At 7:50 in the morning, Shuji Ikeda yawned. He slowly opened his eyes and then got up to wash up.

Ikeda Shuji, who had just woken up, was still a little confused. He always felt that he seemed to have overlooked something important.

When Shuji Ikeda came to the living room, a female voice came,"Good morning, Mr. Ikeda.""

"morning..."Shuji Ikeda was shocked at first. Where was the woman in his house?

Then Shuji Ikeda finally remembered that he signed for his loyal companion last night and named him Sachiko Ikeda.

"Good morning, Sachiko."Shuji Ikeda greets you again.

"I have prepared breakfast for Mr. Ikeda. Do you want to eat it now?"Sachiko Ikeda asked.

Shuji Ikeda asked,"What kind of breakfast did Sachiko prepare for me?"

"One piece of natto bibimbap, one piece of miso soup, one piece of fried chicken, one piece of Xiaguo-style fried spring rolls, and one piece of Xiaguo-style fried dumplings."Sachiko Ikeda explained

"In order to ensure the taste of the ingredients, the fried chicken, fried spring rolls, and fried dumplings have not yet been cooked. If Mr. Ikeda needs to eat breakfast now, I will process them immediately, and it will only take up to seven minutes."Ikeda Sachiko added.

Ikeda Shuji raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then responded affirmatively,"I want to have breakfast right away. You put the natto bibimbap and miso soup on the table first."

After giving the order, Shuji Ikeda took out the action camera again and prepared to record today's breakfast.

Shuji Ikeda quickly put on the action camera and then came to the restaurant. Sachiko Ikeda had already put natto bibimbap and miso soup on the table. superior

"Mr. Ikeda, would you like me to help you with the natto bibimbap?"Ikeda Sachiko's questioning voice came from the kitchen.

Ikeda Shuji reminded me,"Thank you, but no need. Also, Sachiko, you can just call me Shuji or Ikeda-kun."

"Okay, Ikeda-kun, I'm working on the fried chicken, fried spring rolls, and fried dumplings, it will take about five minutes."Sachiko Ikeda immediately changed the title.

Shuji Ikeda used a sports camera to take pictures of natto bibimbap and miso soup, and said to himself,"Hello everyone, it is just after eight o'clock in the morning. We ordered yesterday Sachiko bought breakfast, this is the breakfast Sachiko bought"

"In addition to natto bibimbap and miso soup, Sachiko is also working on fried chicken, as well as summer country-style fried spring rolls and fried dumplings. I am very much looking forward to the breakfast Sachiko cooks."Ikeda Shuji added.

"Ikeda-kun is recording his life again. Do you need my help?"Sachiko Ikeda asked.

Shuji Ikeda responded negatively,"No need.

After responding, Shuji Ikeda added,"Did you hear that? Just now Sachiko was asking about the shooting of the video. Although I knew Sachiko was a robot produced by Xia Guo Company, Sachiko always gave me an illusion. That is, Sachiko is a real person, and I believe everyone will have this illusion after watching it."

In fact, this is a human emotion simulation system created by the Tianji artificial intelligence system. This human emotion simulation system comes from the data collected by the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system from the smart city project. The smart city project is connected to Shengqing's three major security monitoring systems. As a result, a large amount of human activity data was obtained, and a human emotion simulation system was comprehensively analyzed.

It is precisely because of the existence of the human emotion simulation system, coupled with the powerful artificial intelligence chip, that Sachiko Ikeda behaves like a human being.

Then With the gradual deepening of smart city projects, the human emotion simulation system will become more and more powerful in the future!

Almost five minutes later, Sachiko Ikeda brought fried chicken, spring rolls, and fried dumplings to the table.

"Ikeda-kun, please taste it."Sachiko Ikeda greeted,"This fried chicken is a pre-made product from the Family convenience store. This spring roll and fried dumplings are secondary processing of the original ingredients I bought at the agricultural product trading market. Please give me some advice, Mr. Ikeda.."

Ikeda Shuji glanced at the ingredients on the table. There were only three pieces of fried chicken, only two spring rolls, and only two fried dumplings. The portions were completely controlled to the extent that Ikeda Shuji could finish them all, and there would be no waste.

Shuji Ikeda picked up a piece of spring roll and tasted it. Then his eyes lit up. The spring roll tasted quite good. It had a crispy outer skin and was filled with bean sprouts, shredded green onions, shiitake mushrooms, and some minced meat inside.

These ingredients It blends together very well, making the spring rolls taste amazing.

"The spring rolls are so delicious! Shuji Ikeda said with praise.

Sachiko Ikeda responded like a human being,"Thank you Ikeda-kun for the compliment.""

Shuji Ikeda tasted the fried dumplings again. The taste of the fried dumplings was also quite good. The outer layer has two textures, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. The filling in the middle is cabbage and pork. Shuji Ikeda was once again amazed by the taste of the fried dumplings. He couldn't help but praise again,"This fried dumpling is also very good! Sachiko, can I have them again tomorrow morning?"

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