Yao Qi affirmed An Liang's statement,"The current labor shortage is indeed caused by man-made reasons. However, the reason for this situation is also caused by the involution of competition for jobs among the aging population."

"Because almost all large-scale labor-intensive enterprises are undergoing automation upgrades, thereby reducing labor positions and causing a large number of labor-based human resources to become unemployed. These human resources can only choose small and medium-sized labor-intensive enterprises. When small- and medium-sized labor-intensive enterprises have more choices, Naturally, they will lower their salary packages to gain more profits."Yao Qi analyzed

"Low wages will indeed cause a certain degree of labor shortage, but I believe Mr. An understands very well why these small and medium-sized labor-intensive enterprises are unwilling to increase wages. Yao Qi looked at An Liang.

An Liang smiled and replied,"Are you testing me, classmate Yao?""

"Does Mr. An know the answer?"Yao Qi looked at An Liang and asked.

Guo Yuqing was secretly worried. She knew very well that Yao Qi liked An Liang, but now it was a bit obvious, right?

Li Xiyan didn't seem to notice anything strange, so she followed up and asked,"An Liang, can you Can you analyze the reason?

An Liang replied with a smile,"Because of profit!""

"The essential reason is the interest game between human resource costs and production profits. Nowadays, small and medium-sized labor-intensive enterprises are unwilling to raise wages, which means that the profits they gain by lowering wages exceed the labor surplus value generated by workers after raising wages."An Liang explained

"Let us give an example. If a company has 100 employees, assuming the average salary is 4,000 yuan, the profit of the products produced by the 100 employees is 800,000 yuan, and other operating costs, loss costs, etc. are combined into 200,000 yuan. The company's profit is 200,000 yuan."An Liang cited examples

"Now this company wants to recruit 100 more people, but because of the salary package of 4,000 yuan, it cannot find more workers willing to accept this salary package. If it wants to recruit more workers, it must increase wages, but increasing wages will It means paying more human resource costs."An Liang added

"Let's assume that the salary needs to be increased to 5,000 yuan to recruit 100 more people. However, a company's salary has its own structure. If the salary of the 100 new workers is 5,000 yuan, then the salary of the original 100 employees must also be increased. to 5,000 yuan. After all, in the case of the same job, the salary must be treated differently, which will definitely make the original 100 employees dissatisfied, which will lead to further conflicts."An Liang continued to explain.

"Now with 200 employees, the monthly human resource cost has risen to 1 million. If the profit of the products produced by 200 employees doubles to 1.6 million, and the operating cost also doubles to 400,000, then the company's profit is still only 20 Ten thousand."An Liang listed the data

"Although the data model of this example is relatively simple, we can use it to illustrate the problem. When the number of workers doubles, the factory's profits will not change at all, so why should the company increase wages?"An Liang asked back.

"This is the essential reason for the current labor shortage. Those business owners are unwilling to increase wages and benefits because corporate profits will not increase or not increase much if wages and benefits are increased, so they simply choose to operate with low wages and benefits."An Liang concluded.

Yao Qi said with praise,"The examples cited by An Liang are very concise and explain the problem at the same time. The essential reason why those business owners are unwilling to improve their remuneration is indeed the situation explained by An."

Capital pursues profits!

If there are profits, how can business owners not improve the treatment of workers?

After all, how many business owners are really fools?

"The situation in labor-intensive industries is different from that in the construction industry. Guo Yuqing interrupted the exchange between Yao Qi and An Liang.

An Liang asked casually,"What is the situation in the construction industry?""

"Mr. An, your family is a construction company, right? Guo Yuqi asked back.

An Liang nodded affirmatively,"Yes, our family is a construction company.""

"Do you have any old employees in your family? Guo Yuqi asked.

An Liang responded with a half-smile,"We at AXA Construction are famous in the industry for our veteran employees!" In our Ansheng Construction, there are more than 60 people with more than 15 years of service, more than 200 people with more than 10 years of service, and even more people with more than 5 years of service!"

"In addition, we at AXA Construction have a large number of older employees!"An Liang added

"..."Guo Yuqing looked at An Liang speechlessly.

"Mr. An, you are not following the rules!"Guo Yuqi complained

"You asked it yourself, didn't you? An Liang joked.

Ansheng Construction Company is indeed famous for its old employees in the construction industry in Shengqing. Because of its large number of old employees, Ansheng Construction Company is famous for its project quality.

Some high-quality real estate and high-demand buildings , basically choose Ansheng Construction Company to undertake the construction.

For Ansheng Construction Company, the old employees in the company are precious resources, and it is impossible to directly dismiss the old employees because they are too old. After all, in Ansheng Construction Inside, a large number of new employees and old employees are relatives and friends, and they have a legacy relationship. How can it be possible to dismiss old employees easily?

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