Faced with Xiao Jiaheng's probing, An Liang took the initiative to ask,"As for the Spring Festival Gala, I'll go back and ask my parents if they have time to attend. By the way, have you taken out the title for the Spring Festival Gala?"

After all, the other party has already Given the reminder, and the other party was extremely considerate in taking care of Li Xiyan, of course An Liang had to return the favor smoothly.

"Not yet. Is Mr. An interested?"Xiao Jiaheng is also very satisfied with An Liang in his heart.

Isn't the reason why they are so pleased with An Liang because they want An Liang's sponsorship?

Shengqing TV has been very miserable among many TV stations, and even the entire advertising business has been outsourced, so Shengqing TV Qing TV's advertisements are always very outrageous, either about plastic surgery or men's and gynecology.

If Anliang doesn't want to sponsor Shengqing TV's Spring Festival Gala, I guess Shengqing TV will sell half of it and give it half to local partners.

"Since the naming rights are still reserved, give us AXA Construction. Director Xiao will give us a preferential price! An Liang was joking.

Xiao Jiaheng responded politely,"Don't worry, Mr. An, we will definitely give Mr. An a preferential price." Zeng

Qingyun answered on the side,"Mr. An, what do you think of 12 million?""

Zeng Qingyun is the deputy director of Shengqing TV Station. If he makes the quotation, it will form an effective buffer zone.

For example, if Anliang is dissatisfied with Zeng Qingyun's quotation, Xiao Jiaheng can still make adjustments.

If Xiao Jiaheng makes the quotation directly, then The buffer space was lost.

Faced with Zeng Qingyun's offer of 12 million, An Liang knew very well that as long as he opened his mouth, he could cut it to 10 million and wipe out the fraction directly.

However, An Liang had no intention of bargaining, he directly Agree,"No problem. We at AXA Construction want it, but I also have a request.

Zeng Qingyun quickly asked enthusiastically,"What matters does Mr. An need to deal with?""

"At your Spring Festival party, remember to save some seats for us at AXA Construction."An Liang responded casually.

As for asking them to take care of Li Xiyan?

Isn't that a prerequisite?

Only if they take care of Li Xiyan can An Liang purchase the naming rights for the Spring Festival Gala.

Faced with An Liang's small request, Zeng Qingyun, of course, He agreed.

The three of them chatted in Xiao Jiaheng's office for almost half an hour, and then An Liang got up and went to the news channel.

In the office area of ​​the news channel, An Liang found Li Xiyan and the other three, and Cai Mingzhe, the director of the news channel, was personally leading He led the three people to visit the news channel and introduced the situation of the news channel to the three people.

In fact, this matter can be handled by Li Xiyan. During the previous summer vacation, Li Xiyan had interned at the news channel. Li Xiyan Naturally, he is familiar with the news channel.

However, Cai Mingzhe still chose to personally lead the three people to visit the news channel.

This is Cai Mingzhe trying to please Li Xiyan!

Cai Mingzhe personally led Li Xiyan and the three people to visit the news channel. Naturally, it was for the sake of Li Xiyan's safety. So Cai Mingzhe gave Li Xiyan enough face

"Mr. An."Cai Mingzhe took the initiative to say hello.

An Liang nodded slightly and responded politely,"Excuse me, Director Cai."

"It's no trouble. Mr. An is too polite. Ms. Li, Ms. Yao, and Ms. Guo are all top students at Fudan University. It's our honor that they are willing to come over for internship."Cai Mingzhe said politely.

But this statement is a bit false!

There are only more than 30 large-scale TV stations across the country, and each TV station has already been fully staffed. What about top students from Fudan University?

If you want to enter Isn't it the most basic requirement to work in a large TV station to graduate from a prestigious school?

Cai Mingzhe is so polite, just to give An Liang face.

"Xiyan, what work are you going to do?" An Liang asked Li Xiyan, and actually he was also asking Cai Mingzhe.

Li Xiyan responded,"I am still the same, serving as a news reporter, Yuqing is the same, and Qiqi is the intern host.

Cai Mingzhe added,"We arranged for Ms. Li to join her old team during the summer and arranged New Year interviews, including reporting on the court's condolence activities and some New Year activities of the court.""

This is definitely a good job!

Because such news reports are bound to be in the news and will be highlighted

"We arranged a cameraman and a radio engineer for Ms. Guo, and also arranged grassroots interviews."Cai Mingzhe introduced the work arrangements for Guo Yuqing.

There is a clear gap in the treatment between Li Xiyan and Guo Yuqing!

Li Xiyan's team has four people, plus Li Xiyan herself, there are five people, while Guo Yuqing only has two people. Individuals also have differences in work arrangements.

Faced with this difference, whether it is An Liang, Guo Yuqing, or Li Xiyan and Yao Qi, everyone can understand it.

After all, there is a difference between closeness and distance.

"We arranged for Ms. Yao to host the weather forecast. After the local news was broadcast, Ms. Yao started to host the weather forecast."Cai Mingzhe explained the arrangement for Yao Qi again.

This arrangement is not bad, even if it is a local channel, but after all, it is a face-to-face host!

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