Faced with such a straightforward inquiry from Avora, Anliang did not hide anything.

"Your analysis is very correct. Based on the fourth-generation nuclear power plant and aluminum-ion battery technology, our energy structure has reached an inflection point. In the future, our demand for petroleum energy will indeed be significantly reduced."An Liang admitted.

Avrola took a sip of tea. She waited for An Liang to continue.

"Do you know the proportion of our country’s oil dependence on foreign countries?"An Liang asked back.

Avora must know!

After all, Avora's father is the minister of the Natural Resources and Ecology Department of the Northern Bear Country. How could she not know these basic data?

"Your Xia country's dependence on foreign oil should exceed 70%, right?"Aflora responded.

Although it seemed that Aflorala was asking a rhetorical question, in fact, Aflorala gave an affirmative answer.

An Liang nodded slightly,"Yes. Our country's oil dependence on foreign countries has indeed exceeded 70%, and the proportion of oil imports last year reached 73%."

"Even if fourth-generation nuclear power plants and aluminum-ion batteries are put into large-scale application in the future, and our demand for petroleum energy will drop significantly, we will not be able to completely get rid of petroleum energy. An Liang said sincerely.

Avora nodded in agreement,"Yes, even if you have fourth-generation nuclear power plants and aluminum-ion batteries, petroleum energy will still account for a very large proportion. After all, in aviation, military, shipping, etc. Fields, you all need oil.

An Liang responded with a smile,"The most important thing is the military field.""

Aphlora still hesitated,"If it's just a demand in the military field, your Xia country's self-produced oil, plus some casual purchases, can meet the demand, right?"

"Yes! An Liang still had no intention of hiding anything,"We are looking for you to buy oil. Of course there are additional conditions.""

"What additional conditions?"Aphrola asked back.

"The oil transactions between us are settled in Xia Guoyuan, including the previous agreement signed with you, and the contract is re-changed and the settlement currency is changed to Xia Guoyuan."An Liang stated the conditions.

"this..."Avora looked at Anliang in surprise,"Do you plan to challenge the dominance of the US dollar?"

"No, no, no, you are thinking too much. We are just providing more choices. After all, the Bald Eagle Federal Savings System always does some shady operations and also controls the Swift system. We do not want to be beaten by the Bald Eagle. Take total control."An Liang explained

"Do you know about the previous Bald Eagle new energy war in the US stock market?"An Liang seemed to have changed the topic.

Avora nodded,"Of course I know! You are pulling the strings behind the scenes and ruthlessly cutting off the leeks of the Bald Eagle people. Even the financial giants over there are being tricked by you. You have made a lot of money."

"Yes, we made a lot of money, but the money we made was almost impossible to get back, and it was almost restricted by the Bald Eagle's rogue use of the Swift system."An Liang explained calmly.

"this..."Aurora was shocked,"A bald eagle wouldn't do this, would it?"

"Why not? An Liang asked back,"I believe you know better than me about the disgusting things the bald eagle does, so what else can the bald eagle not dare to do?""

Aphrola was silent.

Just like An Liang said, the Northern Bear Country is targeted by bald eagles more often. Does the Northern Bear Country still know how disgusting the bald eagle is?

"If we agree to your request, how much oil are you prepared to purchase?"Aphrola tested.

An Liang responded with a smile,"It will also increase by at least 20%!"

In 2020, Xiaguo imported 542.4 million tons of oil, including 84.92 million tons from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 83.57 million tons from the Northern Bear Kingdom, and 60.12 million tons of oil from Iraq. The Bald Eagle exported to Xiaguo 19.76 million tons of oil.

If the share of the North Bear Country is increased by 20%, the purchase volume will be increased by approximately 16 million tons, thus allowing the North Bear Country's export volume to directly exceed 100 million tons, becoming the source of Xia Country's oil imports. No. 1 position.

Avora responded directly,"Not enough!"

"How many do you want?"An Liang asked back.

Avora responded without hesitation,"At least an increase of more than 50%."

An Liang looked at Aurora with a half-smile.

Aurora pretended to be tough and looked directly at An Liang.

"Didn't you just analyze that our demand for petroleum energy will drop significantly in the future? Although neither the fourth-generation nuclear power plant nor the aluminum-ion battery have officially come online at present, after they come online in the future, our country's demand for oil will indeed decrease."An Liang explained

"It is currently 2021, and it is expected that the first batch of fourth-generation nuclear power plants will come online in 2025. By then, the aluminum-ion battery production line will have already been completed. Our new energy vehicle project has also been launched, and it is expected that in 2025 , our oil import demand will drop by at least 20%, to less than 400 million tons."Anliang speaks with data

"At the same time, 2025 will be the first year of energy structure change. Starting from 2025, every year thereafter, the number of our fourth-generation nuclear power plants will increase, and the promotion scale of aluminum-ion batteries will also expand."An Liang added

"If the oil import volume in 2025 is 400 million tons, then it may be 300 million tons in 2026, and there may be only 200 million tons left in 2027. Even before 2030, our oil import volume will shrink to 100 million tons. tons to 200 million tons."An Liang added analysis

"Under such circumstances, whether it is your Northern Bear Kingdom, the Saber Kingdom, or Eric, plus some small and medium-sized suppliers, they can fully supply our needs. Who do you think we should choose?"An Liang asked back.

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