An Liang listened to Cai Mingzhe's arrangements and asked,"When will they start working?"

Cai Mingzhe immediately responded,"As for the working hours, Mr. An can just look at the arrangements."

Hearing Cai Mingzhe's humble answer, Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing Looking at each other, although they already knew in advance that Anliang's family was very powerful in Shengqing, was this status too high?

An Liang looked at Li Xiyan,"Xiyan, when do you want to start working?"

Before Li Xiyan answered, An Liang added,"My mother is cooking at home today, and we will go over for dinner together in the evening."

Li Xiyan His face turned slightly red,"Should I go too?"

"Otherwise?"An Liang asked back.

"That...Start work tomorrow, right?"Li Xiyan couldn't decide to pay attention.

An Liang nodded slightly,"That'll be fine tomorrow. I'll arrange for someone to install a charging pile in your parking space later, and I'll leave the flying motorcycle to you."

"No, no, I'll just take a taxi."Li Xiyan said in refusal.

An Liang ignored Li Xiyan's refusal. The traffic jams here at Shengqing TV headquarters every day are no joke. He looked at Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing,"The Chinese New Year is in a few days. You are celebrating the New Year. Go back? Yao

Qi first denied,"I won't go back. I have already agreed with my family that I will be an intern in Shengqing throughout the winter vacation.""

Guo Yuqing responded in agreement,"I won't go either. Qiqi and I will celebrate the New Year here in Xiyan, and Aunt Liu also agreed."

Li Xiyan confirmed on the side,"Mom welcomes Qiqi and Yuqing."

Since Liu Ling has already agreed, what can An Liang say?

The only trouble is that the originally joyful winter vacation is now, because Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing have joined, An Liang can no longer have a tryst with Li Xiyan! At four o'clock in the afternoon A few minutes later, Li Xiyan and the others successfully joined the Shengqing TV station. Their workstations were arranged together and their work badges were applied for.

An Liang sat at Li Xiyan's workstation and chatted with Sun Xia.

‘Sun Xia: When will you come?’

‘Sun Xia: How many of you are there?’

‘An Liang: [Location information: Shengqing TV Station]’

‘An Liang: Mom, we are still at Shengqing TV station. Wait a moment. We will go home in a while.’

‘An Liang: There are four of us, Xiyan and I, and two of her classmates.’

‘Sun Xia: OK!’

‘Sun Xia: I'm already at home. You can come back at any time.’

‘Sun Xia: By the way, your dad has a dinner tonight and he won’t be at home to eat.’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘An Liang: What dinner is more important to me?’

‘An Liang: How many times can I come back a year?’

‘An Liang: Am I my biological child? '

An Liang was deliberately naughty.

‘Sun Xia: Go talk to your father yourself!’

‘An Liang: OK! '

An Liang immediately opened the An family three group, and he sent a message in the group @安成宇

‘An Liang: Dad, are you having dinner with Secretary Miao tonight?’

‘An Liang: Let me tell you first, I really don’t have Dongqingzi oral liquid here, so just take it easy!’

‘An Liang: After all, you are almost fifty years old!’

‘An Shengyu:? ? ?’

‘An Shengyu: What are you talking about?’

[An Liang withdrew a message]

[An Liang withdrew a message]

[An Liang withdrew one message]

An Liang withdrew all three messages in a row and then resent the message.

‘An Liang: @安盛宇: Dad, why won’t you come back for dinner tonight?’

‘Sun Xia:?’

‘Sun Xia: Who is Secretary Miao?’

‘Sun Xia: An Shengyu, come back and explain it carefully.’

‘An Shengyu:...’

‘An Shengyu: That's what An Liang said. How can I have Secretary Miao?’

‘An Liang: Dad, I advise you to come back tonight and explain it carefully.’

‘An Shengyu:...’

‘An Shengyu: You cheater! '

In fact, there is no such thing as Secretary Miao, and An Liang was just talking nonsense, just to trick An Shengyu.

In fact, Sun Xia also knew that An Liang was talking nonsense.

However, both Sun Xia and An Liang were dissatisfied with An Shengyu's dinner party at night, so the two of them joined forces to create a little trouble for An Shengyu.

‘An Shengyu: I’ll be home before six o’clock’

‘An Shengyu: @安梁: Wait for me, kid!’

‘An Liang: I’ll wait!’

‘Sun Xia: We are waiting for you at home. An Liang ended the chat with a smile, then put away his phone. He scanned around and didn't see Li Xiyan, and then stood up from Li Xiyan's workstation.

After a while, An Liang discovered Li Xiyan, who was communicating with her photography team about work.

An Liang walked over quietly. He wanted to hear how Li Xiyan arranged her work.

However, when An Liang walked over, Li Xiyan discovered An Liang in advance.

Li Xiyan took the initiative to ask,"Are we going back?"

It was already past four-thirty. An Liang nodded slightly,"If nothing happens, we will go back first.""

"Wait first." Li Xiyan responded, and then told Pan Jialong, the team leader of the photography team,"Team leader Pan, tomorrow we will report with the court's condolences team, so you should prepare in advance.

Pan Jialong responded affirmatively,"Okay, we will be ready.""

"See you tomorrow then."Li Xiyan responded

"See you tomorrow. Pan Jialong responded.

The other three members of the photography team also responded.

"Where are Nuxia Guo and Classmate Yao? An Liang asked.

Li Xiyan responded,"They are also familiar with their work in advance, but they should be almost ready. Let's go find them first.""

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