After An Liang and Zhao Wanxi discussed the cold chain transportation project, they looked at Chen Siyu

"Siyu, how have you been practicing recently? An Liang asked with concern.

Chen Siyu nodded slightly and said confidently,"It's very good. Teacher Sun said that I have made great progress, and now there is a clear gap between me and Xinmei." An

Liang complained with a smile,"Does she know that you said this about Classmate Mu?""

"Of course she knows! Chen Siyu responded affirmatively,"We practice piano together every day. How can she not know the gap between us?""

It seems to be the same!

Chen Siyu and Mu Xinmei practice piano together every day. How can Mu Xinmei not know the difference between them?

"What is the level of the contestants of the last International Piano Competition? Have you communicated with them? An Liang asked curiously.

Chen Siyu shook his head,"I don't know." Everyone communicates very little to avoid affecting each other's mentality."

"Aren’t we learning from each other?"An Liang was confused.

"of course not!"Chen Siyu denied.

Chen Siyu continued to explain,"Take He Xinmei as an example. If Xinmei and I are not from the same school, we are competitors."

"Because my level far exceeds that of Xinmei, if Xinmei and I communicate and learn, then Xinmei will suffer a blow, and may even be unable to recover."Chen Siyu explained the reason

"If Xinmei and I had not communicated and studied, Xinmei could have continued to improve through practice. Although the final result was still not as good as mine, at least she had improved her level instead of being hit hard, resulting in huge psychological pressure.."Chen Siyu added

"I see!"An Liang nodded slightly, expressing his approval of Chen Siyu's statement.

"What do you think of my level?" An Liang asked additionally.

Chen Siyu rolled his eyes at An Liang,"You don't have any idea? An Liang was slightly embarrassed,"

I think I'm pretty good, right?""

"My evaluation is still the same as before. Among ordinary people, your level is very good, but among professional groups, your level is basically at the bottom."Chen Siyu maintained his original evaluation.

"For example, in the piano department of our school, your level is just entry level, and even Qianqian is much better than you."Chen Siyu added.

An Liang answered smoothly,"Speaking of Qianqian, what is she doing recently? Haven't seen anyone for several days"

"She has been miserable lately!"Chen Siyu said with a smile,"Aren't we about to have a holiday?"

"Isn’t it going to be another Chinese New Year soon?"Chen Siyu added

"Then what?"Anliang is curious.

"Our college planned to organize a benefit performance at some welfare homes in the imperial capital. Qianqian was selected, and she was expected to have a hard time during the entire holiday."Chen Siyu laughed a little heartlessly.

An Liang also laughed,"Is Qianqian's level enough?"

"snort! Chen Siyu snorted,"Qianqian is much better than you, but you still think Qianqian's level is inferior?""

"Are there any benefits to this benefit performance?"An Liang changed the topic.

"The benefits are mainly credits and honors, and they are recorded in the archives, which can be used as a glorious resume."Chen Siyu answered affirmatively

"That was slightly comforting."An Liang responded.

An Liang looked at Ning Ruoshuang again, and he said comfortingly,"Shuangshuang, let's continue to work hard next time!"

Ning Ruoshuang naturally failed in the competition for the solo dance of the Spring Festival Gala this time.

After all, the stage of the Spring Festival Gala is the highest level stage. Without An Liang's help, it would be difficult for Ning Ruoshuang to succeed in the competition.

However, Ning Ruoshuang thought In order to compete fairly, An Liang created a fair competition environment for Ning Ruoshuang, and no one else did anything evil.

Ning Ruoshuang sighed,"Sister Ye Wanqing is too strong!"

Ye Wanqing is Ning Ruoshuang's senior sister. She is very talented in dancing and has appeared on the national stage several times before.

This time, the solo dance spot at the Spring Festival Gala was once again won by Ye Wanqing. She had already danced last year. She has appeared on the big stage of the Spring Festival Gala, as well as the National Celebration Gala and the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

"It's okay, we'll keep working hard next time."An Liang was relieved again.

Zhao Wanxi seconded,"This is the second time Ye Wanqing has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala stage this year. It is impossible for Ye Wanqing to appear on the Spring Festival Gala stage consecutively next year anyway. There will be a greater chance next year."

Ning Ruoshuang nodded,"I will work hard!"

An Liang actually secretly admired Ning Ruoshuang because Ning Ruoshuang worked hard to stick to the bottom line.

An Liang knew very well that Ning Ruoshuang was eager to be on the national stage, and An Liang knew that Ning Ruoshuang knew very well that he could arrange for her to be on the national stage. A big stage.

In fact, An Liang told Ning Ruoshuang more than once before that she would directly arrange a place for her.

But Ning Ruoshuang resisted the opportunity that was easily available. She hoped to compete fairly for the corresponding opportunity through her own efforts.

According to Ning Ruoshuang According to Ruoshuang, the path of dance is too difficult!

On the path of dance, especially the path of solo dance, there are too few end positions, so Ning Ruoshuang does not want to use special means to block other people's dreams..Maybe this seems a little silly and naive, but that is Ning Ruoshuang's persistence!

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