On Weibo, the just-released [Actual test of Anxin Bank’s attitude towards large savings! 】It quickly became popular, and a large number of melon-eating people participated in the discussion.


The power of three thousand mana per month is boundless:

@Economist Prey: When you deposit one million, you can negotiate the interest rate on time deposits with the bank, right?


This comment has been praised by a large number of people, because this comment is made by economist Prey, who said that if you deposit one million in the bank, you can discuss the interest with the bank and get a higher annual interest rate than the listed interest. interest rate.

This statement cannot be said to be correct or incorrect, it can only be said that it is not accurate enough.

Taking Universe Bank as an example, if you just deposit one million and want to discuss interest with Universe Bank, then Universe Bank can only laugh and say nothing.

But if you deposit it in a local commercial bank, especially some local commercial banks that are short of money, there is absolutely no problem, and you can even get additional discounts.

Of course, the issue of deposit security is also worrying.

Are there fewer incidents of thunderstorms in local commercial banks?

According to the current Bank Insurance Act, if your deposit in a local commercial bank exceeds RMB 500,000, you can only receive up to RMB 500,000 in compensation.

Sometimes, you are coveting other people's interest, and others are coveting your principal!


Old Master 400MMF2.8:

Want to be a VIP of Anxin Bank even with a mere five million?

The VIP account threshold of Anxin Bank is 1 billion Xia Guoyuan, and the account funds must exceed 1 billion for at least 180 days a year, otherwise the VIP qualification will be revoked the following year.

If you want to restore your VIP status after your VIP status is cancelled, you need to have more than 1 billion in account funds and lock them for more than 365 days. The methods of locking funds include but are not limited to time deposits and investment and financial management.

In addition, Anxin Bank has wealth management products, but the threshold for wealth management products is 100 million yuan. Funds of only 5 million yuan will indeed not be taken seriously by Anxin Bank.

The last picture above is to guard against the bar!

[Screenshot of Anxin Bank’s mobile banking investment and financial management income]

I put 140 million funds in Anxin Bank, and the annual interest rate reached 4%. I easily sold a lot of financial products in an instant, and the risk rating of the financial management project was R1.

This kind of risk rating means everyone understands it, right?

As for those who talk about leverage with an annual interest rate of only 4%, let me reply in advance: If you are poor, don’t bother!


This reply quickly reached the top of the list of popular comments. After all, this comment strongly showed off wealth, showing a screenshot of 140 million funds, and also explained some of the true situation of Anxin Bank.

However, this comment also successfully misled the audience!

What was originally a discussion about Anxin Bank turned into a discussion about the old mage. Some netizens with great powers even found the old mage's account on Xiaofanshu.

As a result, a large number of users of the little fan book sent private messages to the old master, expressing their wish to arrange a private shoot with the old master.

Although the topic of Anxin Bank has been misunderstood, the majority of netizens know how cold and cold Anxin Bank really is.

After all, the VIP threshold of one billion funds and the investment threshold of 100 million funds directly eliminate 99.99% of ordinary people.

It's nearly eleven o'clock in the morning.

Avora arrived at Kongshan Tea House. After she walked into the box where An Liang was, she looked at Zhao Dongliang and the four of them with confusion.

"Mr. An, they are..."Avora took the initiative to ask.

An Liang sent a message to Apflora before, saying that he had something important to discuss with Aprolala. But when the important matter was discussed, was there anyone else present?

An Liang introduced,"They are all important members of our Heavenly Bai Yujing Club, and they are also my good friends. Let me introduce to you, this one is Mr. Zhao Dongliang, and this one is..."

An Liang introduced everyone one by one, and also introduced Avora to Zhao Dongliang and the other four.

Both Mu Dong and Zhu Chengli secretly glanced at Apflorola. It must be said that Apflorola is indeed very beautiful and has a good figure. Coupled with her height of 1.8 meters, Avroela is full of strange charm. How could Mu Dong and Zhu Chengli, two young and energetic young men, be able to withstand this?

Avora first greeted Zhao Dongliang and the others, and then asked An Liang,"Mr. An, do you have anything important to discuss?"

An Liang responded without concealment,"I want to restart the previous oil purchase plan."

"Um?"Aphrola looked at Anliang in confusion. Anliang had discussed purchasing oil with the Northern Bear Country before, but the final result was not ideal.

"I don’t understand what Mr. An means. Your Dream Future Energy Group’s fourth-generation nuclear power plant is already under construction in the Fengning area, and your Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has released aluminum-ion batteries. Logically speaking, your future focus on petroleum Will energy demand drop significantly?"Aphroela said analytically.

In fact, this is indeed the case!

Once the fourth-generation nuclear power plants and aluminum-ion batteries are promoted on a large scale, Xia's demand for petroleum energy will indeed drop significantly.

So Ah Flora didn't understand what An Liang meant. Why did he restart oil and energy trading at this time?

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