Facing the invitation, Hongyue Zhicong fell silent. He hesitated for a moment before saying tentatively,"I have some doubts."

The voice using a voice changer responded,"Please tell me."

Hongyue Zhicong relaxed slightly. In one breath, he originally thought that the other party would not answer his doubts, but the other party was willing to answer his doubts, which showed that the other party should have a certain degree of goodwill.

"Who are you?"Hongyue Zhicong asked straight to the point. He didn't expect to get an answer, but he could judge some answers through the other party's answers or attitude. He used a voice changer to respond,"You are a smart person, you are willing to pretend I have become a dandy, so why don’t you know who I am?"

Faced with such an answer, Hongyue Zhicong broke into a cold sweat!

The other party knew that he was pretending!

"you...Actually know...and you..."Hongyue Zhicong asked halfway.

The voice using a voice changer replied,"You want to ask, we know that you are pretending and you are enduring the humiliation, why didn't we cut the grass and remove the roots? After all, we have a proverb in summer: Cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze will grow again."

Hongyue Zhicong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the other party admitted his identity as being from Xia country without hesitation.

The voice using a voice changer continued to explain,"You are blinded by hatred. If you think about it carefully, you will understand that we are not enemies."

Hong Yue Zhicong fell silent.

"The culprit has received the punishment he deserves, and we have chosen to forgive his excessive behavior. This is our goodwill."The voice explanation using the voice changer.

Hongyue Zhicong knew what the other party meant.

When Prince Hongyue and the mathematician joined forces, they not only targeted Anliang, but also planned to target Anliang's family.

Now Anliang only targets Prince Hongyue , not against Hongyue Zhicong, but indeed forgiving Prince Hongyue’s crimes.

"Why do you want me to join you?"Hongyue Zhicong asked

"You are a smart person, you should know the answer."The voice changer is used to explain the ambiguity, because humans are more willing to believe the answers they analyze than the facts told by others.

Especially smart people like Hongyue Zhicong, he will not easily believe other people's answers.

Hong Yue Zhi Cong was silent for a few seconds, and then he responded tentatively,"You previously selected the former Chief Minister as a partner in Neon. You want me to join in, so that the former Chief Minister and I will form a situation of mutual restraint. ,Is it right?"

"Then are you willing to be our pawn?"The voice using a voice changer asked bluntly.

After all, Hongyue Zhicong only guessed the first layer of meaning, and could not guess that Anliang was planning to try to build a shadow court in Neon.

In this wave, Hongyue Zhicong is still here On the first floor, An Liang looked down at Hongyue Zhicong's poor idea from the top floor.

Hongyue Zhicong heard the other party calling him a 'chess piece', and his face changed slightly, but he finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, although the other party did Treating him as a chess piece, however, this also shows that he has use value.

As long as he has use value, he will not be easily abandoned!

A chess piece is a chess piece!

Hong Yue Zhicong sighed secretly, he had already made a choice in his heart

"What benefits do I have if I become your pawn?"Hongyue Zhicong asked for benefits straightforwardly.

He responded with a voice changer,"We have just said that we support you in building an overseas agricultural planting base. You will receive all fair treatment and it will be written into the contract."

"If you have such advantages and you are unable to complete the corresponding tasks and play your role, we will reconsider your value."The voice of the voice changer was used to add.

Hongyue Zhicong heard what the other party said, and he quickly explained,"If what you said is true and your promise can be written into the contract, I can definitely achieve the level of the former chief minister. , and contain the other party!"

"you sure?"A voice question using a voice changer

"I am sure!"Hongyue Zhicong worked hard to show his value to avoid the other party doubting him.

Because once the other party doubts him, even if the other party shows an attitude of not holding his father responsible, he knows very well that if he loses this opportunity, he will He really can only be a dandy

"Then be prepared. You can choose to come to Xia Kingdom to sign the agreement in person, or you can arrange for a close relative to come over to sign the agreement. If you choose a close relative to come over, we will provide full video conference remote support to let you understand the entire signing process and related terms.."Used a voice changer to explain.

Hongyue Zhicong responded without hesitation,"I want to go there in person!"

Hongyue Zhicong is not worried about the danger of entering Xia Kingdom, because if the other party really wants to target him, there is no need to go to such trouble. Instead, he can be dealt with when sending the letter.

"When are you going to come?"A voice question using a voice changer

"If it's convenient for you, I'm going to arrange relevant matters today and arrive in Xia Kingdom tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."Hongyue Zhicong hopes to implement this matter as soon as possible, so as to wear a talisman for himself.

"no problem!"The voice using a voice changer replied,"We are waiting for you at any time!"

"How should I contact you?"Hongyue Zhicong asked quickly.

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