Chen Siyu asked curiously,"What's going on?"

This big cat in the imperial capital was the most curious!

For example, when she was a cat in An Liang's arms, she would look at An Liang's cell phone. Ning Ruoshuang and Zhao Wanxi would not, nor would Li Xiyan, the little vixen, or the two Xia sisters.

Only the big cat in the imperial capital has such curiosity, and An Liang also indulges her curiosity.

Facing the inquiry, An Liang selectively explained the situation, such as the fact that Da'ao was preparing to manipulate the price of iron ore and double the price.

After Chen Siyu listened, she complained with the same feelings,"Da'ao Country is too much!"

Ning Ruoshuang seconded,"It's indeed a bit too much."

"Australia controls the world's largest iron ore resources, and they are indeed qualified to manipulate prices."Zhao Wanxi sighed.

"Master An, how are you going to solve this problem?"Chen Siyu looked at An Liang.

An Liang shook his head with a smile,"I really can't solve this matter, at least not yet."

"This problem is absolutely unsolvable now. Our dependence on foreign countries in the iron ore field is too high. More than 60% of the iron ore needs to be imported from Australia, so Australia can manipulate us at will. An Liang said with a sigh.

Chen Siyu asked doubtfully,"We are the largest buyers of iron ore in Da'ao, right?""

"Yes."An Liang nodded.

"Since we are the largest buyer, we should set the price, right? Chen Siyu asked doubtfully,"If the seller forces the price to increase, we don't have to buy it!""

"For example, although the milk tea shop opened by Qianqian is priced very high, it is made with real ingredients. If Qianqian increases the price at will, I am afraid that no one will pay the bill."Chen Siyu gave an example.

The unit price of QueenTea opened by Song Qian is indeed quite high, but it is indeed made of real materials, so although the price is relatively expensive, the business is quite good.

As for Chen Siyu's doubts, Zhao Wanxi knows the answer, But Zhao Wanxi did not answer. She looked at An Liang, waiting for An Liang to answer.

An Liang had no intention of letting Zhao Wanxi answer, because Zhao Wanxi and Chen Siyu were both members of the Backyard Alliance. If Zhao Wanxi answered, it would be possible A grudge arose.

So it would be best for Anliang to answer!

"If it is an ordinary trade, it is indeed what Siyu said. For example, Qianqian's milk tea shop, if the price is too high, at worst, choose other milk tea."An Liang responded.

Although the taste of other milk tea shops may not be as good as QueenTea milk tea shop, milk tea is not a necessity, and there will be no big problem even if you don't drink milk tea.

However, the iron ore in Da'ao is different. It really There is no substitute, and it is really bad if it is missing!

"But it is different in the iron ore trade. An Liang added,"If we don't buy the iron ore from Da'ao, the unsaleable iron ore from Da'ao will indeed reduce their export trade income.""

"However, this situation affects us more. Great Australia has only reduced its export revenue, but if we fail to buy iron ore, it may affect the pace of modern development."An Liang sighed

"Steel is the foundation of modern development. If steel is lacking, too many industries will be affected, and our losses will be particularly huge."An Liang added

"Take this time Australia wants to manipulate the price of iron ore as an example. Even after the price doubles, although we have to spend more money to buy iron ore, the extra money is still compared with the losses caused by the lack of steel. It's a small problem, so we will inevitably accept Australia's manipulation of iron ore prices."An Liang said analytically.

In fact, this is indeed the case!

Even if the price of iron ore doubles, Xia Guo still has to buy iron ore from Da'ao. This is a forced and helpless matter.

Chen Siyu asked a little anxiously ,"Then do we have any way to solve this problem?"

"As I said just now, this problem has no solution for the time being. However, we also found a way around it, albeit a very difficult one."An Liang explained.

Chen Siyu breathed a sigh of relief,"I believe you can solve it!"

An Liang smiled. This big cat in the imperial capital is full of blind trust in him!

However, An Liang is indeed confident that he can do this well.

Although the situation in Guiyar is corrupt, Chief Minister Dete has done a good job. He was preparing to run away, and there was a tendency to surrender, but An Liang still felt that Guria's problem could be solved.

Even though Guria had been highly infiltrated by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, An Liang still felt that Renyi Security Company could solve the problem.

Zhao Wanxi Taking another look at Chen Siyu, she originally thought that Chen Siyu was going to ask An Liang how to solve the problem, but Chen Siyu's curiosity ended there, and she just didn't ask about the follow-up matters, thus avoiding some confidential topics.

‘Sure enough, you can’t underestimate anyone! 'Zhao Wanxi sighed secretly in her heart.

Chen Siyu performed so well this time. She asked just the right questions, which not only showed her concern for An Liang, but also did not embarrass An Liang by asking confidential questions.

Zhao Wanxi had to sigh, Chen Siyu deserved to be favored by An Liang!

After all, how many people can be as sensible as Chen Siyu?

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