Facing Chen Siyu's curiosity, An Liang explained dotingly,"The situation in Arlia is relatively turbulent. In addition, our layout in Arlia is very good. It is impossible for the local court to cause trouble for us." In fact, Renyi Security Company has completely infiltrated Pallas City, and the chief political officer of Pallas City has completely turned to Renyi Security Company.

To put it simply, Renyi Security Company has now become the behind-the-scenes controller of Pallas City. Under such circumstances, Anliang will not have any problems if he wants to establish a comprehensive trade market in Pallas City and promote wage reform.

"In addition, Arlia's financial system is quite unstable, and the currency preservation rate is also very poor. I guess the local people in Pallas City are definitely more willing to accept our Xia Guoyuan."An Liang added.

Chen Siyu suddenly realized,"It turns out to be another place to deceive people!"

"It’s better for us, Xia Country!" Ning Ruoshuang echoed the sigh.

To be fair, on a global scale, Xia State is actually pretty good in every aspect. Especially in terms of public security environment and economic stability, Xia State is definitely the top level in the world. An

Liang explained After talking for a while, Chen Siyu continued to practice the piano, Ning Ruoshuang and Zhao Wanxi naturally continued to practice yoga, and An Liang sent a message to Fang Yonghao, the head of the Pallas City branch of Renyi Security Company.

‘No. 0: [Pallas City Development Plan and Local Employee Salary Adjustment Plan】’

‘Number Zero: Please read the information first’

‘Lieyang 1: Received. '

Fang Yonghao is both the head of the Pallas City branch of Renyi Security Company and the leader of the team codenamed [Scorching Sun].

More than a minute later, Fang Yonghao read the information sent by An Liang

‘Lieyang 1: Boss, we don’t have Xia Guoyuan banknotes in reserve here.’

‘No. 0: Don’t worry, we will deliver 100 million banknotes within three days. '

At present, Anliang's forces have more than 6,500 employees in Pallas City, including more than 1,500 employees at Luo Canyon Mining Company, and more than 5,000 employees in the overseas agricultural planting base plan.

Although the total number of employees of Anliang's companies in Pallas City is very large, human resources in Allia are quite cheap.

Taking the ordinary employees of the Sunset Canyon Mining Company as an example, their monthly salary is only 1,200 Xia Guoyuan, and the minimum monthly salary for employees of the Overseas Agricultural Planting Base Plan is 1,000 Xia Guoyuan.

Even with such a low salary level, it is actually not low in Arlia.

The monthly salary of ordinary workers in Arlia is only about 1,000 Xia Guoyuan, bus drivers only get about 1,200 Xia Guoyuan, sanitation workers only get about 800 Xia Guoyuan, and senior white-collar workers only get 2,000 to 2,500 Xia Guoyuan.

However, the unemployment rate in Arlia is very high and it is not easy to find a job.

Therefore, whether they are employees of the Sunset Canyon Mining Company or overseas agricultural planting bases, they all have great job opportunities in Pallas City.

In addition, the total population of Pallas City is only over 300,000, and the overall economic volume is not large. One hundred million Xia Guoyuan banknotes are enough for Pallas City.

Besides, Anliang will promote safe payment in Pallas City, which can further make up for Xia Guoyuan’s cash payment scenario.

‘Lièri 1: Okay, BOSS, I would like to announce the salary structure adjustment first to test the attitude of local employees.’

‘Zero: No problem. '

An Liang knew that Fang Yonghao had a very calm personality. He meant to be more stable. He issued an announcement to test the employees' thoughts. If there was too much opposition, then he would slow down his plan to use Xia Guoyuan to settle wages.

There is no problem with this idea, so Anliang supports Fang Yonghao's approach of issuing announcements first.

The night is getting darker.

An Liang opens the alliance game.

On the other side, in distant Arlia, Fang Yonghao is thinking about how to deal with the work assigned by An Liang. He prefers stability rather than sudden and direct changes.

More than ten kilometers west of Pallas City, this place used to be a wasteland, but now it has been purchased by Anliang and transformed into cultivated land.

A local middle-aged woman said casually while inspecting the condition of the farmland,"Have you heard about the situation in Lia next door?"

"What's going on with Leah next door?"Another local middle-aged woman asked back

"Beatrice, I remember your husband is from Leah next door, right?" Another local middle-aged woman asked.

Beatrice, who spoke first, responded affirmatively,"Yes, my husband is from Lia next door. His cousin called and said that there are people from Xia doing it in Lia. Agricultural planting base.

The second local middle-aged woman who answered the call responded,"It's not just Leah next door, it seems that the entire Africa is building agricultural planting bases.""

"Lamy, listen to me first."Beatrice signaled the other party not to speak.

Rami Bulgara curled his lips, but did not speak any more.

"Lamy is right, the whole of Africa is engaged in agricultural planting bases, but the situation in Leah is very special."Beatrice confirmed Lamy's information first.

"My husband's cousin works in the agricultural planting base in Lia. He told us that when the Xia people there were paying their wages, they were actually willing to give them half of the Xia Guoyuan." Beatrice said the key information


"How can it be?"

"Are those Xia people really willing to pay Xia Guoyuan?"

The local middle-aged women who originally just listened to the gossip began to question it.

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