According to the script set by An Liang, when Tao Yanni discovered the 'thief' who had broken into the room, and Huang Guoxiang rescued Tao Yanni, he should have rushed in to fight the 'thief', so that a hero would come to save the beauty.

In the end, who knew that Tao Yanni was so sensible that she actually prevented Huang Guoxiang from entering the room.

After Tao Yanni stopped Huang Guoxiang, she took out her mobile phone to report the crime. Huang Guoxiang cooperatively stared at the door to prevent the 'thief' from rushing out.

Faced with such an accident, Huang Guoxiang's eyes flashed with anxiety.

Zhao Wanxi, who was watching the live broadcast, praised,"The way Tao Yanni handled this is very good."

Chen Siyu seconded,"I don't think we should rush in to avoid accidents."

An Liang answered helplessly,"Then Lao Huang There is no such thing as a perfect performance of a hero saving a beauty, right?"

Qu Zhengang, codenamed Zhuque III, lowered his voice in the room and asked through the wireless headset,"HQ, the action is abnormal, please give instructions."

An Liang pressed the wireless headset on his left ear. , and then ordered,"Get ready to rush out, and then execute according to the plan.""

"Received, will remain silent. Qu Zhengang responded.

After Qu Zhengang replied, he took off the wireless earphones to avoid exposing his flaws. After putting the wireless earphones away, he rushed out from the front door as if he was in a hurry to seek medical treatment. When

Qu Zhengang When he rushed out, Huang Guoxiang took the initiative to greet him and reminded him,"Xiao Tao, stay away."

Tao Yanni looked at Huang Guoxiang worriedly. She originally thought that if the 'robbers' who broke into the house rushed out, they would get out of the way. Anyway, they had already reported the crime and left the rest of the work to the patrol.

But Huang Guoxiang actually greeted him directly. Go up?

In fact, when Huang Guoxiang went up to meet him, he had already recognized Qu Zhengang's identity.

The identities of all the members of the Suzaku Team of Renyi Security Company have long been exposed. The National Security Investigation Bureau has the detailed identities of everyone in the Suzaku Team. Huang Guoxiang certainly knows Qu Zhengang's identity. Zhengang’s identity.

After the two made simple eye contact, they began to grapple together in a decent manner. In less than a minute, Qu Zhengang was subdued by Huang Guoxiang.

"Xiaotao, do you have any rope at home?"Huang Guoxiang asked inquiringly.

Tao Yanni looked at Huang Guoxiang a little blankly. The bloody fight she imagined did not appear. In less than a minute, Huang Guoxiang had easily subdued the 'thief' who broke into the house. Until

Huang Guoxiang asked. , Tao Yanni suddenly responded,"Yes, uncle, just wait, I'll get it right away.

After a while, Tao Yanni took out two belts and a belt. She showed these things to Huang Guoxiang for inspection,"Uncle, can you look at these?""

Huang Guoxiang took a look at what Tao Yanni showed. The two small belts looked unreliable at first glance. In the end, he chose a nylon belt. He used the nylon belt to tie Qu Zhengang's arms back.

When Huang Guoxiang Less than three minutes after Qu Zhengang was tied up, three patrol officers walked into the yard, and one of them took the initiative to ask,"What is going on? Who reported the case? Tao Yanni responded immediately,"

Hello, comrade patrol, I reported the case.""

"This man was a thief. When I came home, he was rummaging through things in my house and was caught by my boyfriend."Tao Yanni's answer was very clever. She first directly characterized Qu Zhengang as a thief and explained why he tied up Qu Zhengang.

An Liang, who was watching the live broadcast, secretly gave Tao Yanni a like.

Zhao Wanxi paid attention to another point," It seems that Uncle Huang is going to get his wish!"

Chen Siyu agreed,"Yes, this young lady just said that Uncle Huang is her boyfriend."

"Then our hero's plan to save the beauty was successful!"An Liang responded with a smile.

This heroic rescue plan was originally designed to allow Huang Guoxiang to embrace the beauty.

Judging from Tao Yanni's performance, this plan has been successful. At least Tao Yanni openly admitted that Huang Guoxiang was her boyfriend in front of the patrol. Friend.

Tao Yanni has always said that Huang Guoxiang is just a suitor.

Huang Guoxiang naturally discovered such details. He responded with a smile,"Comrade patrol, the situation is probably the same as what my girlfriend said. We need to do this together. Transcript?"

The leader of the patrol responded in denial,"It's not needed at the moment. We will record your information. If we need you to cooperate with the investigation later, we will contact you again."

"In addition, you should inventory the losses. You can come to the patrol room at any time to register relevant loss records."The patrol officer added

"OK"Huang Guoxiang agreed. He knew very well that the three patrol officers must have been communicated by Renyi Security Company in advance, otherwise it would be impossible to handle the problem so simply.

In fact, this is also true!

Renyi Security Company arranged it very properly, forming a perfect Close the loop to prevent mistakes.

After the three police officers took Qu Zhengang away, Huang Guoxiang accompanied Tao Yanni into the room, and then found the room that had been turned into a mess.

Huang Guoxiang asked with concern,"Xiao Tao, look at it quickly We'll see what the damage is, and we'll go to the patrol station later to talk about the situation. Tao

Yanni responded with a smile,"I don't have any valuables at home. This thief chose the wrong target!""

"That is not bad! Huang Guoxiang breathed a sigh of relief,"Let's clean up first.""

Tao Yanni looked at Huang Guoxiang who was already busy. She hesitated for a moment, but finally did not refuse Huang Guoxiang's kindness.

On the other side, in Yunjing International Apartment, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi and their group finished watching the excitement, and the Winner of Life System just sent out a prompt

‘Ding! '

An Liang immediately checked the prompt information sent by the Life Winner System in his mind. He raised his eyebrows, but he did it unintentionally?

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