It's about eleven o'clock in the morning.

At Li Xiyan's house, An Liang asked casually,"Are you sure you have tofu rice for lunch?"

Li Xiyan looked at Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing,"Qiqi, Yuqing, what do you want to eat?"

Guo Yuqing responded affirmatively," I want to eat bean curd rice. After I came here last time, I didn’t find authentic bean curd rice in the Magic City."

Yao Qi seconded,"I also want to eat bean curd rice, preferably with roasted pepper, and not too spicy. The spicy roasted pepper."

Li Xiyan responded,"There are roasted peppers in the blessed bean curd rice."

An Liang continued,"The roasted pepper that is not too spicy is added with sesame oil. The roasted blessed bean curd rice." The pepper doesn't need to be too spicy."

After finishing speaking, An Liang raised his left hand to look at the time, and then added,"It's past eleven o'clock now, shall we go there first?"

"Uh-huh!"Li Xiyan agreed. Naturally,

Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing would not refuse.

However, because they were going out for dinner, the three girls all expressed that they had to tidy up. This tidying up took almost an hour.

A little after twelve noon.

Li Xiyan agreed. Xiyan, Yao Qi, and Guo Yuqing finally finished cleaning up, and they all put on light makeup.

Li Xiyan walked up to An Liang, and she turned around in a circle,"Does it look good?"

"Not bad! An Liang said with praise,"Our baby is the most beautiful!""

"Humph~" Li Xiyan snorted, her eyes full of joy.

An Liang took the three of them out and took the elevator to the underground garage. When they saw the multi-crew version of the flying motorcycle, Li Xiyan and the other three didn't have any Surprised, because the Yangyun Aman Hotel in Shanghai has officially launched a multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle in the city, and it has become a hot news in the city. An

Liang first asked Li Xiyan and three people to board the multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle, and After fastening his seat belt, he boarded the cockpit.

Shengqing's Flying Motorcycle Management Act is the same as that of the Imperial Capital. In the main city, no non-LO-level pilot license is allowed to fly a flying motorcycle manually.

Only the medical version of the flying motorcycle and the firefighting version can be flown. When the motorcycle is performing a mission, only those with L0 level flight licenses are allowed to manually drive the flying motorcycle.

An Liang first set 'Fuqi Bean Curd Rice' as the destination, and then let the intelligent flight control system drive automatically.

While on the road , Li Xiyan took the initiative and said,"Anliang, after we join Shengqing TV Station, we want to do a series of reports on the current working and living conditions of the elderly population. What do you think?"

"What is the current situation of the aging population?"An Liang frowned.

"Um! Li Xiyan responded affirmatively,"Our country has entered the stage of a super-aging society. These elderly people are basically vulnerable groups, so we want to do a survey on the current situation of these vulnerable groups.""

Yao Qi answered,"We don't know whether Shengqing TV will allow us to conduct such an investigation, and we don't know whether Shengqing TV will broadcast it after we conduct the investigation."

Guo Yuqing sighed and answered,"In our Magic City, more and more industries are beginning to eliminate the elderly population, including the city of Magic City, which is also silently squeezing out the elderly population."

"Although I know very well that this is the current situation in big cities, we wanted to investigate the current working conditions of these older people and their current living conditions. Guo Yuqing added.

Li Xiyan looked at An Liang expectantly,"What do you think of this series of reports?""

"Let me ask about the situation first."An Liang did not respond directly.

An Liang immediately sent a message to Huang Guoxiang

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, I have something to ask your opinion on.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: What happened?’

‘An Liang: Wait a moment. '

Almost a minute later, An Liang typed out the relevant information in detail and then sent it to Huang Guoxiang.

‘An Liang: [Series of reports on the current working and living conditions of the elderly population]】’

‘An Liang: Take a look first’

‘An Liang: Do you think this series of reports can be done?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Wait a minute, let me take a look first. '

In less than two minutes, Huang Guoxiang finished reading the relevant information of the series of reports on the working and living conditions of the elderly population. He thought for a moment and then replied to An Liang.

‘Huang Guoxiang: You can report, but you must conduct a true investigation, and do not add fuel to the fire or generalize.’

‘An Liang: Got it’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Actually you can solve this problem’

‘An Liang: Stop it, stop it!’

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, please stop digging holes. Can we solve this kind of thing?’

‘An Liang: No more talking, I’m going to eat first’

‘Huang Guoxiang: OK!

After the exchange between An Liang and Huang Guoxiang, he explained to Li Xiyan and the others,"I just asked if there is any problem with your planned series of reports on the working and living conditions of the elderly population."

"However, your reports must be based on factual investigations, and you must not sugarcoat or overgeneralize, do you understand? An Liang reminded him.

Li Xiyan responded affirmatively,"I understand!"

Yao Qi also agreed,"Don't worry, we will definitely investigate on the spot and report truthfully."

Guo Yuqi responded,"We must have professional ethics!""

"That's good! An Liang responded,"However, in order to protect your safety, I will arrange for someone to follow you while you are investigating.""

Li Xiyan has long been accustomed to An Liang arranging people to protect her, so she naturally agreed nonchalantly,"Yeah, okay."

Yao Qi looked at An Liang's back with complicated eyes. She secretly envied Li Xiyan in her heart.

Guo Yuqi also sighed silently, this dog food is too sweet!

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