Facing An Liang’s inquiry, Huang Haochen affirmed without hesitation,"It’s very difficult!"

"First of all, the security level of point-to-point homomorphic encrypted information is very high. It allows re-encryption in the case of ciphertext, which is a bit like the situation of layer cakes, so it is very difficult to crack."Huang Haochen briefly explained the characteristics of homomorphic encryption.

Homomorphic encryption was originally an excellent technology applied in protecting privacy. It allows manufacturers to obtain information for data analysis and machine learning, but does not allow manufacturers to obtain private information.

This This technical solution naturally increases the difficulty of cracking

"Secondly, the role of supercomputers is not omnipotent as everyone imagines. The fundamental role of supercomputers is to provide computing power resources, not to do whatever you want."Huang Haochen is popularizing science for Anliang.

To put it simply, if you want to crack point-to-point homomorphic encryption information, you not only need supercomputers to provide computing resources, but also need relevant software technology to apply these resources.

Both are indispensable.

Anliang responded with a smile,"There’s no need for Manager Huang to worry about this. Huang

Haochen understood what An Liang meant. He didn't say anything more, but asked inquiringly,"When do you need Tianhe 3?""

"Now."An Liang responded

"Okay, I'll open the port for you, and then give you the corresponding permissions."Huang Haochen said in agreement.

The rest of the matter will naturally be left to the professionals.

Tianji Shensuan No. 4 and Huang Haochen began to connect. When Tianji Shensuan No. 4 led the members of Wanshengshengyi into the Tianhe 3 supercomputer, Tianji Divine Calculation No. 4 was shocked.

Because Tianji Divine Calculation No. 4 had read the information of Tianhe 3 supercomputer, a top-notch supercomputer with a computing speed of tens of billions per second, so Tianji Divine Calculation No. 4 A bit stunned

‘Zero: You can use this supercomputer to solve the problem, right?’

‘Number 4: 100% problem solved! '

Things that were originally uncertain have become no problem thanks to the tens of billions of calculations per second.

‘Zero: How long will it take?’

‘Number 4: Not sure’

‘No. 4: But it will definitely not exceed 24 hours.’

‘Number Zero: OK! '

Tianji Shensuan No. 4 immediately led the Wanshi Shengyi Organization to begin to crack the point-to-point homomorphic encrypted information. With the support of Tianhe 3's tens of billions of calculations per second, the point-to-point homomorphic encrypted information was gradually cracked.

Northern Bear Country.

In Emperor Push's office, Ivan reported that Dmitri had handed over the original investigation information.

After waiting for Ivan to report, Emperor Push sighed and said,"The relationship between Dmitri and that person is really good."

Faced with Emperor Push's sigh, Ivan did not make any comments.

Emperor Push asked casually,"I heard that the Pacific Fleet has made some extra money recently?"

Faced with Emperor Push's inquiry, Ivan could no longer remain silent. He told the truth about the situation of the Pacific Fleet without any personal involvement. Emotions and preferences only neutrally describe specific situations.

After hearing this, Emperor Push sighed again,"That one is really willing! I heard that he recently made hundreds of billions of dollars in Bald Eagle?"

Ivan responded affirmatively,"Yes, that one used the Bald Eagle intelligence The Bureau of Investigation repeatedly harvested the new energy sector of the U.S. stock market"

"The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau actually missed the point!"The Great Push sighed.

Ivan did not answer.

The Great Push asked proactively,"Why do you think they were able to defeat the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Agency? Ivan hesitated for two seconds before responding,"I think it's because they always like to ambush in secret?""

The Great Pushi laughed heartily,"Ivan, you don't have to hide your clumsiness. Ivan replied again,"It should be that their intelligence system is very powerful. They knew the information about aluminum-ion battery technology in advance. They also knew in advance that the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau knew the technical information about aluminum-ion batteries, and they also knew about aluminum-ion battery technology." Inventor of battery technology chose bald eagle"

"Because they always know the key information in advance, they can naturally target the layout in advance and defeat the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau."Ivan added

"For example, this time, we ourselves did not know about the information that Kolberg sent to the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, but they actually knew about it in advance. This shows that their intelligence system is very powerful."Ivan added an explanation.

Emperor Push nodded in agreement,"Their intelligence system is indeed very powerful."

Renyi Security Company always makes calculations in advance but not because of its superior intelligence.

"Ivan, what do you guess about this time our Kohlberg sent a message to the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau?"The Great Push asked Ivan. He wanted to hear different ideas.

Facing Emperor Push's question, Ivan shook his head cautiously,"Sorry, Your Majesty, I have no contact with Kohlberg, and I don't know them either. information, so it is impossible to guess.

Emperor Push laughed and scolded,"You are always so cautious!""

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