‘An Liang: Lao Huang, I’ll leave this matter to you.’

‘An Liang: You don’t need to give me the quotation for the military version of the flying motorcycle. You can just keep it yourself.’

‘An Liang: You can report our cooperation with the Northern Bear Country this time, because a professional negotiation team will be needed in the follow-up. '

In this cooperation, Anliang only plays a probing role.

Whether it is the Xia Kingdom or the North Bear Kingdom, both sides have chosen a tentative attitude. If there is any unhappiness, it will only be between Anliang and Aphurora, and the impact will not be further expanded.

Now that Anliang and Afrola have reached a preliminary agreement, both parties have confirmed their intention to cooperate. The subsequent more detailed cooperation agreement will naturally require the negotiation teams of both parties.

Avrola also said before that they would arrange a negotiation team to come over soon. Naturally, An Liang had to inform Huang Guoxiang to prepare the negotiation team.

‘Huang Guoxiang: Okay’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I will arrange everything here’

‘Huang Guoxiang: By the way, will you arrange for anyone to participate in this negotiation?’

‘An Liang:?’

‘An Liang: Why are we participating?’

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, I regard you as a friend, why are you digging a hole for me?’

‘An Liang: I worked so hard to help you arrange the scene where the hero saves the beauty, and you just put it aside to make trouble for me?’

‘Huang Guoxiang:? ? ?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: According to the status of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Dream Future Energy Group in the energy field, it is normal for you to participate in negotiations, right?’

‘An Liang: Go, go, go!’

‘An Liang: Stop making trouble here!’

‘An Liang: Your detailed negotiations with the Northern Bear Country have nothing to do with us.’

‘An Liang: However, the North Bear Country hopes to expand its trading volume. You should control this yourself.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I am not involved in these matters. Anyway, experts are taking the trouble’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Let’s talk about the hero saving the beauty at night’

‘Huang Guoxiang: What time should I send her back at night?’

‘An Liang: It’s better to be later’

‘An Liang: It’s too early after all, there are a lot of people over there’

‘An Liang: After ten o'clock in the evening, this time is very reasonable’

‘An Liang: Logically speaking, if you haven’t gone home after ten o’clock in the evening, it’s normal for there to be a thief at home, right?’

‘Huang Guoxiang:...’

Is it normal?

Huang Guoxiang is speechless!

But An Liang is right, it’s best to do it later. After all, at eight o’clock in the evening, there are a lot of passers-by around, and it does seem abnormal for thieves to break into the house.

‘Huang Guoxiang: I try to delay as much time as possible’

‘An Liang: Don’t worry!’

‘An Liang: We’ll make arrangements here at nine o’clock in the evening.’

‘An Liang: If you take Xiao Tao to dinner and then watch a movie, it will naturally be around ten o'clock in the evening. If you then say you will send her home, everything will fall into place.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Okay. After the two ended their exchange ,

An Liang and Qin Tianxiang confirmed the hero's plan to save the United States, thus ensuring that Huang Guoxiang's hero's rescue of the United States was no accident.

After all, Huang is about to turn fifty and is still single. Is it easy for him?

It was nearly six o'clock in the evening.

Projection equipment has been installed in the living room of Room 8806 of Yunjing International, and An Liang is sending a message to Zhao Wanxi.

‘An Liang: Is school over?’

‘An Liang: Come to Yunjing International 8806 after school’

‘Zhao Wanxi:?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: get out of class ends at 6:30 today’

‘Zhao Wanxi: What's the matter?’

‘An Liang: Come and watch the fun!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Are you watching the fun?’

‘An Liang: You’ll know when you come here’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Okay, I’ll come over after school later.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I want to come over for dinner. I want to eat bacon-wrapped pig’s feet in bamboo tubes.’

‘An Liang: Okay, I'll let Yunjing International make arrangements right away. '

An Liang first contacted Yunjing International's housekeeping service and asked Yunjing International to make a bamboo tube waxed pig's trotters. Then he sent messages to Chen Siyu, Zhao Wanxi, and Song Qian, asking them to come over at night to watch the fun.

Song Qian was the first to reply to the message, saying she would come over after a while.

It took more than ten minutes for Ning Ruoshuang to reply to the message, saying she would be back before seven o'clock.

Chen Siyu finally replied to the message. An Liang guessed that the big cat in the imperial capital was just practicing the piano?

‘Chen Siyu: What’s so exciting?’

‘Chen Siyu: What time does it start?’

‘Chen Siyu: Teacher Sun has been staying away from school. It’s so difficult for me!’

‘An Liang: Then I call Teacher Sun to ask for leave?’

‘Chen Siyu: Forget it, forget it, it should be over soon, I’ll just keep holding on.’

‘Chen Siyu: Master An, what exactly are we going to see?’

‘An Liang: You’ll know when you come’

‘An Liang: This lively show should only start after nine o'clock in the evening. We have enough time.’

‘Chen Siyu: Then I’ll be relieved! The so-called" lively" is naturally the story of Huang Guoxiang's hero saving the beauty.

Because An Liang was behind the scenes, and even the 'thieves' who broke into the house were security personnel arranged by Renyi Security Company, and naturally wore hidden cameras, so of course An Liang wanted to watch the fun!

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