Faced with An Liang's unconventional play, Guo Yuqing could only take the initiative to show off her cards.

"Over in Shanghai, we investigated the situation in the construction industry. Currently, the construction industry in Shanghai is gradually eliminating workers over 50 years old. Some older workers even dye their hair black to make themselves look younger so that they can stay in the construction industry."Guo Yuqing explained.

An Liang was silent for a moment before responding,"The current city has passed the period of large-scale construction, and the demand for employees in the construction industry has indeed dropped a lot."

This is also true.

Today's first-tier cities and new first-tier cities have long passed the era of large-scale construction. The demand for employees in the construction industry has naturally dropped significantly, so it is very normal to eliminate some older employees.

Yao Qi seconded the response,"Although there is one reason, there is another reason."

Yao Qi continued to add,"Now the real estate industry is in a slump, and the construction industry is also in a slump. In order to save costs and reduce the wages of construction workers, some companies in the construction industry have a tacit understanding to exclude the elderly population and turn a blind eye. One Eye recruits older people beyond their age, thereby further depressing their treatment."

Guo Yuqi continued,"Older employees in the construction industry have fewer job opportunities because most of the older employees in the construction industry come from remote areas. If they are dismissed from the construction industry, they can only return to remote areas."

Guo Yuqing continued to explain,"Once they return to remote areas, their corresponding income will only be lower, so even in the face of pressure from construction companies, they can only choose to accept it."

An Liang remained silent.

This kind of situation actually exists in Shengqing, but the Xicheng development plan has weakened this situation.

"We want to continue to dig deeper into these issues, do you think that’s okay?"Li Xiyan answered on the side.

An Liang nodded,"Of course it's no problem. The current working and living conditions of the aging population are indeed worthy of in-depth reporting."

"Uh-huh!"Li Xiyan nodded happily.

Everyone was chatting while eating.

An Liang said casually,"In fact, it's not just the elderly population that is facing an unemployment crisis. The employment pressure of young people is also very high, and the entire industry is being eliminated anytime and anywhere. A question that turns everything upside down. Guo

Yuqing immediately asked keenly,"Does Mr. An have any inside information?""

Li Xiyan and Yao Qi also looked at An Liang

"There is no inside story, it’s just that with the development of technology, some industries are easily disrupted."An Liang said with a sigh.

Guo Yuqing already had the acumen of a professional reporter. She answered,"For example, what industry is it?"

"Are you starting to dig up news now?"An Liang asked with a smile.

"Just curious. Guo Yuqing replied.

An Liang reminded,"I can tell you, but you don't want to report it publicly.""

"no problem!"Guo Yuqi was the first to answer.

Yao Qi also seconded.

Li Xiyan naturally agreed obediently.

"For example, express delivery and takeout are two industries."An Liang explained

"At present, the number of employees in the express delivery and takeout industries has exceeded 10 million, and the number is still increasing year by year. A large number of young people have invested in these two industries."An Liang introduced the overall situation of the industry.

Whether it is express delivery or takeout, these two industries have saved a large number of unemployed young people.

"You should all know about the flying motorcycle, lighthouse helmet, and guardian prosthetic frame developed by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, right?"An Liang seemed to change the topic of the question.

Yao Qi was silent and thought, and she vaguely thought of the answer.

Guo Yuqing also fell into thinking.

Li Xiyan responded,"Are you going to make takeout robots and takeout drones?"

An Liang was not surprised that Li Xiyan guessed the rough answer.

Li Xiyan just has a naive mentality sometimes, which does not mean that Li Xiyan is really honest.

In fact, it is quite the opposite. He is also a smart person!

Otherwise, could Li Xiyan be admitted to Fudan University?

What a nonsense!

"Dream Future Graphene Technology Group did submit to me a plan to develop delivery drones and delivery robots before, but I rejected it outright. An Liang explained.

Guo Yuqing answered,"Mr. An, why don't you agree?""

"Whether it is the food delivery industry or the express delivery industry, the market size is very large. If you get involved, you should be able to gain huge benefits."Guo Yuqing explained.

As Guo Yuqing said, whether it is express delivery or takeout, their market size is very huge.

If we can get involved in the takeout or express delivery industry, it will indeed be a great success for the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. It can further expand the scale.

At the same time, it can also capture a lot of profits in the two major industries of takeout and express delivery!

Yao Qi explained on behalf of An Liang,"Student An probably doesn't want to destroy the jobs in the takeout and express delivery industry, right?"

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