Computing resources are the most important resources in the Internet world!

For computer experts and hackers, without computing resources, it is impossible to make a meal without rice.

So what if the technology is high?

You can’t hack a supercomputer with a laptop, right?

Sir, times have changed!

Now is the era of 2021. The plot of laptops invading supercomputers can only appear in film and television works, and it is absolutely impossible to exist in the real world.

No matter how powerful the technology is, it also requires the support of computing resources.

Just like mobile phone systems, although mobile phone systems are becoming more and more advanced, the demand for hardware is also getting higher and higher.

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan considered it for a while before replying to the message.

‘No. 4: Of course, the more computing resources, the better.’

‘No. 4: Point-to-point homomorphic encryption is very difficult. When we don’t have the key, the only way is to force a hard break.’

‘No. 4: It seems that there is not much information in point-to-point homomorphic encryption this time. If we have enough computing resources, maybe we can really break it out by force.’

‘Number Zero: Wait a minute, I'll get you a supercomputer. '

For ordinary people or hackers, it is very difficult to get a supercomputer.

Even if you get it, it's inconvenient to use.

After all, most supercomputers have computing tasks. How to secretly use supercomputers without being discovered is a huge problem.

But for Anliang, these problems do not exist.

Because Anliang can use supercomputers openly!

Confidential group of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club.

Anliang releases all information directly

‘An Liang: @Everyone: Can anyone get the computing resources of a supercomputer?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: @安梁: Choose me, choose me!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Brother Liang, I can do it!’

‘An Liang: Brother Gangzi, how much can you get?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I can call the supercomputer of our Imperial University of Science and Technology at will’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: @安梁: I can do it too!’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: I can mobilize the Imperial City weather supercomputer’

‘Qian Xiaogang:...’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Xiaoyu, you don’t follow martial ethics!’

‘Mudong: @安梁: Brother Liang, what do you want a supercomputer for?’

‘An Liang: @木东: Is school over?’

‘Mudong: I just finished my evening self-study’

‘Mu Dong: If Brother Liang just uses the supercomputer for a while, I have a super resource here’

‘An Liang: What super resource?’

‘Mu Dong: Tianhe 3 supercomputer’

‘Mu Dong: Currently, Tianhe 3 has been deployed, but it has not been made public yet. Its computing power is very powerful and can reach tens of billions of times per second.’

‘Mu Dong: [2020 World’s Top 500 Supercomputers List】’

‘Mudou: The current Fugaku supercomputer is the world's number one, with a speed of only 4.42 petaflops per second.’

‘An Liang: Good guy!’

‘An Liang: This one is a blast!’

‘An Liang: Then I want this Tianhe No. 3’

‘An Liang: @木东: Please arrange it’

‘Mudong: No problem!’

‘An Liang: Thank you this time. I will transfer you 10,000 club contribution points.’

‘Mu Dong: Thank you, Brother Liang!’

‘Mudong: That...Brother Liang, can I directly exchange for Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum and Wintergreen Seed Oral Liquid?’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘Qian Xiaogang:? ? ?’

‘Zhang Zijin:!!!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: @木东: You are gone!’

‘Lin Yili: My brother is exposed!’

‘Ye Xiangyu: A hero comes from a boy!’

‘Mudong: This...Don't get me wrong...I am actually...’

‘Mu Dong: Anyway, Brother Wenming asked me to change them, so I gave them all to him. '

Zhang Wenming is Zhang Zijin's younger brother. He is a key training target of the old Zhang family.

‘Zhang Zijin: @张文文: Where are the people?’

‘Zhang Zijin: Come out quickly!’

‘Zhang Wenming:? ? ?’

‘Zhang Wenming: @木东: Damn it! Little brother, can you be a human being?’

‘Zhang Wenming: Can this kind of thing slander me?’

‘Mu Dong: Brother Liang, I sent you the contact information of the person in charge of Tianhe No. 3. I have already informed them of the situation.’

‘Mudong: I'm leaving now to do my homework.’

‘Zhang Zijin: @木东: You can run away, I will go to your house tomorrow’

‘Wooden building:...’

‘Mu Dong: Sister Zijin, I was wrong, please forgive me!’

‘Zhang Wenming: Sister, don’t do this!’

‘Zhang Zijin: Humph! '

An Liang did not continue to pay attention to the situation in the confidential group of Tianhe Baiyujing Club. He contacted Huang Haochen, the person in charge of Tianhe 3, according to the contact information given by Mu Dong.

After waiting for the call to be connected, An Liang first introduced himself, then introduced Mudong, and then greeted the other party.

"Hello, Mr. An, I am Huang Haochen. What are you going to do with the supercomputer?"Huang Haochen asked.

Faced with Huang Haochen's inquiry, An Liang did not hide it,"We are going to use supercomputers to crack the point-to-point homomorphic encrypted information."

"Cracking point-to-point homomorphic encryption?"Huang Haochen was surprised

"Is it difficult?"An Liang asked back.

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