In fact, Hong Yue Zhi Cong's suspicion is unnecessary, because An Liang did not place a chess piece around Hong Yue Zhi Cong. There are indeed loopholes in the security around Hong Yue Zhi Cong. The field staff of Renyi Security Company can easily deliver the letter without cooperating inside and outside. Arriving at Hong Yue Zhi Cong’s pillow.

While Hongyue Zhicong was investigating the security personnel and intelligence personnel around him, An Liang took Zhao Wanxi, Chen Siyu, Ning Ruoshuang, and Song Qian to the barbecue party organized by Yun Haiyang.

Yun Haiyang directly booked the Furious BBQ and invited members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club and related personnel to attend the barbecue party.

The three brothers An Liang and Li Cunyuan, as well as the active members of Tianshang Bai Yujing Club, were sitting at one table. Naturally, Zhao Wanxi and the others were at another table with the girls.

Lin Yili raised his glass and toasted to An Liang,"Brother Liang, let's have another drink!"

An Liang raised his glass and clinked it with Lin Yili while complaining,"Brother Yili, are you staring at me?"

An Lianghe Lin Yili has drank three glasses in a row, and now it’s his fourth glass. Although it’s just beer, beer will make you feel full, right?

In the past, An Liang always wondered whether the winner system in life could reward him with a portable space or something. If he had a portable space, wouldn't An Liang really never get drunk after a thousand cups?

However, the idea was very good, and the Life Winner System simply ignored An Liang's inquiry.

The winner system in life is good at everything, but it’s a pity that it’s dumb

"Brother Yuan, how is your layout in Leah?"After An Liang and Lin Yili had another drink, they asked Li Cunyuan casually.

Li Cunyuan responded affirmatively,"The current layout is going well. We have built a special trade zone there and established a special trade zone management committee to ensure the safety of the area." The surveillance system is also being established, and an armed security team has been formed, half of which are our own people."

"Are you so fast?"An Liang was slightly surprised.

Qian Xiaogang answered,"The main reason is that everyone is working hard to cooperate. Our group currently has 227 forces from all over the country participating, and there are talents from all walks of life, so the progress is very fast."

Yun Haiyang added,"With the cooperation of the Donghai Navy, we have almost completed the basic construction work of the air defense system and the coastal defense system. Once completed, the Donghai Navy will send the relevant equipment and it is expected to be completed within half a month.. An

Liang answered,"Dream Future Graphene Technology Group also expects to deliver the graphene reverse osmosis membrane and seawater desalination production line within half a month. Your speed is indeed very fast.""

Ye Xiangyu answered with a smile,"Brother Liang, let me tell you another piece of good news. Our original planning was a bit conservative. Now we have re-planned the first phase of overseas agricultural planting base plan, increasing it from the originally planned 3 million acres to 10 million acres, and advance the execution time of the second phase plan"

"Are you taking such big steps?"An Liang was surprised again.

Li Cunyuan sighed,"There is nothing we can do about that. After all, we have a total of 227 relevant partners here. If we only have 3 million acres of land, it will not be able to satisfy everyone's appetite, so we directly increased it to 10 million acres, and we plan to increase the total area to 30 million acres by the end of 2021.!"

"Sure enough, there is strength in numbers!"An Liang sighed.

In fact, the number of participating partners in the overseas agricultural planting base plan has exceeded 4,000. They come from the entire Xia Kingdom. A large number of forces have joined in, and naturally they need greater benefits, so the overseas agricultural planting base plan has expanded. The speed is very fast.

An Liang reminded,"There is no problem in speeding up your development, but you must pay attention to safety issues. After all, everyone knows the security environment overseas, right?"

Li Cunyuan responded affirmatively,"Brother Liang, don't worry, we all understand!""

Lin Yili seconded,"Yes, we all understand."

In fact, every interest group in the overseas agricultural planting base plan has its own trump card.

For example, the armed security team formed by Li Cunyuan and his interest group in Leah has very strong combat effectiveness because of the personnel they recruited. , come from certain fields.

This kind of operation solves the work problems of personnel in certain fields and ensures the safety of overseas agricultural planting bases. The safety of overseas agricultural planting bases is not only Anliang’s concern, but also everyone’s All partners participating in the overseas agricultural planting base plan have not relaxed in any way on safety issues.

"By the way, I would like to add something about overseas agricultural planting bases."An Liang talked about promoting Xia Guoyuan's internationalization through overseas agricultural planting bases.

"Everyone must work together on this matter!"An Liang solemnly explained.

Li Cunyuan first seconded,"No problem. Brother Liang, if you don’t tell us, we will do the same thing. Of course we all understand this kind of thing."

Except for Wu Zhengfeng, the official members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club are all from the imperial capital circle. How could these members from the imperial capital circle not understand the benefits of promoting Xia Guoyuan's internationalization?

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