Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is a standard old evil dragon, with various regional discrimination and seed discrimination sales strategies one after another.

Yusei Kaisheng is indeed worried about the attitude of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, Hongyue Zhicong was sitting in a breakfast shop and contacted An Liang.

After waiting for the call to be connected, Hongyue Zhicong took the lead and greeted in neon language,"Mr. An, good morning."

An Liang responded in neon language in response,"What's the matter?"

"This morning, I took a ride...."Hongyue Zhicong quickly explained the situation of seeing the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle in the morning, and then added a question,"Mr. An, we hope to introduce such an excellent means of transportation to Neon. Is it okay?"

An Liang laughed. ,"Do you know their prices?"

Hongyue Zhicong responded affirmatively,"I know. The luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle is priced at 9.98 million Xia Guoyuan, and only provides a bulletproof one based on ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramics. Air guide hood optional set, the optional price is 5 million Xia Guoyuan"

"There is also a multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle. The basic version is priced at 11.88 million Xia Guoyuan. It also provides two long-range endurance plans. I have seen the introduction information on your official website."Hongyue Zhicong explained.

In fact, the multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle also provides a ballistic wind deflector based on ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramics, and it also only costs 5 million Xia Guoyuan.

An Liang replied with a smile,"You should be checking the Xia Guo area. The official website, the sales prices and after-sales terms, are all for the Xiaguo region."

Hongyue Zhicong naturally understands what An Liang means. After all, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has a good reputation. Differential treatment according to regions is the standard routine of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

This is the bald eagle who knows best!

After all, the bald eagle is known as Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Graphene Technology Group has been targeting its lighthouse helmet sales strategy for a long time, but the key is that it has not found a way to counter it.

However, the matter of differentiating treatment by region is not the exclusive performance of Dreaming of the Future Graphene Technology Group, with Sansan Group As an example, Sansang Group's products had after-sales problems and were recalled for markets all over the world except Xiaguo.

This is a typical regional discrimination!

Let's take Lexus as an example. The products it launched in Bald Eagle and Maple Leaf Village are different from those in the Xiaguo market. The products launched by Xia Kingdom are completely different things. The regional discrimination and seed discrimination against Xia Kingdom are written on their faces.

However, even so, Lei Che Lexus is still popular in Xia Kingdom, and there are still a lot of deaths. Loyal fans praise the Lexus in various ways, from fuel economy to good quality, from stability to value preservation.

So what’s wrong with being an old evil dragon?

Even in areas where it is discriminated against, doesn’t it still feel really good?

"Mr. An, we hope to introduce your excellent products."Hongyue Zhicong said sincerely, thus showing that he gave up resistance and allowed Anliang to raise the price.

Anliang did not deliberately make things difficult for Hongyue Zhicong. He asked,"If you introduce flying motorcycles, will your Neon legal support be there?"

Currently, the Xia Kingdom's Flying Motorcycle Management Act is becoming more and more complete.

Taking the Imperial Capital as an example, according to the current Flying Motorcycle Management Act, only L1 and L0 level pilot licenses are allowed to drive flying motorcycles relatively freely within the six lanes of the Imperial Capital Circle.

From L2 to L5 are not allowed to manually drive flying motorcycles within the six lanes of the Imperial City Circle. They are only allowed to hand over the control of flying motorcycles to the intelligent flight control system. The intelligent flight control system of the third generation flying motorcycle is very advanced and not only has ultra-high precision It has excellent image recognition and obstacle avoidance capabilities, as well as excellent positioning capabilities and logical judgment capabilities.

With these excellent capabilities, the intelligent flight control system of the luxury version of the third-generation flight fully meets daily traffic needs and naturally does not require driver control..

Taking the L5 level flight license as an example, if the driver's age is 80 years or older, he will be forced to be issued a flight license of this level.

In addition, anyone who has conducted one hour of flight training at the flight training center can obtain this level. A level flight license.

However, the L5 level flight license is almost equivalent to fully automatic driving. Except for very limited fine-tuning during landing, other manual operations are not allowed.

Such intelligent automatic driving The system inevitably brings about a problem.

That is, the detection system of the flying motorcycle is very advanced. Whether it is an optical detection system based on a depth-of-field camera or a detection system based on millimeter waves and lidar, they are all very advanced.

Advanced detection The system allows flying motorcycles to accurately survey and map map information, and the accuracy of surveying and mapping is very high.

Currently, the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has accurate map information of the Imperial City. If not for the security work of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, which was handed over to the national security investigation Bureau, I am afraid that it will be difficult to implement the flying motorcycle project in the imperial capital.

Therefore, in view of this situation, if Hongyue Zhicong wants to introduce flying motorcycles to Neon, it really needs Neon’s legal support.

Faced with the questions raised by An Liang, Hongyue Zhicong Cong responded affirmatively,"If it’s a legal issue, I can solve it!"

Hongyue Zhicong is not an ordinary import and export trader....

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