Facing An Liang's inquiry, Aurora fell silent. She secretly analyzed An Liang's words and the data listed, and finally couldn't help but sigh silently.

Because of the factors of fourth-generation nuclear power plants and aluminum-ion batteries, the situation described by Anliang will indeed occur in the future.

At present, fourth-generation nuclear power plants and aluminum-ion batteries have just begun to develop. They cannot directly affect petroleum energy for the time being, but it will only take three or four years at most before they will defeat petroleum energy.

Once the fourth-generation nuclear power plant and aluminum-ion battery technology are developed, Xia's demand for oil will drop significantly.

Just like what An Liang said, when the Xia Kingdom's demand for oil energy dropped to a low point, whether it was the North Bear Kingdom, Iraq, or the Saber Kingdom, they could all independently supply enough oil to the Xia Kingdom.

However, Xia Guo has reduced its oil purchases, which is definitely not a good thing for oil exporting countries, because oil exporting countries need to export oil to obtain economic income.

If oil cannot be sold, how will oil exporting countries develop?

"If we accept Xia Guoyuan's settlement and only increase the purchase volume by 20%, how many years of the contract can you sign?"Aflora asked tentatively.

An Liang did not answer this question directly. He looked at Zhao Dongliang,"Brother Dongliang, how many years of contract do you think we can sign?

Zhao Dongliang did not answer this question directly,"I think it should be carefully considered." After all, everything is hypothetical now. The settlement currency has not yet been determined, nor the expansion scale of the transaction. How can we determine the number of years of the contract?"

Zhang Wenming nodded in agreement,"Brother Dongliang is right!"

Mu Dong and Zhu Chengli did not participate in the conversation. Before they came, the family told them to listen more, read more and speak less. After all, silence is golden, and speaking less means making fewer mistakes. Therefore, it is naturally impossible for Mu Dong and Zhu Chengli to express their opinions. Facing

Zhao Dongliang's response, An Liang smiled and replied,"Brother Dongliang is right. Everything we are discussing now is a hypothesis. So many hypotheses have no meaning.""

"Avora, please confirm your attitude first. After you are confirmed, we will discuss the details, okay?"An Liang looked at Apflorola

"no problem! Avora agreed first, and then continued to ask,"Mr. An, will you contact Eric and the Kingdom of Shabo?""

An Liang understands what Avrola means. Avrola is asking Anliang if he will provide the same conditions to Iraq and the Saudi Kingdom, so as to select the best among the three oil exporting countries.

"Don't worry, we've only contacted you so far."An Liang said frankly.

"Unless you explicitly refuse, we will contact the other two companies."An Liang added

"After all, the Sabah Kingdom and the bald eagle wear the same pants. We would not choose the Sabah Kingdom unless we had no choice. As for Iraq, we are worried about their domestic situation. If war breaks out again, we are worried about whether they can stably supply oil."An Liang added.

Avora looked at An Liang a little surprised,"You..."

An Liang responded with a smile,"Are you wondering why I took the initiative to expose my shortcomings?"

From Avora's point of view, since An Liang was worried about Eric's situation and did not want to choose the Kingdom of Shabo, which had a good relationship with the bald eagle, then The only option is the Northern Bear Country, right?

Under such circumstances, isn't he worried that the Northern Bear Country will take the opportunity to raise its demands?

"Your three major energy exporting countries are only our first choice. If we cannot select a suitable partner among your three major energy exporting countries, we can also consider some small energy exporting countries."An Liang explained

"Our small and medium-sized energy suppliers around the world can provide more than 200 million tons of oil every year, and they can fully meet our country's oil needs."An Liang explained the reason.

"In addition, they are smaller and more receptive to our conditions."An Liang added.

Afrola smiled helplessly. The situation was exactly as An Liang said. Even if all three of the largest oil supply countries were in trouble, there would still be alternatives.

"I will have a good communication with my father."Aphrola explained,"However, I cannot guarantee the result. An Liang nodded slightly,"

I believe that His Majesty the Great Emperor can make the right choice." After all, the current global situation is treacherous and the tentacles of the bald eagle are constantly expanding. It is suitable for us and you to stay together and fight against the bald eagle together."

"really!"Aphrola did not deny

"I'm leaving now and will contact you after I have the results."Aphrola stood up.

An Liang invited her to stay,"Let's have dinner together at noon?"

Mu Dong and Zhu Chengli secretly praised An Liang, and they also hoped that Apflora would stay and have dinner together.

Aprolala waved her hands,"I have an appointment with my best friend for dinner at noon. I won't disturb you and your brothers when they get together. Got it"

"OK! An Liang waved his hand,"I won't send it to you, lest Brother Dongliang sue me. He is my uncle.""

Aflora didn't show any surprise, because she knew the relationship between An Liang and Zhao Wanxi. She just waved her hand,"See you later!"

After Avora left, Zhao Dongliang responded,"Anliang, I'm not a talkative person! An

Liang said half-jokingly and half-seriously,"Aflora's father is the minister of the Natural Resources and Ecology Department of the Northern Bear Country. Do you understand?""

Whether it is An Liang or Zhao Dongliang, they are not suitable for having too in-depth contact with Apflora!

Especially the four Zhao Dongliangs, they have no chance of having any contact with Avrola. On the contrary, An Liang still managed to retain it. A possible.

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