The chief minister of Guria is also preparing to surrender. Isn't this outrageous?

Originally, Anliang planned to support Chief Minister Dieter and thereby confront the Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau. However, now he found that Chief Minister Dieter was ready to surrender....

When An Liang found out that Deite was a piece of mud that couldn't hold up the wall, he was already very disappointed with Deite. Now that he found out that Deite was ready to surrender, An Liang had already drawn a big red cross on Deite's name in his heart.

This person is definitely not a qualified support target!

After all, An Liang was also worried that when they were supporting Dai Te, Dai Te would secretly stab them in the back.

‘No. 4: The situation in Guiyar is indeed very bad’

‘No. 4: The National Security Investigation Bureau recommended a support candidate to us.’

‘No. 4: The National Security Investigation Agency recommends Theodore Otras, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Guinea’

‘No. 4: According to the information provided by the National Security Investigation Bureau, this Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is a rare patriot in Guinea. He advocates open development and improves the modernization level of Guinea, thus improving the living standards of the Guinean people.’

‘No. 4: Boss, I have ordered the field staff in Guria to verify this piece of information.’

‘Zero: Yeah’

‘Zero: Please investigate the situation of Theodore carefully. If there is an opportunity, then make contact with him to see if he is a suitable candidate.’

‘No. 4: Received’

‘No. 0: By the way, please pay attention to the country of Da'ao. I want a detailed report on the import and export trade of Da'ao.’

‘Number 4: Okay. '

After An Liang ordered the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, he sent a message to Chang Shi, the macro and micro economics tutor of Tianfu School of Economics, through secure communication software.

‘A: Teacher Chang, do you have time now?’

‘C: I have time’

‘C: School is on holiday, I’m basically at home’

‘C: What's the matter?’

‘A: Does Mr. Chang know about Da'ao?’

‘C: relatively understanding’

‘A: If I want to target the import and export trade of Australia, what suggestions does Mr. Chang have?’

‘A: We have now targeted the wine trade of Australia. Currently, the wine trade between Australia and our country has almost been suspended. We use wine from the Spanish half of Spain instead.’

‘A: I hope to expand this trade blockade’

‘C: This...’

‘C: Classmate An, do you know that Australia is the largest iron ore supplier in our country?’

‘C: The iron ore exported by Australia accounts for more than 60% of our country’s annual imports.’

‘C: If we target Australia, I am afraid that Australia will target us in terms of the export price of iron ore.’

‘A: Teacher Chang, you got the causal relationship wrong!’

‘A: For example, we targeted Weiming Island before. Was that our mistake?’

‘A: Of course, Weiming Island did something wrong first, so we will target it.’

‘A: The same is true this time’

‘A: Da'ao has blatantly stated that they want to manipulate the price of iron ore, so that the price of iron ore will at least double.’

‘C: Double? ? ?’

‘C: Impossible, right?’

‘C: The mining cost of iron ore in Australia is very low, only 30 to 40 US dollars per ton. Now the price of iron ore has reached as high as 80 US dollars per ton. Is it too much to double it again?’

‘A: Is it too much?’

‘A: It’s just for profit!’

‘A: Teacher Chang, if it were you, how do you think we should target each other?’

‘C: Let me study the situation first’

‘C: I have been studying the affairs of Weiming Island recently. I want to study the situation of Da'ao first.’

‘A: OK!’

‘A: Teacher Chang, when you are studying Da'ao, don't give up your research on Weiming Island.’

‘C: OK. '

After An Liang communicated with Chang Shi, he himself began to collect information about Da'ao.

Although Tianji Shensuan No. 4 and Chang Shi worked together to deal with this matter, Anliang did not give up on obtaining intelligence information on his own to avoid being locked up in the information cocoon room.

In the evening, close to seven o'clock.

Yunjing International Apartment.

An Liang ordered dinner, and Zhao Wanxi, Chen Siyu, and Ning Ruoshuang came back talking and laughing together.

Seeing their harmonious relationship, An was secretly happy.

After the butler service from Yunjing International Apartment served dinner, An Liang took the initiative to help them peel the shrimps and crabs.

No matter how awesome a man is, he still has to help his wife peel the shrimps, right?

An Liang fed a piece of crab claw meat to Zhao Wanxi. Zhao Wanxi opened her mouth without shyness and asked An Liang to feed her. Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang were not outsiders anyway.

Then An Liang fed Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang. Although they were fed first and last, they did not favor one over the other.

Zhao Wanxi asked casually,"Did Uncle Huang find a problem for you?"

"Pretty well-informed, huh?"An Liang responded jokingly

"My brother told me, my brother said that if you can help, then try to help."Zhao Wanxi did not hide anything.

An Liang nodded,"Lao Huang and I have already discussed it. Although it is a troublesome matter, I did not refuse."

Although Anliang can indeed refuse and avoid falling into the quagmire of Guiyang, Anliang will never make mistakes on such a big issue of right and wrong!

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