At around eight o'clock in the evening, in the living room of Room 8806 of Yunjing International Apartment, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi, Chen Siyu, Ning Ruoshuang, and Song Qian were eating hot pot.

The butler service at Yunjing International is very good. Whether it's hot pot or bamboo-cured pig's feet, everything is properly arranged.

The five of them were eating hot pot while paying attention to the information on the projection screen.

At about 8:40, a video picture appeared on the projection screen. The video picture was from the old alley where Tao Yanni lived.

Qu Zhengang, codenamed Zhuque Three, plays the role of 'thief' this time

"Test test."Qu Zhengang's voice came from the speaker.

An Liang was wearing a wireless headset in his left ear. He responded affirmatively,"The image is normal, the sound is normal, and the test passed."

"Start the hero rescue plan!"An Liang ordered

"receive."Suzaku Sanqu Zhenggang replied

"receive."The No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation replied.

The No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation will provide remote support, including blocking social public security monitoring systems, locking the target mobile phone signal location, and even providing target route predictions, etc.

With the No. 4 Divine Calculation reply, the projector's The screen is divided into two.

One half shows the scene of the old alley, and the other half shows the map information of the Imperial City.

There is a green light spot in the map information of the Imperial City. This light spot stays in the SKP shopping mall. It is the signal location of Tao Yanni's mobile phone..

An Liang took the initiative to introduce the situation, and then added,"It seems that Lao Huang and Xiao Tao had dinner at SKP before, and they should be watching a movie now.

Zhao Wanxi smiled and said,"Does Uncle Huang know that he was broadcast live?"

An Liang denied,"Of course I don't know!""

"However, I believe that even if Lao Huang knew it, he wouldn't care."An Liang said jokingly

"Is it easy for Huang, who is about to turn 50, to have a hero's chance to save his beauty?"An Liang added

"Lao Huang also wants sweet love!"An Liang smirked.

Whether it was Zhao Wanxi or Chen Siyu, they all couldn't help laughing. It was almost nine fifty in the evening.

Yunjing International's butler service had already cleaned up the mess in Room 8806, and An Liang and Zhao Wanxi and the other four began to watch the excitement seriously, because the green light spots on the projection screen had begun to move.

"The target has started to move, get ready for action!"An Liang ordered

"receive."Zhuque Sanqu responded vigorously. He had lurked into the small single room that Tao Yanni rented, and created a burglary scene where he rummaged through boxes and cabinets.

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation has begun to control the social public security monitoring system to avoid unnecessary troubles.

Almost. A quarter of an hour later, the green light came to the entrance of the old alley.

Under the night, Huang Guoxiang led Tao Yanni to the entrance of the old alley. He was a little nervous, fearing that the hero's plan to save the beauty would go wrong.

In fact, caring leads to chaos!

Huang Guoxiang again It's not that he doesn't know the strength of Renyi Security Company, but because this hero's action to save the beauty is related to Huang Guoxiang himself, Huang Guoxiang is worried about an accident in the arrangements of Renyi Security Company.

At the entrance of the old alley, Huang Guoxiang and Tao Yanni did not speak, and the two continued While walking, Tao Yanni was actually a little uneasy at this time. She was worried about what she would do if Huang Guoxiang asked to come in and take a sip of water.

Fortunately, at the door of the courtyard where Tao Yanni rented a small single room, Huang Guoxiang took the initiative and said,"It's getting late. , Xiao Tao, you go to bed early. Tao

Yanni breathed a sigh of relief and nodded affirmatively,"Okay, uncle, I'm going back first. I have to go to work tomorrow.""

"Um."Huang Guoxiang nodded slightly.

Tao Yanni took the initiative to hug Huang Guoxiang, then turned and walked into the yard.

Huang Guoxiang looked at Tao Yanni's back. After Tao Yanni walked into the door, Huang Guoxiang left very cautiously, so that the security monitoring system could record his departure. Situation.

After all, according to normal logic, Huang Guoxiang should really leave when Tao Yanni entered the house.

You can't wait forever, right?

Doesn't that mean that Huang Guoxiang predicted that there was a thief in Tao Yanni's home?

Although Huang Guoxiang turned around and left, he was always alert to the situation, because According to the plan, Tao Yanni should soon find the 'thief' who broke into the house and scream.

In fact, it was the same!

As soon as Tao Yanni entered the house, she noticed something unusual. When she saw the 'thief', she immediately screamed, And turned around to run away.

After Huang Guoxiang heard Tao Yanni's scream, he immediately turned around and ran into the yard, and happened to meet Tao Yanni who came out.

"Xiaotao, what's wrong? Huang Guoxiang hugged Tao Yanni in his arms.

Tao Yanni said in panic,"There is someone inside!""

Huang Guoxiang immediately pulled Tao Yanni behind him in detail, and then responded,"You report the crime immediately, and I'll go in and take a look."

"Don't go in, uncle, we'll report the crime directly."Although Tao Yanni was panicked, she did not lose her mind, so she persuaded Huang Guoxiang who was about to enter the room.

The conversation between Huang Guoxiang and Tao Yanni at the door was transmitted intact to the live broadcast of Yunjing International.

However, the plot seemed to have deviated. Did you know the setting of the script?

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