Mu family.

A quarter past seven in the morning.

Mu Dong had just returned from his morning jog and walked into the restaurant to have breakfast.

His father Mu Sen said,"Winter vacation is about to begin, and I have something for you."

Mu Dong looked at Mu Sen in confusion.

"Do you know Li Cunyuan? Mu Sen asked.

Mu Dong nodded affirmatively,"I know him.""

"Li Cunyuan is currently working on an ultra-small charging station project. Our family has a 10% share. You can follow him and learn how to do it."Musen explained the situation.

Mudong was secretly happy. He liked to play with Li Cunyuan, mainly because Li Cunyuan often went to nightclubs. After all, an eighteen-year-old boy, who can refuse a nightclub?

However, Musen saw through Mudong's thoughts. ,"I said hello to Li Cunyuan. You used to really do things. I told him not to be polite and arrange for you to do whatever you want." Mu

Dong looked at Mu Sen speechlessly.

Mu Sen continued to add,"Zhu Chengli will also go with you, and you two will help each other.""

"knew!"Mu Dong suddenly sympathized with Zhu Chengli.

At least Mu Dong is an adult after all?

On the other side, Hongyue Zhicong woke up from a hangover. He opened his eyes in a daze and found that it was an unfamiliar environment. His heart suddenly tightened, but then he thought about the relationship with Zhu Chengli. An Liang signed the cooperation agreement, and he felt a little relieved.

After a brief wash, Hoshigotsu summoned Yusei Kaisumi to ask about what happened after he was drunk yesterday.

After Yusei Kaizumi's explanation, Hoshigoshitoshi breathed a sigh of relief. , at least he didn’t lose his temper after drinking.

"Yusei, please inform Tora Taro, let’s go out for a walk together and see the early morning in the Xia Kingdom’s imperial capital."Hongyue Zhicong ordered

"Hi~" Yusei Kaisumi responded in the affirmative.

Less than ten minutes later, Tomiso Nijigotsu went out with Yusei Kaisumi and Torataro Chiba. The early morning in the imperial capital was full of congestion!

Tomiso Nijigotsu and his party took the Mercedes-Benz provided by the hotel The S450L was stuck on the road just after leaving the hotel.

The traffic jam in the imperial capital during the morning rush hour was very serious.

For almost a quarter of an hour, there was basically no movement in the Mercedes-Benz S450L driven by Hongyue Zhicong. 100 meters?

Hongyue Zhicong felt a little speechless, because the traffic jam in the imperial capital was almost the same as that in Kyoto in winter. This kind of traffic jam felt really uncomfortable.

As for the comments on the Internet that there are no traffic jams in Winter Kyoto, that is definitely funny.

Like many People say that the Neon streets are very clean and there is basically no garbage, but that is just propaganda from the Neon Ministry of Foreign Affairs. No one really believes it, right?

In the Internet world, a large number of articles are touting the traffic in Kyoto in winter, and they all say that winter is The population density of Kyoto is five times that of the imperial capital, and the number of cars is also higher. Why are there no traffic jams in Kyoto in winter?

There are even articles touting the urban transportation in Kyoto in winter as the"Miracle of Winter Jing", which is worth learning from people all over the world.

Anyone with this Ninety-nine percent of the people who make such remarks have never been to Neon Winter Kyoto, and the remaining 1% who have been there must have ulterior motives for making such remarks. Are there no traffic jams in Winter Kyoto?

Take the central line as an example. , going to Hachioji City through the central line, it is common to drive for more than 10 kilometers for 1 to 2 hours, and there are traffic jams almost every day.

As for passing the Tomei Expressway, from Yokohama to Ebina, it is only 10 kilometers away. It is normal to be stuck in traffic jams for an hour or two every day.

If you have never been to Winter Kyoto, and you feel that various articles on the Internet touting the traffic in Winter Kyoto are very reasonable, and you feel that traffic jams in Winter Kyoto are impossible, then take a look at Google Maps!

Is there no traffic situation on Google Maps?

At five o'clock in summer time, neon time is six o'clock. Look at the traffic situation in Kyoto in neon winter on Google Maps. It's not just a large section of red congestion marks. ?

The truth is often that simple!

There are no traffic jams in Winter Kyoto, it’s just some stupid or bad guys who are promoting the superiority of neon.

Honggoe Tomato, a native of Winter Kyoto, feels that the traffic jams in Winter Kyoto are so frustrating, right?

"Huh?"Hong Yue Zhicong saw a luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle flying past through the skylight, completely ignoring the congested traffic, and an idea flashed in his mind.

‘In such a congested situation, commuting by flight is indeed the best way! Hongyue Zhicong sighed in his heart.

Ground transportation is subject to too many restrictions, but air flight is different. Even if air flight is controlled by law, it is still much more convenient than ground transportation.

Hongyue Zhicong spoke in neon language,"Yusheng, do you know about flying motorcycles?"

Yusheng Haicheng responded affirmatively,"I know, it is also a product of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and it is currently only sold in Xia Kingdom."

Hong Yue Zhi Cong smiled,"Perhaps we can discuss with Mr. An to sell the flying motorcycle to Neon. I believe that the flying motorcycle will be a big seller in Neon!"

Haicheng Yusheng hesitated, he knew better than Hong Yue Zhi Cong Flying motorcycles, if you want to sell flying motorcycles to Neon, the first issue is the management bill.

Secondly, according to the regional discrimination strategy of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, whether the other party is willing to sell flying motorcycles to Neon is still a big question!

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