"Simang Iron Ore is a good thing!"Huang Guoxiang introduced,"The total reserves of Ximang Iron Ore exceed 10 billion tons, and the proven reserves currently exceed 2 billion tons, and all of them are open-pit mining environments."

"In addition, Ximang Iron Ore is a super-rich ore, with an iron ore grade exceeding 65%, far exceeding the global average iron ore grade of 46%, and also exceeding the grade of iron ore in Da'ao. Huang Guoxiang added.

The iron ore in Xia State is not an open-pit mining environment. It is all buried deep underground, and the iron ore grade is less than 30%. There is basically no mining value, at least according to the current mining technology, there is no mining value at all. Mining value

"Once we get the Ximang Iron Ore, we can instantly counterattack the Great Ao Country and cause the iron mining industry in the Great Ao Country to collapse directly! Huang Guoxiang revealed his ambition.

An Liang responded casually,"In that case, why don't you take it?""

"In fact, as early as 2019, our two domestic mining groups, together with Winning Group in the Lion City, and the local United Mining Group in Guiyar, worked together and finally won the contract for US$14 billion. The mining rights of No. 1 and No. 2 mining areas in the northern section of Ximang Iron Mine."Huang Guoxiang explained.

Huang Guoxiang continued,"But the situation inside Guria is too complicated, the public security environment is too bad, and the social system is too broken, which makes it impossible to develop the Simang Iron Mine."

"You weren't involved?"An Liang was confused.

Huang Guoxiang was silent for a moment, then shook his head and denied,"We can't participate in it. There are forces supported by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau in Guria, and we can't penetrate it at all."

An Liang suddenly realized!

It turns out that the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is stirring up trouble.

But if you think about it, you will understand that if the Xia Kingdom really gets rid of the iron ore clamp of the Da'ao Country, the Bald Eagle will be the first to disagree.

"We have also received convincing information that the current social system of Guiyar has reached its limit. Once there is the slightest fluctuation around the Simang Iron Mine, civil strife may break out in Guiyar."Huang Guoxiang added

"The guys trained by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau have already taken control of the situation over there?"An Liang asked back.

"Although we don't have complete control, we almost have the power to initiate civil strife, so we can't gain a foothold there."Huang Guoxiang sighed.

An Liang also sighed,"These guys have woven a dragnet and blocked every possibility!"

"A dragnet indeed!"Huang Guoxiang also lamented

"You are going to let us enter Guria to solve the current situation and seize the Simang Iron Mine, right? An Liang asked.

Huang Guoxiang did not deny it,"You have such strength!""

Anliang also did not deny it, because Renyi Security Company does have such power. The

Iceberg Empire is very powerful. Although Anliang is not willing to confront the established conglomerates like the Mitsui Consortium, it is only a few riyals?

A few riyals of foreign exchange reserves. Just over 300 million U.S. dollars.

Logically speaking, Anliang is really capable of subverting such a backward country, but Anliang prefers to control it behind the scenes.

"What benefits do I get?"An Liang asked directly about the benefits.

An Liang was indeed willing to share the benefits, but An Liang was not willing to be the scapegoat.

Huang Guoxiang hesitated before asking,"What benefits do you want?"

An Liang looked at Huang Guoxiang with a half-smile but not a smile. This kind of bargaining method of asking the other party to make demands, An Liang could see through it at a glance, right?

Huang Guoxiang was slightly embarrassed, and then responded,"You can develop the Simang Iron Mine! An

Liang couldn't help laughing,"Not bad, not bad. I thought you were going to say that I could participate in the development of Ximang Iron Mine!""

There seems to be no difference between An Liang's and Huang Guoxiang's statements.

But in fact, Huang Guoxiang's statement was to let Anliang develop the Simang Iron Mine on his own; An Liang's own statement was that An Liang participated in the development of the Simang Iron Mine as a partner.

Huang Guoxiang answered without concealment,"According to your character and the situation in Guiyar, even if the Simang Iron Mine is handed over to you, you will share the Simang Iron Mine.""

"Good guy! An Liang praised Huang Guoxiang directly,"As expected of you!""

In fact, Huang Guoxiang's guess is not wrong!

Even if An Liang completely obtains the Ximang Iron Mine, he will not go it alone. He will definitely share the Ximang Iron Mine with interest groups to benefit from it, thus sharing the risks.

An Liang knows very well and Only when interest groups jointly gain benefits can the benefits be long-term.

After all, if Anliang is a hot potato like the Simang Iron Mine, the final result will definitely not be good if he wants to go it alone.

"Lao Huang, I still need your help. An Liang made a condition,"I need the information you obtained about Guria.""

"Also, I hope that at some point you can turn a blind eye."An Liang added.

Huang Guoxiang agreed to the intelligence first,"As for the intelligence about Guria, I will have someone sort it out and send it to you after I go back."

"As for the latter thing, you need to tell me first, what exactly are you planning to do?"Huang Guoxiang did not agree rashly.

Huang Guoxiang was worried that An Liang would cause big trouble in Guria!

Faced with Huang Guoxiang's caution, An Liang couldn't help laughing,"Don't worry, Lao Huang, I'm much more reliable than you. At least I won't. Will you trick me into targeting the Mitsui Zaibatsu?"

"..."Huang Guoxiang looked at An Liang speechlessly. How could he have thought of such a thing?

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