The issue of Tianshang Bai Yujing Club sub-account upgrade is a matter of concern to all members.

Although according to Anliang's regulations, each official member of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club is only allowed to derive two sub-accounts, the new sign-in system has a guaranteed minimum contribution, so once the sub-account is really allowed to use the club contribution independently, it is equivalent to Bai Yujing. visit a prostitute!

Since there is an opportunity for free prostitution, why don't everyone care?

‘An Liang: Regarding the issue of sub-account upgrade, everyone’s guess is correct.’

‘An Liang: We plan to allow sub-accounts to use the new check-in function, and allow sub-accounts to independently use club contributions’

‘An Liang: To give an example, for example, @林伊利’s younger sister @林云思 does not currently have an independent club contribution account and can only deduct it from Brother Yili’s account.’

‘An Liang: After this upgrade, @林云思's independent contribution account will be opened, and she will be allowed to use the club's contribution independently, including but not limited to using the contribution to post help tasks in the club, redeem the club's internal supply resources, etc.’

‘An Liang: But the sub-account and the main account use the same exchange limit.’

‘An Liang: For example, Brother Yili’s exchange limit is 10 bottles of Dongqingzi oral liquid and 10 bottles of Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum per month.’

‘An Liang: If @林云思 redeems 5 bottles of Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum, it will be deducted from Brother Yili’s redemption limit’

‘An Liang: Regarding the sub-account function update, it will take about three hours.’

‘An Liang: This update directly changes the settings of the sub-account, so there is no need for you to update our club app again.’

‘An Liang: Is there anything else you don’t understand?’

‘Lin Yili: @安梁: I have a question, after @林云思 has her own independent contribution account, can I still give her contribution points?’

‘An Liang: Of course.’

‘An Liang: Currently there are no changes in the function settings between the main account and the sub-account, including setting restrictions for the sub-account.’

‘An Liang: For example, for example, setting a monthly limit for the sub-account to redeem internal resources. Once the limit is reached, even if the sub-account's contribution is sufficient, there is no way to redeem the club's internal resources.’

‘An Liang: In addition, we will launch a brand new function. The club contribution will be transferred between the main account and the sub-account, and the 10% transfer commission will not be deducted.’

‘An Liang: In short, the contributions between a main account and two sub-accounts can be transferred to each other, so do you understand?’

‘Lin Yili: Got it!’

‘Lin Yili: @林云思: Give me half of your future contribution!’

‘Lin Yunsi: Why?’

‘Lin Yili: I can set your exchange limit’

‘Ye Xiangyu: @叶之伊: Do you understand?’

‘Pang Zhengfeng: @平 Zhaoxia: You know!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: @赵东梁: I also want 50% of the contribution you will get from signing in in the future!’

‘Zhao Dongliang:...’

Originally, Zhao Dongliang had been diving, but now the war has spread to himself.

‘Zhao Dongliang: OK!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Submit it once a month and I will check the sign-in record’

‘Zhao Dongliang:...’

‘An Liang: Any other questions?’

‘Lin Yili: There is another question’

‘Lin Yili: I suggest that the main account can freely allocate contribution points from the sub-accounts to avoid accumulating too many contributions from the sub-accounts.’

‘An Liang:...’

‘Lin Yunsi: Lin Yili, you have gone too far!’

‘Ye Zhiyi: Are you speaking in human language?’

‘Pang Zhaoxia: You are simply not a human being!’

‘Li Qian: I also think Brother Yili really went too far this time!’

‘An Liang: Brother Yili, I think everyone is opposed to your proposal.’

‘An Liang: It’s getting late. Let’s slip away. Good night, brothers and sisters.’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Good night!’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Good night!’

‘Lin Yili: Good night! '

It's almost nine o'clock in the morning.

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi finished their morning exercise and washed up together in the bathroom.

A few minutes later, An Liang came out of the bathroom first. He picked up his phone and checked the messages. The No. 4 Tianji Shensuan sent him several messages.

‘No. 4: BOSS, the update of the confidential communication software of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club has been completely completed, and the level of security and confidentiality has been further improved.’

‘No. 4: The [Zhiming] supercomputer in Shiliwan has completed testing and is ready to go online at any time.’

‘No. 4: Our simulation of Shengqing in the Zhiming supercomputer has achieved very good results. Once the [Smart City] project goes online, it will effectively solve many problems within Shengqing City. '

An Liang showed a smile after checking the message sent by No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator.

【Zhiming] The supercomputer is a key project of the Shiliwan Life Science Research Center. Although it uses chips from AMD, the core uses smart chips jointly developed by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Dark Core Technology.

【Zhiming] The computing power of supercomputers has reached the latest generation of 'E-class', which is the so-called running of tens of billions of floating point calculations per second.

Supercomputers of this level are also the most top-notch in the world!

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