"What are you going to do if we agree to your request? Huang Guoxiang asked again.

An Liang thought about it for a moment before responding,"It will probably help Guiyar develop well and make Guiyar's social security environment better!""

"How to help? Huang Guoxiang asked.

An Liang replied with a smile,"Of course it is to provide financial assistance.""

"Lao Huang, do you know the difference between us?"An Liang asked back.

"I abide by the law, but you are lawless?"Huang Guoxiang replied

"..."An Liang looked at Huang Guoxiang speechlessly.

This old guy is quite funny?

"Did I say something wrong?"Huang Guoxiang looked at the speechless An Liang and asked a question

"ah! Yeah!"An Liang can only affirm three times in a row.

"Lao Huang, as for me, if I want to achieve a certain goal, I usually don’t pay too much attention to the process. As long as it doesn’t break my bottom line, and as long as the result is the answer I want, there’s no problem."An Liang explained.

This time Huang Guoxiang did not tease An Liang for not having a bottom line.

Because An Liang really has a bottom line.

An Liang adheres to the code of conduct: 'A gentleman should do something and not do something'.

Although Huang Guoxiang is very aware that An Liang has made some rules. There are other things outside of the game, but every time he counterattacks passively, Anliang really doesn’t take the initiative to break the rules of the game.

"If you want me to get the Simang Iron Ore, I can promise you, but how to get the Simang Iron Ore is my business."An Liang added.

"I do things and don't like others to teach me."An Liang added.

Huang Guoxiang sighed,"I didn't teach you how to do things, I was worried about you. After all, according to our investigation, the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau has penetrated Guria."

"Although the Guilian court currently maintains the final framework of the social system, this framework may be broken at any time. Once the framework of the Guilian court is broken, your investment in the Simang Iron Mine may be in vain."Huang Guoxiang added

"In fact, this is also the reason why the Simang Iron Mine has not been developed. Everyone is afraid that investment will be wasted."Huang Guoxiang explained.

An Liang joked,"Such a situation should be promoted by the Bald Eagle behind the scenes in order to prevent the Simang Iron Mine from being developed, right?"

Huang Guoxiang was silent

"I will go over to develop the Simang Iron Mine, but I need support, just like the support of overseas agricultural planting bases, including coastal defense systems and air defense systems."An Liang put forward his own suggestion.

Huang Guoxiang did not refuse,"As long as you can get permission from the Guiyang court, we will give you whatever you want."

"Then it’s settled!"An Liang responded

"A horse is hard to catch!"Huang Guoxiang seconded the proposal

"Why don't you say something like a gentleman?"An Liang complained.

Huang Guoxiang looked at An Liang and shook his head slightly. Although he didn't speak, his meaning was obvious.

"Lao Huang, you beep...well!"An Liang scolded with a smile.

At nearly two o'clock in the afternoon, An Liang and Huang Guoxiang finished lunch at the restaurant attached to the Xichuan Provincial Guest House in the Imperial City. The two remotely summoned the flying motorcycle and then left separately.

An Liang still went to Kongshan Tea House, while Huang Guoxiang returned directly to the National Security Investigation Bureau , preparing to go back to sort out the intelligence information of Guiyang.

Kongshan Tea House.

After Anliang came back, he sent a message to the No. 1 controller of Renyi Security Company.

‘Zero: Do ​​we have any information on Liria?’

‘No. 1: Yes’

‘No. 1: Boss, what kind of information do you want from Guria?’

‘Zero: What is the current situation in Guiyar?’

‘Number 1: Very bad!’

‘No. 1: According to the comprehensive analysis of the intelligence we have obtained, there is a possibility that the Guilian court could be subverted.’

‘No. 1: The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has invested a lot of money and human resources in Guiyang. We suspect that the Bald Eagle is trying to control Guiyang.’

‘No. 1: Currently, no more than 30% of the Guinean military supports the current chief minister.’

‘Number 1: Of the remaining 70%, 30% are neutrals’

‘No. 1: To put it simply, the current situation in the Guiyang court is already in critical condition. There is only one fuse left to ignite the bad situation in Guiyang.’

‘Zero: Is there any way to alleviate it?’

‘No. 1: Without external force, the collapse of the Gurian court is inevitable.’

‘No. 1: Even with the intervention of external forces, the problems in the Guilian court are very serious.’

‘Zero: What if we intervene?’

‘No. 1: Boss, do you want to help the Gurian court tide over the difficulties?’

‘Zero: We have this plan’

‘No. 1: [Details of Det, Chief Minister of the Guilian Court】’

‘No. 1: According to our investigation, the chief minister of the Guinean court, Deit, has many problems. Filling his own pockets is the smallest thing. The policies he promoted in Guinea have caused widespread resentment among the people of Guinea.’

‘Number 1: In addition, Det has purchased a large number of overseas assets in the Kingdom of Gaul, and he should be ready to run away at any time. '

An Liang quickly checked the information sent by No. 1, and then read the supplementary explanation from No. 1.

To be honest, for a moment after reading the information, An Liang felt that giving up Dite was the best choice!

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