National Security Investigation Service Headquarters.

Information security section chief Dai Zhengbo came to Huang Guoxiang's office and handed an encrypted USB disk to Huang Guoxiang.

"Mr. Huang, I sent you the password of the USB flash drive separately."Dai Zhengbo explained

"Is all the information about Guria included?" Huang Guoxiang asked.

Dai Zhengbo responded affirmatively,"Yes, all the intelligence about Guria in the bureau has been copied."

"Well, go down."Huang Guoxiang ordered

"Ahem..."Dai Zhengbo coughed twice deliberately

"Anything else?"Huang Guoxiang looked at Dai Zhengbo.

Dai Zhengbo said hesitantly,"Mr. Huang, our department has a suggestion. We can set up a positioning program in the USB flash drive to reversely track the location there."

Huang Guoxiang thought for two or three seconds, then refused and responded,"No! Okay, let's get down!"

Dai Zhengbo didn't ask again. He turned and left Huang Guoxiang's office.

After Dai Zhengbo left, Huang Guoxiang sighed softly. Huang Guoxiang did not agree with Dai Zhengbo's proposal. It was not that Huang Guoxiang did not want to track the location of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, but that Huang Guoxiang was very We know the strength of Anliang's side.

Secondly, this time in Guiyang, Huang Guoxiang asked Anliang to do something.

If the reverse tracking of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation is discovered, who knows what Anliang will take the opportunity to make demands?

In order to avoid accidents, Huang Guoxiang and Don't want to cause unnecessary problems

‘Huang Guoxiang: The information you want is ready. Are you at Kongshan Tea House?’

‘An Liang: Nonsense?’

‘An Liang: You sent it over?’

‘An Liang: Or should I arrange for someone to go get it?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: You can just arrange for someone to come and pick it up.’

‘An Liang: Old Huang, you are being petty again!’

‘An Liang: Do you want to see who I arrange to come over so you can judge the situation here?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: You will definitely arrange personnel who have been exposed in the life extension plan. How can I judge?’

‘An Liang: Test me?’

‘An Liang: Although you do control the identities of some people, you can further judge who I trust and who has higher trust authority on my side.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: You think too much!’

‘An Liang: If it were anyone else, I definitely wouldn’t think too much about it, but you are different.’

‘Huang Guoxiang:...’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Please arrange for someone to come over quickly.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: By the way, the USB flash drive we prepared is encrypted.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: [Encrypted password】’

‘An Liang: Got it.

After An Liang and Huang Guoxiang finished their exchange, they sent a message to Qin Tianxiang, asking Qin Tianxiang to hand over Guria's confidential information, and also asked Qin Tianxiang and Huang Guoxiang to discuss the private jet.

In Huang Guoxiang's office, Huang Guoxiang looked at Qin Tianxiang. He sighed silently in his heart. Anliang really didn't think too much just now. Huang Guoxiang really wanted to use this time to hand over Guilia's confidential information to judge who was the right one. An Liang's confidant.

However, Huang Guoxiang has long known that Qin Tianxiang is An Liang's confidant, because Qin Tianxiang is An Liang's driver and security guard. If he is not an absolute confidant, how can he become An Liang's driver?

After all, as An Liang's driver, to some extent, he can threaten An Liang's life.

Only an absolute confidant can become Anliang's driver!

"Mr. Huang, when do you have time tomorrow? Let's make arrangements for the private jet first. After Qin Tianxiang got the encrypted USB flash drive, he asked Huang Guoxiang.

Huang Guoxiang thought about it for a moment before responding,"What do you think about eight o'clock in the evening?""

"no problem. Mr. Huang, where will I pick you up?"Qin Tianxiang asked again.

Huang Guoxiang did not reject Qin Tianxiang's kindness. He responded,"SKP underground parking lot, is it okay?"

"No problem at all."Qin Tianxiang agreed.

After the two parties discussed it, Qin Tianxiang left the National Security Investigation Bureau, but Qin Tianxiang did not return to Kongshan Tea House. He directly connected the encrypted USB disk to the tablet computer and let the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation remote access.

Kongshan Tea House, second floor Private room.

An Liang received the message from No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation

‘No. 4: BOSS, we have reviewed the National Security Investigation Agency’s intelligence on Guria.’

‘Zero: How's the situation?’

‘Number 4: Very bad!’

‘No. 4: Judging from the intelligence from the National Security Investigation Agency, the situation in Guiyar is worse than we previously expected.’

‘Number 4: First of all, the opposition is stronger than we thought!’

‘No. 4: Among the opposition, in addition to Colonel O'Connell on the surface, there are also Colonel Korando and Colonel Adams as supporting forces.’

‘No. 4: The local police system in Guria has also been completely penetrated by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.’

‘No. 4: What’s worse is that the chief minister of Guria, Det, is a capitulationist!’

‘No. 4: The National Security Investigation Agency discovered that Chief Minister Dieter tried to contact the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, but the results of the exchange between the two parties are not yet known.’


‘Zero: Does even the First Minister want to surrender?’

‘Number Zero: This situation is too bad! '

Originally, according to the investigation of Renyi Security Company, the chief minister of Guria, Deit, just wanted to run away, but now it is discovered that he actually wants to surrender?

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