An Liang did not lie. The Mitsui Consortium was indeed very powerful. Even though An Liang's Iceberg Empire was also very powerful, there was actually no good way to target the Mitsui Consortium through the Iceberg Empire.

The iceberg empire was established in too short a time!

The Mitsui Consortium is an old consortium that has existed for more than three hundred years. How much power does it control secretly?

For example, the Platts pricing standard in the iron ore field is ostensibly controlled by the three iron ore giants, but secretly it is manipulated by Mitsui E&E.

More importantly, Mitsui Property is only one of the entities under the Mitsui Consortium.

In the once turbulent era, the Mitsui Consortium even owned military-industrial enterprises!

This means that the Mitsui Foundation not only has money, but also controls resources other than money.

The Iceberg Empire established by An Liang is more of a financial consortium. Although it is very rich, in terms of physical resources, the Iceberg Empire is slightly weaker. An Liang has also been thinking of ways to land the funds of the Iceberg Empire and transform it into real resources..

Therefore, Anliang has been actively promoting the development of entities.

Whether it is a dream future graphene technology group, a dark core technology company, or an overseas agricultural planting base plan, or a cold chain transportation project plan.

Coupled with the Dream Future Energy Group and Anxin Life Sciences Group, these are the forces that Anliang has vigorously developed, allowing the rootless duckweed-like financial consortium to take root and transform into a behemoth like the Mitsui Consortium.

If the Iceberg Empire were to confront the Mitsui Consortium, the best outcome would be for the Iceberg Empire to target the Mitsui Consortium in the financial field, thus catching the Mitsui Consortium by surprise.

But then the Iceberg Empire will face a comprehensive counterattack by the Mitsui Consortium.

That is totally worth the loss!

In the business field, Concern organizations are not willing to break out into large-scale struggles because such a struggle can easily hurt both sides.

Anliang is also unwilling to confront the Mitsui Consortium head-on.

Faced with Anliang's answer, Huang Guoxiang complained,"I know how powerful Mitsui Properties is, and I know even more how powerful the Mitsui Consortium is. I have no intention of letting you forcefully fight against the Mitsui Consortium.""

"Then what do you mean?"An Liang asked back.

"Are you very powerful in Africa? Huang Guoxiang asked.

An Liang directly denied,"It's not that"

"Don't deny it. Huang Guoxiang said calmly,"We know your actions in Africa. Your penetration rate in Africa is particularly high. After all, Africa's environment is complex, which is perfect for you to cause trouble there.""

An Liang did not deny it because he knew that Huang Guoxiang was not lying. The National Security Investigation Bureau should be really concerned about their development in Africa.

"I heard that the Northern Bear Country has provided you with a lot of equipment?"Huang Guoxiang asked again

"Didn’t you investigate clearly?"An Liang asked back.

"I also heard that you acquired a number of physical assets in Northern Bear Country, including..."Huang Guoxiang did not finish speaking, but he looked at An Liang, waiting for An Liang's answer.

An Liang was silent for a moment, then sighed,"Would you refuse high-quality assets at a low price?"

"What exactly do you want to do? Huang Guoxiang asked hesitantly.

An Liang responded with a smile,"Of course it is a plan to protect overseas agricultural planting bases.""

"Lao Huang, do you really think that the overseas agricultural planting base plan will be smooth sailing? An Liang asked back.

Huang Guoxiang shook his head,"Aren't you afraid of suspicion over there?""

"Why are you afraid? An Liang asked back.

Huang Guoxiang suddenly realized,"You also chose to share over there?""

An Liang smiled and said nothing.

An Liang is willing to share benefits, so he can naturally become invincible.

"Lao Huang, what exactly do you want me to do?"An Liang brought back the topic, thus skipping the matter of investing in physical assets in the North Bear Country.

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Huang Guoxiang took out his mobile phone, opened the electronic map on the mobile phone, and then handed the mobile phone to An Liang.

An Liang answered After checking Huang Guoxiang's mobile phone, he looked at the map information displayed on the screen of the mobile phone. It was Guria in Africa, a country with extreme poverty and backwardness, a bad public security environment, and even a near-collapse of the social system.

Guiyar is a small country. With a land area of ​​just over 245,000 square kilometers and a population of just over 12 million, it is the most common dirty, poor and small country in Africa.

"What's wrong with this country?"An Liang asked casually.

Before Huang Guoxiang answered, An Liang added,"Currently, Guria has not yet entered the scope of our overseas agricultural planting base plan."

"Have you heard of Simang Iron Mine? Huang Guoxiang asked in a low voice.

Looking at Huang Guoxiang's appearance, An Liang almost thought Huang Guoxiang said: Have you heard of Amway?

"Have not heard."An Liang casually denied

"I do not believe!"Huang Guoxiang expressed his disbelief without hesitation.

Huang Guoxiang continued,"You must know the Simang Iron Mine!"

"All right! An Liang responded casually,"Then even if I know about the Simang Iron Mine, what next?""

Actually, An Liang does know about the Simang Iron Mine, but he has only heard about it and has not paid special attention to the Simang Iron Mine.

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