It's close to twelve o'clock in the night.

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang have fallen asleep, and Zhao Wanxi is also preparing to go to bed. Although tomorrow is Sunday, Zhao Wanxi usually doesn't like to stay up late.

An Liang heard Zhao Wanxi yawning, and he took the initiative to say,"Wanxi, you go to bed first, I still have some work to do.""

"Then I'll go to bed first, and you go to bed early too." Zhao Wanxi responded obediently.

An Liang agreed firmly,"No problem, I'll go to bed after I've taken care of it."

A few minutes after midnight, An Liang deleted the financial data about Anxin Investment Company on his tablet, and then prepared to go to bed.

However, when An Liang just got up and walked to the bedroom, the confidential communication software on his mobile phone received a message

‘DMT: Did you sleep?’

‘AAA: I was just getting ready to go to bed. Is there any news?’

‘DMT: Yes’

‘DMT: Our intelligence operatives on the African side have reported new information.’

‘DMT: According to reports from our peripheral intelligence personnel, Bald Eagle has deployed at least 200 combatants in Guria.’

‘DMT: I suspect that such a large investment of combatants is aimed at targeting you.’

‘DMT: After all, your overseas agricultural planting base plan in Africa does seriously threaten the bald eagle’s dominance in the agricultural field.’

‘DMT: If you ever have a fight with a bald eagle, we can offer you our services for hire. '

Anliang looked at the message sent by Dmitri and he smiled. So this is why Dmitri is so enthusiastic?

‘AAA: Are you sure you can provide employment services?’

‘DMT: Of course!’

‘AAA: Aren’t you afraid that the bald eagle will settle the score afterwards?’

‘DMT: Why should a bald eagle settle its scores after the fact?’

‘DMT: Even if the bald eagle settles its score afterwards, what does that have to do with us?’

‘DMT: We just hire tool people, you are the masterminds behind the scenes’


What this bitch Dmitri said made sense, but Anliang didn't even know how to refute it.

After all, it is indeed what Dmitri said. They are just providing hired services, which are equivalent to tool men. If the bald eagle wants to cause trouble, it should also find trouble with the mastermind behind the scenes, right?

‘AAA: Do you also have armed forces in Africa?’

‘DMT: None’

‘DMT: However, if you need it, we can arrange for someone to come there right away.’

‘DMT: Since Bald Eagle arranged for more than 200 people to go there, we can arrange for 400 people to go there.’

‘DMT: Do you need it? '

Faced with Dmitri once again stating that he could provide employment services, Anliang was a little moved.

‘AAA: What price?’

‘DMT: Old rules? '

An Liang once hired the special operations force Triglav in the Pacific Fleet. The corresponding price is 10 million Xia Guoyuan for 50 people to fight for ten days. Every day more than one day will be increased by 1 million Xia Guoyuan. If it is less than one day, it will be calculated as one day. At the same time, it will provide the opportunity to annihilate one person. The enemy’s reward of 2 million Xia Guoyuan

‘AAA: It’s expensive!’

‘AAA: This combat mission is different from previous combat missions’

‘AAA: The previous combat missions were special operations of the latent and surprise type, but this time there is a high probability of a head-on confrontation. '

Dmitri looked at An Liang's reply and fell silent. Just as An Liang said, this combat mission is indeed different from the previous ones. The combat difficulty is far lower than the previous operations.

‘DMT: What price do you think is right?’

‘AAA: In addition to Triglav, do you have any other special forces?’

‘AAA: If it’s confidential, just pretend I didn’t ask’

‘DMT: In addition to Triglav, our Pacific Fleet also has Delwolf. The two combined can easily make up 400 people!’

‘AAA: We only need 200 people. We have also prepared security forces in Africa. '

Anliang is indeed not prepared to rely entirely on the Northern Bear Country to solve the Bald Eagle's troubles, because Renyi Security Company has deployed a large number of security forces in Africa, and these security forces also need to be baptized by guns and fire.

Otherwise, what is the difference between them and the flowers in the greenhouse?

‘DMT: 200 people, 200 people, what price are you prepared to offer?’

‘AAA: When we hired Triglav, 50 people per day cost 1 million Xia Guoyuan. Although it has increased to 200 people now, the combat difficulty has plummeted, so I hope the price remains the same.’

‘AAA: Calculated based on 1 million Xia Guoyuan per day, each combatant can receive a reward of 5,000 Xia Guoyuan every day.’

‘AAA: We will also provide a reward mechanism of 1 million Xia Guoyuan for annihilating an enemy.’

‘AAA: At the same time, if one of your men is unfortunately killed in action, we will pay a one-time compensation of 2 million Xia Guoyuan, and we will provide a long-term compensation of 3,000 Xia Guoyuan per month for 20 years to the immediate family members of the deceased. '

Dmitri looked at the conditions listed by An Liang and sighed secretly in his heart, because such conditions far exceeded the compensation conditions for death that the North Bear Country could provide.

So what reason is there for not agreeing?

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