core technology lithography machine , it shouldn’t be obtained through formal channels, right? Moreover, you can only produce chips with a 7-nanometer process at most, right?"

"cough!"Zhang Zhixiao coughed deliberately to remind Jiang Yong to stop.

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