Faced with Anliang's inquiry, Dmitri did not hide anything. He quickly sent a message to explain the situation.

‘DMT: We have received news that the Bald Eagle is secretly increasing its armed forces to Africa.’

‘AAA: Is the news reliable?’

‘DMT: 100% reliable!’

‘DMT: This piece of news was discovered accidentally, and the source was not from Kohlberg or our Pacific Fleet.’


Such important news was not discovered by Kohlberg or the Pacific Fleet?

An Liangliang was secretly curious, from what channel did he get this news?

‘DMT: This piece of information was obtained through a private channel that we have used for many years. The other party is our external intelligence personnel deployed in Africa. They obtain funds by providing us with intelligence.’

‘DMT: This time it was the other party who discovered the secret operation of the bald eagle.’

‘DMT: The other party sent us this piece of information and asked us if we need this piece of information.’

‘AAA: Where in Africa do bald eagles increase their armed presence?’

‘DMT: Guria. '

It's actually a few riyals?

An's conscience secretly hesitated. Bald Eagle would send additional armed forces to Guria at such a critical moment?

‘DMT: It seems that your overseas agricultural planting base has not been opened in Guinea?’

‘AAA: Indeed not’

‘AAA: But Guiyar is also in our development plans’

‘AAA: Can your peripheral intelligence personnel get more information?’

‘DMT: No problem’

‘DMT: I will arrange it immediately and let the other party inquire about the situation.’

‘AAA: Okay, I owe you a favor for this.’

‘DMT: Then I’ll take note of it!’

‘DMT: I will arrange to gather information first. I will notify you immediately if there is any news.’

‘AAA: Thanks. '

After the exchange between Anliang and Dmitri, they secretly thought about the reason why the bald eagle suddenly increased its armed forces in Guria.

‘Bald Eagle and Great Australia have joined forces to create public opinion to throw the blame for rising iron ore prices over their shoulder. This is their first step. 'An An analyzed the situation in his heart

‘Whether it is Bald Eagle or Da'ao, both companies know very well that Xia Guo can only accept the increase in iron ore prices in Da'ao, but Xia Guo will definitely not give up. 'An Liang continues to analyze

‘The only thing that can solve the iron ore crisis now is Guria's Simang Iron Mine, so the bald eagle predicted our plan? 'Anliang guessed the possible situation

‘At present, Guiyar is almost controlled by the Bald Eagle. This situation makes it impossible to develop the Simang Iron Mine. Even if Xia's companies obtained part of the mining rights of the Simang Iron Mine, the Simang Iron Mine cannot operate normally. 'An Liang further analyzed

‘In view of the situation in Guiya, and in view of the situation in Xia Kingdom, Bald Eagle easily judged that only I can solve Guiya's problem. 'An Liang gradually sorted out the context

‘In order to target the Xia Kingdom in the iron ore field, to monopolize the Simang Iron Mine, and to combat our possible actions, Bald Eagle arranged for the armed forces to enter Guria in advance. 'An Liang analyzed the fundamental motivation of the bald eagle

‘Sure enough, none of these opponents are fools! ' An Liang sighed secretly.

To be honest, along the way, apart from some insignificant minor characters, An Liang's opponents were all very smart and always anticipated An Liang's actions.

However, this situation is normal!

If the world's largest country cannot even do these things, Anliang will feel that there is a trap.

At around seven o'clock in the evening, Zhao Wanxi and An Liang returned to Yunjing International Apartment.

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang had already returned first.

While having dinner, Zhao Wanxi said casually,"The cold chain transportation project is progressing very quickly. If there are no accidents, large-scale infrastructure construction will begin after the year.""

"Are the interests within our club well coordinated?"An Liang asked back.

Zhao Wanxi answered affirmatively,"Sister Zijin coordinates the interests within the club. Club members are very polite to each other. When distributing interests, they basically abide by the principle of equal distribution."

The current Tianshang Baiyujing Club is no longer the Tianshang Baiyujing Club in its founding era. After the current Tianshang Baiyujing Club has been baptized by the new energy war, even the most marginalized members have made a lot of money.

So now the Tianshang Baiyujing Club The Jing Club has a very strong cohesion, and everyone cherishes their status as official members of the Tian Bai Yu Jing Club.

When there is competition among the official members of the club, although there are frictions between each other, the conflicts are within controllable limits and are not It will hurt the harmony.

This is also An Liang's request for the Heavenly Baiyujing Club. In the Heavenly Baiyujing Club, unity is the premise of everything.

Because Anliang knows very well that if the Heavenly Baiyujing Club is not united, it means that he formed Interest groups are worthless in the face of crisis!

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