February 16th is the fifth day of the Lunar New Year and the penultimate day of the Spring Festival holiday.

Although they haven't officially started work yet, there are already more vehicles on the road, especially taxis. A considerable number of taxi drivers have officially started working.

Chen Daqiang is a taxi driver. He is 48 years old and has been driving a taxi for 20 years. He can be called a prosperous person.

Just after 8 a.m., Chen Daqiang received a young male customer at Jiasheng Port in Zhongyu District.

"Go to Shengqing International Airport."The young male customer just got on the bus and spoke in Mandarin.

Chen Daqiang kindly reminded,"If you go to the airport, I recommend taking our Shengqing light rail. There will be traffic jams when driving there.

The young male customer responded with a smile,"Thank you, Master, for reminding me. I'm not in a hurry.""

"OK"Since the passengers said they were not in a hurry, Chen Daqiang naturally had no nonsense.

However, just after setting off, Chen Daqiang secretly became confused because there was no traffic jam on the road. Although the traffic speed near Jiasheng Port in Zhongyu District was relatively slow, there was no The congestion situation.

Chen Daqiang does not think it is due to the New Year holiday, because he was also in Zhongyu District at the same time yesterday, and he is very aware that there will be traffic jams here at this time.

‘What! It’s a bit strange! ' Chen Daqiang thought silently in his heart.

Chen Daqiang drove a taxi out of Zhongyu District and entered Guanqiao District, which is a traditional traffic jam-hit area. Yesterday, Chen Daqiang was stuck in Guanqiao District for almost seven or eight minutes.

However, there was no traffic jam in Guanqiao District today!

Although the traffic flow is relatively slow, Chen Daqiang's experienced judgment is that this is because the traffic flow is too large and there are traffic lights ahead, which causes intermittent waiting.

This is indeed the case.

In just over three minutes, Chen Daqiang passed the section of road that used to require traffic jams of seven to eight minutes or even a quarter of an hour.

This situation once again amazed Chen Daqiang.

After entering Beiyu District from Guanqiao District, Chen Daqiang once again found that Beiyu District was smoother, with almost no traffic jams. Even at traffic light intersections, the traffic speed was very fast.

‘What exactly is going on? 'Chen Daqiang was full of doubts.

In just over forty minutes, Chen Daqiang sent the passengers to Shengqing International Airport. He chose to wait in line at the airport arrivals area and inquired about the situation in their taxi driver communication group.

Chen Daqiang picked up his mobile phone and sent a voice message,"What's going on today? I feel like there's no traffic jam everywhere?"

After a few seconds, several voices were sent in the group.

"I also feel like there is no traffic jam today!"

"When I went from Guanqiao District to Shafu District, there was basically no traffic jam, and there was only a little waiting time at traffic lights."

"There is no traffic jam in our ferry area"

"There are no traffic jams in our Nan'an District. It's strange. It's really strange that there are no traffic jams here!"

In fact, not only these taxi drivers felt the changes in Shengqing's traffic situation, but also a large number of private car drivers. Naturally, the traffic management department also discovered such changes!

At around ten o'clock in the morning, the transportation department The traditional morning peak traffic situation report was sent to the traffic director Zhong Xueming, who then distributed it to the big bosses in the Shengqing court.

Yu Yonggang naturally also received the report sent by the traffic department director Zhong Xueming, and he checked the corresponding Report information.

Although the transportation department’s report document did not conduct a numerical comparative analysis of the relevant improvements, it also showed that after the smart city project went online, the congestion level in Shengqing’s morning peak today has dropped significantly.

Yu Yong has just finished reading the transportation department’s report After receiving the report, he said to himself with a slight sigh,"I thought they were just making an excuse, but it actually worked!"

Actually, Yu Yonggang didn't have much expectations for the smart city project, because Yu Yonggang felt that the smart city project was just a cover for Anliang to stabilize the situation in Shengqing.

Who knew that the smart city project would actually be effective on the first day it was launched? Improved the traffic situation in Shengqing?

It's incredible!

At nearly eleven o'clock in the morning, An Liang was contacting Li Xiyan. He dialed Li Xiyan's number.

After waiting for Li Xiyan to get through, An Liang spoke first,"Baby, you are you still working? Li

Xiyan answered affirmatively,"Yeah, we are at work. We are going to cover a news story.""

"What news?"An Liang asked curiously.

"A restaurant owner said that his family received a strange fish that could imitate the sound of a crying baby, so he contacted us to report it. Li Xiyan responded.

An Liang complained,"I think this boss is a bit of a torturer!""

"Do you think it’s a giant salamander too? Li Xiyan asked back.

An Liang answered affirmatively,"I do have such suspicion. Is this boss throwing himself into a trap?""

"We're going to go take a look right away. Li Xiyan replied,"If it is really a giant salamander, then contact the patrol. If it is really a strange fish, then make a news report.""

"Well, you go report on the strange fish first, I have got a big news for you! An Liang responded.

Li Xiyan immediately asked with interest,"What's the big news?""

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