Facing Hongyue Zhicong's inquiry, he used a voice changer to reply,"Still according to the contact information this time, you verify the login corresponding network address, and we will receive the information"

"OK"Hongyue Zhicong responded

"Have any other questions?"The voice using a voice changer asked.

Hongyue Zhicong hesitated for a moment, then asked inquiringly,"Is there a problem with my people?"

The meaning of this question is that when sending the letter before, did the people around Hongyue Zhicong cooperate internally and externally?

"We have not placed chess pieces around you, and your security and defense system is too backward. But don't worry, we follow the rules."The voice of the voice changer was used to respond.

Hongyue Zhicong breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately said apologetically,"I'm sorry, I apologize to you for my father's behavior, please understand."

"His Highness the Prince has paid the price. There is no grudge between us. Goodbye."Use a voice changer to say goodbye

"goodbye."Hongyue Zhicong said goodbye politely immediately.

After ending the call, Hongyue Zhicong first wrote down the Internet address, then burned the letterhead and envelope together and rushed into the sewer. After doing all this, he couldn't help but smile.

Although he was only used as a pawn by the other party to deal with the former chief minister, at least it seems that he is still valuable now, and there is no need to worry about being targeted by the other party for the time being.

Thinking of this, Tomomi Satoshi Nigokoshi immediately called Yusei Kaisumi and waited for the call to be answered. After the call, Hongyue Zhicong immediately asked,"Yusheng, how did your father's farewell gift go?"

Haicheng Yusheng responded,"Your Highness Zhicong, please rest assured that I am handling it personally at the mourning hall and there is no problem."

"I am coming over now."Hongyue Zhicong responded.

Haicheng Yousheng was shocked. He lowered his voice and asked,"Your Highness Zhicong, you..."

Hong Yue Zhi Cong interrupted Yu Sheng's inquiry,"I know what you are worried about, but there is no need to worry. I have solved all the problems. I will come over to deal with my father's farewell gift first. We will discuss the specific situation in the evening."

"OK"Haicheng Yusheng was sensible and did not ask any more questions.

In the mourning hall of Prince Hongyue, Hongyue Zhicong put on mourning clothes and personally handled the farewell gift matter. This situation made the forces who were secretly paying attention confused.

In fact, everyone knew that Hongyue The cause of the prince's death is not simple. Everyone also knows that Hong Yue Zhi Cong is reducing his sense of existence to avoid being noticed by the mastermind behind the scenes.

But now Hong Yue Zhi Cong does not seem to be worried?

This situation naturally makes the forces who are secretly paying attention to it..

It was close to five o'clock in the afternoon.

Hongyue Zhicong personally carried the coffin to Prince Hongyue for the last journey. After Prince Hongyue was buried, Prince Heyi took the initiative to find Hongyue Zhicong.

"Zhicong, what's going on now?"Prince Heyi asked.

Faced with Prince Heyi's inquiry, Hongyue Zhicong was silent for a moment before responding,"Thank you for your concern, His Highness Heyi. I just want to understand some truth. My father has left. I should Take on the responsibility of the Prince's Palace."

A cold look flashed in Prince Heyi's eyes, and he lowered his voice,"I'm worried about your safety! Zhi Cong, don’t you understand what the consequences will be if you do this?

Hongyue Zhicong pretended not to understand,"I'm sorry, Your Highness Heyi, I don't understand what you mean.""

"snort!"Prince Heyi snorted coldly. He did not ask again because he knew that Hongyue Zhicong would not tell.

However, even if Hongyue Zhicong did not say anything, Prince Heyi would investigate the situation.

Prince Heyi is the eagle in the neon royal family. Although he didn't want to avenge Prince Hongyue, he hoped to restore the glory of the Neon royal family.

Neon local time, it was close to nine o'clock in the evening; Prince Hongyue's Mansion.

Tomohiro Kaisumi and Chiba Totarō , summoned together with Nobita Asazuna, he first briefly explained that he wanted to join the overseas agricultural planting base plan.

After Nigotsu Chisong finished speaking, Kaisumi Yusei asked with doubts,"Your Highness, that overseas agricultural planting base plan yes..."

Although Hongyue Zhicong has not yet inherited the title of Prince Hongyue, the old Prince Hongyue has been buried, so Yusei Kaisheng has changed the title of Hongyue Zhicong, shortening 'His Royal Highness Zhicong' to 'His Royal Highness'.

Hongyue Zhicong interrupted Yusheng Haicheng,"I know about the overseas agricultural planting base plan. You don't need to know more details. You just need to accompany me to Xia Kingdom the day after tomorrow. We will work with Xia Kingdom Dream Future Graphene Technology Group signs cooperation agreement on overseas agricultural planting base plan"

"Hi!"Haicheng Yusheng and the other three responded in unison.

"Nobita-kun, Torataro-kun, I have something that you need to deal with."Higoshi Satoshi looked at Torotaro Chiba and Nobita Asazuna. Although Tomiso Niji got the answer that the mastermind behind the scenes did not place chess pieces around him, how could Niji Satoshi believe it?

So Tomiso Niji wanted to investigate the security around him. personnel and intelligence personnel

"Your Highness, please give me your instructions. Chiba Torataro responded.

Asazuna Nobita also responded politely,"Please give me your orders, Your Highness.""

Hongyue Zhicong briefly explained that he wanted to investigate the security personnel and intelligence personnel, but did not explain the reasons.

"I only give you one day, can you finish it?"Hongyue Zhicong looked at the two people

"certainly!"Chiba Torataro answered first.

"no problem!" Chaozuna Nobita also answered in the affirmative.

Hongyue Zhicong nodded with satisfaction.

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