An Liang continued to reply messages to Li Cunyuan

‘An Liang: Brother Yuan, if you throw the blame away like this, does Brother Gangzi know?’

‘Li Cunyuan: I don’t know yet!’

‘Li Cunyuan: However, I think Brother Gangzi will definitely be willing.’

‘An Liang: Why do I remember Brother Gangzi said before that he and Liu Neng would form a team during the winter vacation?’

‘Li Cunyuan: Isn’t this a change of plan?’

‘An Liang: Let me recommend two more laborers to you.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Who else?’

‘An Liang: Mu Dong from the Mu family and Zhu Chengli from the Zhu family are on vacation soon, and they are both the third-generation leaders of their families. In addition, Mu Dong is 18 years old, and Zhu Chengli is 17 years old. It’s just a good time to train them in doing things. Ability’

‘Li Cunyuan: Damn it!’

‘Li Cunyuan: As expected of you!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang, doesn’t your conscience hurt?’

‘Li Cunyuan: I can already imagine the painful expressions on Mu Dong and Zhu Chengli!’

‘An Liang: Why should I feel guilty?’

‘An Liang: Isn’t it because of you, Li Cunyuan??’

‘Li Cunyuan:? ? ?’

‘Li Cunyuan: I have taken a screenshot!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang, throwing the pot away is not like this.’

‘An Liang: Brother Yuan, either you can take the lead yourself, or you can take charge of the overall situation and let Brother Gangzi lead the two younger brothers.’

‘Li Cunyuan: A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist!’

‘Li Cunyuan: I will give my old man a break tomorrow and let him tell the Mu family and the Zhu family that one of the two little brothers is an adult and the other will be an adult soon. They just need some exercise.’

‘An Liang: Okay!’

‘Li Cunyuan: I’m going to run away now. I’ll go home early today and get up early tomorrow.’

‘An Liang: OK! After the two of them finished their exchange ,

Zhao Wanxi sighed and said,"This guy Li Cunyuan is indeed a human being!""

"Most of the guys in our club are smart people. Even those who are a little stupid have learned to be smart now, right?"An Liang sighed

"really."Zhao Wanxi seconded the motion.

Zhao Wanxi knew very well that Li Cunyuan must have understood what An Liang meant by proactively recommending Mu Dong and Zhu Chengli, so Li Cunyuan agreed and showed his intention to actively ask the other party to participate.

Under such circumstances, The Mu family and the Zhu family owed a favor to Li Cunyuan's family.

It can only be said that Li Cunyuan is really not a simple guy!

The next day, at seven o'clock in the morning. An Liang and Zhao Wanxi were still sleeping, and Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang had already gotten up. It's Sunday, but both Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang have to go to school.

Chen Siyu naturally has to practice piano, while Ning Ruoshuang has to go to the Better Tomorrow Dance Studio to coach the art candidates.

At Li Cunyuan's house, Li Cunyuan's father Li Honghu After checking the message that Li Cunyuan sent in the early morning, he smiled and took the initiative to contact the Mu family and the Zhu family to explain the corresponding matters. Of course, everyone was happy in the end result!

The only one with a headache should be Qian Xiaogang.

Qian Xiaogang has been busy with the final exams recently. After all, Qian Xiaogang is a student of both 985 and 211 first-class universities. Their final exams are relatively difficult, and Qian Xiaogang doesn’t want to fail.

When Qian Xiaogang got up early, he saw Li Cunyuan in the early morning Qian Xiaogang's whole body went numb after the message he sent!

Qian Xiaogang originally planned to form a team with his younger brother Liu Neng during the winter vacation, but Li Cunyuan threw such a big pot here, how could Qian Xiaogang afford it?

Qian Xiaogang called Li Cunyuan directly, but failed to get through after three consecutive calls. He naturally understood that Li Cunyuan was probably fooling around in the nightclub yesterday.

Qian Xiaogang called An Liang again.

This time he finally got through.

"Brother Liang, do you know what happened to Brother Yuan? Qian Xiaogang asked.

An Liang immediately said with certainty,"You know, about the ultra-small charging station, right?""

"Brother Yuan is poisonous! He just threw the pot at me, and I felt numb all over!"Qian Xiaogang complained

"Mainly because he is Brother Gangzi’s professional counterpart!"An Liang teased

"no...Liang Ge...My major is mechanical engineering, focusing on robotics, okay? Qian Xiaogang complained,"Shouldn't we ask someone with a major in electrical engineering to deal with ultra-small charging stations?""

"There is no such top student in the circle. Brother Gangzi, you have taken the blame, but don’t worry, we have arranged for Mu Dong and Zhu Chengli to assist you. You can use them as you please!"An Liang said jokingly.

Qian Xiaogang is also a smart man. He figured out the cause and effect immediately,"I understand! Are these two little guys here to exercise?"

"right!"An Liang didn't hide anything.

"That works! I'll find a few senior brothers and sisters here to join in, and with the addition of their two younger brothers, I'll feel relaxed!"Qian Xiaogang quickly found a solution.

"Right, this kind of thing is very simple!"An Liang responded.

Just now Qian Xiaogang just got into trouble for a while. For such a professional matter, there must be professionals to do the design and location selection. Why does Qian Xiaogang need to be personally involved?

Even if it is some trivial things, then It’s also about Mu Dong and Zhu Chengli!

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