"Australia is not crazy, they are just a little too greedy!"Huang Guoxiang responded to An Liang's complaints.

"You have no way to counterattack?"An Liang asked back.

Huang Guoxiang shook his head slightly. In the field of bulk iron ore trading, although Xia Guo is the world's largest buyer, Xia Guo does not have the pricing power for iron ore.

Currently, in the field of international bulk commodity trading, iron ore adopts The Platts pricing standard has many problems. It only refers to the closing price of the day and does not refer to the average price of the day's trading volume. In addition, the reference price sample is small and not representative. It is easy to be used by large traders. Secretly manipulating prices.

For example, this time Great Australia announced that the price of iron ore would rise to US$160, and even sent a separate letter of intention to adjust the price. In fact, it was an open provocation, showing that Great Australia could secretly manipulate Platts pricing.

More The key point is that in the field of bulk iron ore trading, Xia Guo really can't bypass Da'ao, so even though it knows that Da'ao has secretly manipulated Platts pricing and caused the price of iron ore to skyrocket, Xia Guo doesn't do too well either. response to

"We really have no way to counter it!"Huang Guoxiang responded helplessly.

"In fact, as early as 2017, we planned to compete for pricing power and eliminate the flawed Platts pricing standard. BHP Billiton, one of the three major iron ore giants at the time, even chose to support us, but it failed in the end." Huang Guoxiang sighed

"Appreciate further details."An Liang answered.

"We launched the MySteel steel index at that time, and BHP Billiton also announced its support for our steel index. We both reached a preliminary agreement. Rio Tinto of Australia and Vale of Basi did not explicitly refuse. After all, we are the largest in the world. Iron ore buyers."Huang Guoxiang explained

"Da'ao is the world's largest iron ore seller, Bashi is the world's second largest iron ore seller, and we are the world's largest iron ore buyer. We have purchased more than 60% of the world's iron ore production. If we don’t buy it, others won’t be able to absorb so much iron ore production."Huang Guoxiang added

"Under such circumstances, it is normal for us to have bargaining power, right? Huang Guoxiang asked.

An Liang nodded,"It's indeed normal." Since the three giants have no clear objection, why do we still have no pricing power? Even no bargaining power?"

"Because the three giants' control of the Platts pricing standard for iron ore is only a superficial result, and there is a behind-the-scenes mastermind behind the three giants."Huang Guoxiang explained

"Bald eagle? An Liang suspected it was a bald eagle without hesitation.

Huang Guoxiang denied,"Neon's Mitsui Property Management Co., Ltd."

"You should have heard of the Mitsui Foundation." Huang Guoxiang added.

An Liang nodded,"I know that one of the oldest plutocrats in the world is very powerful."

"It's really powerful. Taking Rio Tinto as an example, Mitsui Properties, a subsidiary of the Mitsui Consortium, controls some of Rio Tinto's core assets, such as part of the equity in core assets such as the Robe River Iron Mine, the Newman Iron Mine, and the West Anglas Iron Mine."Huang Guoxiang explained

"BHP Billiton, which previously supported us, is also controlled by Mitsui Property Co., Ltd.'s three core iron ore mines."Huang Guoxiang added

"Coupled with the cooperation between Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and Nippon Steel, the largest steel company in Nihong, among the 24 major iron ore mines in Tai'ao, Mitsui & Co., Ltd. has invested in 8 and participated in the investment in the remaining 16, which is equivalent to uniting Tai'ao. All major iron ore mines in the country."Huang Guoxiang explained in detail

"In addition, on the Bashi side, Mitsui Property invested in MBR Company, the second largest iron ore company in Bashi, as early as 1971, and subsequently invested in Valepar Company to obtain 18.2% of the equity. This Valepar Company is the parent company of Vale."Huang Guoxiang added

"In addition, Mitsui Property also acquired 100% of CMM Company in Bashi. This company, together with Vale, occupies 18 of the 22 major iron ore mines in Bashi, and the remaining four are In the hands of MBR Company, MBR Company was the first to be invested by Mitsui Property."Huang Guoxiang explained one by one

"Through advance layout and investment, Mitsui & Co., Ltd. has secretly controlled the iron ore resources in Bashi without knowing it. Coupled with its layout in Da'ao, Mitsui & Co., Ltd. has a strong grasp on iron ore in global commodity transactions. Absolute pricing power. Huang Guoxiang said with a sigh.

"If we hadn't wanted to obtain the pricing power of iron ore before, we would never have known that there was a black hand behind the scenes in the iron ore field! Huang Guoxiang sighed.

After listening to this, An Liang sighed,"This Mitsui Properties is quite powerful. The Mitsui Consortium is indeed one of the oldest chaebols!""

The methods used by Mitsui & Co., Ltd. are exactly what Anliang wants!

Mitsui & Co., Ltd. hides behind the scenes and controls the pricing power of iron ore, forcing Xia Guodu to accept the pricing. This kind of power is really amazing.

Although the Mitsui Consortium has not formed an absolute power in Neon. Concern Organization, but what is the difference between the power it controls and Concern Organization?

Huang Guoxiang complained,"I am telling you, Mitsui Industrial Co., Ltd. is the mastermind behind the scenes. I am not asking you to praise your opponent for being powerful."

"But the opponent is indeed very powerful."An Liang praised again

"Lao Huang, are you asking me to deal with Mitsui Property?"An Liang complained

"Let me first explain that although our family is also very strong, we really don’t have any good means when facing an established consortium like this."An Liang said remindingly.

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