Facing Li Xiyan's inquiry, An Liang laughed and joked,"It's a secret for now! I'll come to the TV station in the afternoon.""

"snort!"Li Xiyan snorted, and she responded,"I'll call you when I go back later."

"OK"An Liang responded.

After An Liang and Li Xiyan ended the call, he sent another message to No. 4 Tianji Shensuan

‘Zero: Is the smart city app ready?’

‘No. 4: Completed’

‘No. 4: We have completed testing the smart city app. Judging from the current testing situation, it can be launched at any time.’

‘No. 0: All the reviews passed?’

‘Number 4: Yes. Whether it is various Android app stores or Apple's AppStore, we have completed the review. '

In view of the cooperative relationship between Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Apple, Apple will review the review submitted by Anliang in the shortest possible time.

Even if there is any problem, Apple will help solve it together

‘Number Zero: Is our payment system connected to the payment system?’

‘Number 4: Yes. '

At present, Anxin Payment has taken root in Tailande, especially with the blessing of the Wanxia Guoyuan Award promotion event, coupled with the protection of Ren'an Investment Company and Renyi Security Company, the application of Anxin Payment in Tailande Very extensive.

As for the inside of Xia Kingdom, An Xin Pay is just the younger brother!

However, An Liang is not planning to promote Safe Payment in Xia. He is planning to let Safe Payment take its course and let Safe Payment take root in Xia, so as to coordinate the promotion of Safe Payment in other countries.

‘No. 0: You should be ready to go online. I will notify you when it is done.’

‘Number 4: Got it! '

An Liang and No. 4 Tianji Shensuan had just finished their exchange when they received a call from Li Xiyan. He glanced at the time and saw that in less than ten minutes, Li Xiyan had completed the news gathering work?

"Hey, baby, you got it done so quickly?"An Liang asked first.

Li Xiyan said a little depressed,"I haven't gone yet. The restaurant owner just called and said that he confirmed that the strange fish was the national second-class protected animal salamander through the picture recognition on his mobile phone, so he reported it directly to the police. , there is no need for us to report the news in the past.

An Liang couldn't help laughing,"Why did this boss suddenly wake up?""

"Hi! So angry!"Li Xiyan complained,"If it was a problem we discovered, it would be news!"

"Are you still on the TV station?"An Liang asked

"Um."Li Xiyan answered affirmatively.

"Then I'll come over first and we'll have lunch together."An Liang explained

"Okay, I'll wait for you. Li Xiyan responded.

In less than twenty minutes, An Liang landed in the open-air parking lot of Shengqing TV station on a luxury third-generation flying motorcycle, and then entered Shengqing TV station familiarly.

In the office area of ​​the news channel, An Liang met After meeting Cai Mingzhe, the other party greeted him warmly,"Mr. An, good afternoon. An Liang smiled and nodded,"

Good afternoon, Director Cai.""

"Did Mr. An come to see Reporter Li again?"Cai Mingzhe was joking.

An Liang did not deny it,"I'll come over to pick her up for dinner."

"Then don't bother Mr. An."Cai Mingzhe was too sensible to be a light bulb.

An Liang walked towards Li Xiyan's office. Li Xiyan was working on the news copy. An Liang glanced at the copy and saw that it was indeed a trivial matter. It is indeed the news channel of Shengqing TV!

"baby!"An Liang greeted in a low voice.

Li Xiyan was a little nervous after hearing this and looked around. When she found that no one was looking over, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"What was the big news you just talked about on the phone?"Li Xiyan asked directly.

An Liang said with a wicked smile,"This is exclusive news!"

Li Xiyan looked at An Liang curiously.

An Liang added,"It's almost noon, let's go out to eat first?"

"Hmm, let me call them Qiqi and Yuqing. Li Xiyan responded.

An Liang complained,"Are you going to call them two light bulbs again?""

"Then we run away quietly?"Li Xiyan suggested

"I think it works!"An Liang answered affirmatively.

The two quickly left the office area of ​​the news channel, and then boarded the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle in the open-air parking lot.

"What shall we have for lunch? Li Xiyan asked casually.

An Liang responded,"How about the real steamed fish we go back to Muling Mountain?""

"OK!"Li Xiyan happily agreed.

Li Xiyan likes to eat fish.

Although Shengqing TV Station is relatively far from Muling Mountain, because of the flying motorcycle as a means of transportation, it only takes more than ten minutes to get from Shengqing TV Station to Muling Mountain..

But on the way, Li Xiyan discovered a problem

"This road doesn’t seem to go to Muling Mountain, right? Li Xiyan warned,"Did you set the wrong destination?""

Outside the transparent windshield, Li Xiyan saw Muling Mountain on the right, and they were flying past Muling Mountain.

An Liang said with a wicked smile,"I looked at the time, it's not even twelve o'clock yet, let's go back first Let’s talk about the news."

Li Xiyan's face suddenly turned red. How could she not know what An Liang meant?

At this time, Liu Ling was not at home, and Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing were at Shengqing TV Station. How could they talk about the news after they returned home?

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