Faced with Jiang Yong's slightly over-the-top inquiry, An Liang did not deny it,"Professor Jiang overestimated us. We are currently unable to stably produce 7-nanometer chips, and can only stably produce 14-nanometer chips." At present, dark core technology has The engraving machine is a DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machine. Dark core technology does not have an EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machine, so when producing 7-nanometer chips, the yield rate is a bit scary.

Take peer Taichi Electronics as an example. Taiji Electric's yield rate at the 7nm node is as high as 92%, but the yield rate of dark core technology at the 7nm node is only 67%.

The gap between the two sides is as high as 25%!

Such a huge gap is actually caused by the gap between photolithography machines.

Taijidian's lithography machines are all the latest EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machines. This kind of lithography machine is a small test for producing 7-nanometer chips, but the use of DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machines to produce 7-nanometer chips is a breakthrough. Extreme things.

It is equivalent to a DUV lithography machine that can only produce 14-nanometer chips. It is a huge challenge to use it to produce 7-nanometer chips, both in terms of production difficulty and yield rate.

In addition, Taiji Electronics' yield rate at the 5-nanometer node has exceeded 95%, which is far ahead of dark core technology, and it is impossible for dark core technology to catch up.

Because the DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machine owned by Dark Core Technology cannot manufacture 5-nanometer node chips at all.

"The first-mover advantage in the silicon-based chip field is indeed disappointing!"An Liang sighed.

It is impossible for dark core technology to go further in the field of silicon-based chips. After all, it is impossible to achieve the first step of purchasing an EUV lithography machine. How can we chase the high-end players in front?

What a joke.!

It was precisely because the growth in the field of silicon-based chips was completely blocked and could not go any further that Anliang decided to invest in the field of carbon-based chips. Not to mention that the dark core technology only burned more than 40 billion, nor It is said that the budget for dark core technology in 2021 is only 82 billion, and Anliang’s budget for carbon-based chips is over one trillion Xia Guoyuan.

Even if the trillion-level investment is exhausted and there is no research and development results, Anliang will not give up. He will only invest another Trillions in!

Anliang will only end up in the field of carbon-based chips. Unless carbon-based chips are successfully developed, or there are other ways to replace carbon-based chips, Anliang will not look back even if he hits the south wall. He must turn south. The wall is knocked down!

"Our dark core technology has the same idea as Professor Zhang. We can no longer make inroads in the field of silicon-based chips, so we must take the path of carbon-based chips."An Liang explained

"Our purpose of contacting Professor Zhang is also very simple. After Professor Zhang and Professor Jiang visited our dark core technology, we hope that the two professors will join our R&D team."An Liang explained straightforwardly.

"Our dark core technology provides the best R&D environment, the most generous R&D budget, and salary remuneration that allows you to conduct research without any worries."An Liang made a very good offer.

Zhang Zhixiao and Jiang Yong both fell silent.

If it was really such an offer, they would certainly not be able to refuse it.

After all, Zhang Zhixiao and Jiang Yong were engaged in carbon-based chip research at Imperial University, let alone It’s hard to get a salary without worries, even a basic R&D budget. It’s past one o’clock in the afternoon.

The multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle landed at the aviation parking port at the headquarters of Dark Core Technology Company. An Liang and Zhao Wanxi took two The professor walked into the Dark Core Technology Company.

After Zhang Zhixiao and Jiang Yong entered the Dark Core Technology, Jiang Yong couldn't help but ask,"Mr. An, there seems to be something wrong with the security system of your Dark Core Technology, right? An Liang asked,"

What's the problem?""

"No one checked our situation, and we didn’t need to register our identity?"Jiang Yong asked tentatively.

An Liang responded with a smile,"Professor Jiang misunderstood. When we entered the aviation berthing port, we entered the monitoring range of the security system."

Zhao Wanxi added,"There is a 360-degree non-dead angle security monitoring system in the aviation parking port, and it is equipped with a face recognition system. Your information has long been transmitted to the security department of Dark Core Technology. The security system at the border directly recognized your information, so there was no inspection."

"In addition to the facial recognition system, our security system also has dynamic behavioral recognition. For example, if you are a gangster and you hold us hostage, you will also be recognized by the security system." Zhao Wanxi added an explanation.

Both Zhang Zhixiao and Jiang Yong looked surprised. Is the security system of Dark Core Technology so advanced?

An Liang added,"In addition to being very strict internally, our security system of Dark Core Technology is also very strict for our employees. We also attach great importance to it. For example, if Professor Zhang and Professor Jiang join our R&D team, we will arrange separate security personnel to protect you 24 hours a day to avoid threats to your personal safety."

"In addition, in the area where your family is located, we will install additional security monitoring systems and connect to the social public security monitoring system in the corresponding area to prevent your family from being threatened."An Liang added.

Zhang Zhixiao and Jiang Yong were shocked again. The security of the dark core technology has actually reached this step?

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