Most people only have a rough understanding of the concept of supercomputers as stacking hardware, such as tens of thousands of processors to form a supercomputer.

But this is not the case!

It is impossible to build a supercomputer by just stacking hardware.

For example, the simplest question is, how to make a large number of processors work together?

Another example is how to carry out data communication at high speed?

Although Dark Core Technology has been blocked in its project to develop carbon-based chips and its research and development progress is very slow, Dark Core Technology has also made breakthroughs in other fields.

Including supercomputers, artificial intelligence chips, carbon-based communication networks, etc.

These technologies have been applied to Shiliwan E-class supercomputer Zhiming.

The main task of the Zhiming Supercomputer is to assist the Shiliwan Life Science Research Center in exploring the field of life sciences in the future. It is also responsible for the smart city project that Anliang will promote in Shengqing.

The smart city project is a project that was born when Anliang was implementing the"Return Gift Plan".

In order to implement the"Return Gift Plan", Anliang asked the Tianji artificial intelligence system to comprehensively analyze the traffic situation in Tokyo, so as to target Prince Hongyue at the big data level.

【After the return gift plan was successful, An Liang secretly ordered the Tianji artificial intelligence system to connect to Shengqing's three major security monitoring systems to comprehensively analyze Shengqing's traffic situation.

Now that the Zhiming supercomputer can be online at any time, smart city projects can also be online at any time.

As long as the smart city project goes online, Renyi Security Company will be able to better protect Anliang's industrial chain and related personnel in Shengqing, including Anliang's parents, Li Xiyan's mother, the little vixen, etc.

When Zhao Wanxi came out of the bathroom, An Liang took the initiative to say,"I'm going to go back to Shengqing today.""

"Something's going on over there?"Zhao Wanxi asked with a bit of reluctance.

An Liang nodded,"The supercomputer in Shiliwan will be online soon, and I plan to start a smart city project in Shengqing."

"Smart city project?" Zhao Wanxi showed doubts.

An Liang explained,"The so-called smart city project is an integrated intelligent system for urban management. This system will first take over the traffic management system, including controlling traffic lights, tidal lanes, safety Surveillance systems, communication networks, even police networks, etc."

"You should know that Shengqing has long been ranked first in the country in terms of traffic congestion."An Liang explained.

Zhao Wanxi nodded.

The traffic congestion in Shengqing has indeed been ranked first in Xia Kingdom for a long time. In some core areas of Shengqing, there has even been congestion at 11 o'clock in the night.

This Simply outrageous!

"Our smart city project will first solve the problem of traffic congestion. The smart city project will alleviate the congestion problem through a city-wide linkage adjustment plan."An Liang explained

"These adjustments include waiting times for traffic lights, changes to tidal lanes, and increased drone patrols for illegal parking, etc." An Liang added.

Zhao Wanxi responded,"Do you need help?"

"Will Shengqing allow you to launch this smart city project?" Zhao Wanxi asked more.

An Liang smiled and nodded,"We solved all the problems through the connections in Brother Haiyang's family. In fact, even without the connections in Brother Haiyang's family, the local court in Shengqing also welcomed our smart city project."

"We have used supercomputers to conduct simulations. Once the smart city project goes online, the traffic situation in Shengqing can be improved by at least 12%."An Liang added.

"Secondly, after the smart city project is launched, public transportation can also be reformed. An Liang mentioned another new function.

Zhao Wanxi asked with interest,"How to reform public transportation?""

"The total population of Shengqing has exceeded 30 million, and the permanent population in the main urban area has also exceeded 10 million. During the morning and evening peak hours, the pressure on public transportation is extremely huge."An Liang introduced the population situation of Shengqing.

Shengqing is the city with the largest population in Xia Kingdom. The large population naturally creates a series of problems.

"Although the all-in-one card and mobile phone scanning in the current public transportation system are very convenient, in fact they are not convenient enough. Traffic is still slow during the morning and evening peaks."An Liang explained

"In order to avoid such problems, we designed a senseless payment system in the smart city project. Once the user agrees to the payment agreement, when the user uses the public transportation system, there is no need to use a card to swipe the card or use a 2D card. By scanning the QR code, you only need to scan it through the security monitoring equipment in the public transportation system, and you can pay automatically without any contact."An Liang explained in detail

"For example, when taking rail transit, when users who authorize contactless payment enter the station, as long as they do not carry liquid drinks or bags, they can directly take the contactless passage and enter the station directly, thus avoiding a large number of passengers concentrating at the entrance and exit gates.."An Liang gave an example.

Zhao Wanxi discovered the blind spot after listening!

"What if the user carries liquid drinks and bags?"Zhao Wanxi asked

"In addition, what if the user does not authorize contactless payment but uses the channel for contactless payment?"Zhao Wanxi asked additionally.

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