As the saying goes: locals understand local conditions.

No matter in Arlia or in Lia, the locals do not like the national currency. If they have a choice, they will definitely be willing to ask for US dollars or Xia Guoyuan.

So when Beatrice said that the overseas agricultural planting base in Leah distributed Xia Guoyuan to local people, other people expressed disbelief.

"This is real!" Beatrice said swornly,"I have a video of them paying wages. You can see for yourself."

After finishing speaking, Beatrice took out her mobile phone and showed the corresponding video to others for viewing.

Lami looked at it carefully. After watching it, Lami said enviously,"Why are you willing to Send Xia Guoyuan? Beatrice shook her head,"

I don't know." However, we can also try to make a suggestion to the superiors, hoping that we will also distribute Xia Guoyuan"

"this..."Lamy responded hesitantly,"Isn't it good?"

Beatrice shook her head,"It should be no problem. My husband's cousin said that those Xia Guoyuan people are also willing to distribute Xia Guoyuan, and they hope to promote Xia Guoyuan"

"On the Lia side, the Xia people also established a commodity market, but only Xia Guoyuan was accepted in the commodity market." Beatrice added

"I am ready to make suggestions to the higher authorities, but I need your support. Are you willing to support me?" Beatrice looked at everyone.

This is Beatrice's purpose!

Beatrice hopes to stand out through this incident and win favor with the Xia people. It is best to get a management position.

After all, if you get management position, at least the salary and benefits will be greatly improved.

A few hours later, with the spread of the word, Beatrice’s proposal has received support from more and more people.

Although there are also smart people who see through this process Despite Beatrice's idea, these smart people still chose to let Beatrice take the lead.

At 6:15 local time in Arlia,

Beatrice came to the Pallas Farm office building with a thick stack of signatures. , she took a deep breath and walked over, then was stopped

"Hello, what's the matter?"A security guard from Renyi Security Company asked.

Beatrice quickly explained,"I want to see Manager Fang. I have something to report."

The security personnel of Renyi Security Company asked,"What do you want to see Manager Fang about?"

"It is mainly about suggestions about the needs of employees. Our local employee has a suggestion that we hope Mr. Fang will take a look at." Beatrice replied

"Hold on."The security personnel of Renyi Security Company used the intercom to contact Fang Yonghao to explain the situation.

In less than two minutes, the security personnel of Renyi Security Company who guarded the door led Beatrice in, and the two of them came to the door of Fang Yonghao's office together.

"dong dong dong~"

"Please come in."Fang Yonghao's voice came out.

The security personnel of Renyi Security Company opened the door of Fang Yonghao's office and motioned for Beatrice to go in.

After Beatrice walked in, Fang Yonghao directly asked.

"Hello, what's the matter?"Fang Yonghao asked politely.

Beatrice introduced herself first, then quickly explained, and showed the signature book in her hand. While talking about her hope of getting Xia Guoyuan's salary, she observed Fang Yonghao's expression.

But Fang Yonghao was very He was calm and did not show any strange expression on the surface.

After Beatrice finished speaking, Fang Yonghao asked casually,"How many of you have signed?

Beatrice responded quickly,"There are nearly 3,000 people in total.""

"Does anyone else disagree? Fang Yonghao asked additional questions.

Beatrice quickly denied,"No, it's because we got off work today, and we haven't counted more people yet.""

Fang Yonghao said calmly,"Then you can count and see how many people are willing and how many are unwilling."

"What work are you responsible for now?"Fang Yonghao asked additional questions.

Beatrice's heartbeat slowed down a beat, and she answered quickly,"I am now a farmland inspector, mainly responsible for inspecting the conditions of farmland."

"Farmland inspector...The salary should be 26,000, right? Fang Yonghao asked.

Beatrice nodded quickly,"Yes.""

"You should put down your current job first and be transferred to the Finance Department from tomorrow, specifically responsible for calculating salary adjustments. The salary has been adjusted to 45,000. Do you have any questions?"Fang Yonghao asked

"No problem, no problem at all. Thank you, Manager Fang."Beatrice responded quickly.

Wasn't it just to stand out and win opportunities when she was so active in collecting this information?

Now the opportunity is here!

How could Beatrice let it go?

Besides, it's just a salary increase of 19,000. Aliya dinar, Beatrice couldn't refuse

"Regarding the salary structure adjustment, I will give you three days."Fang Yonghao ordered

"Understood, please rest assured, Manager Fang, I will definitely handle it within three days." Beatrice responded

"Okay, you go to the Human Resources Office first, I'll call there, and you go over to handle the work handover."Fang Yonghao signaled that Beatrice could leave.

After Beatrice left, Fang Yonghao showed a smile. He was originally thinking about how to handle the salary structure adjustment issue in a safe manner, but the actual situation turned out to be the other way around?

The locals were even more anxious. All right!

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