Ikeda Shuji is very satisfied with the cooking skills of his loyal partner Ikeda Sachiko. He naturally hopes to taste the breakfast cooked by Ikeda Sachiko again tomorrow.

"No problem at all. Ikeda-kun, I have recorded your instructions."Sachiko Ikeda responded.

Sachiko Ikeda added,"If Ikeda-kun wants to have other breakfasts, you can tell me to prepare them in advance."

Ikeda Shuuji thought about it for a moment and then ordered,"I hope tomorrow's breakfast will be changed to Xiaguo style. I like the spring rolls and fried dumplings. It would be better if there is a side of soy milk."

Sachiko Ikeda responded immediately,"I have checked the cooking equipment in the kitchen and did not find a soymilk machine or related grinding equipment, and I also did not find the beans used to make soymilk. Mr. Ikeda, are you responsible for handling this matter? Leave it to me?"

"Can we handle it together?" Ikeda Shuji asked,"I will take you to the mall for shopping, and then take you to the supermarket to buy soybeans for making soy milk."

"Yeah!"Under the simulation of the human emotion simulation system, Sachiko Ikeda showed a very happy look.

Facing Sachiko Ikeda with such rich emotions, Shuji Ikeda couldn't help but sigh secretly again, and then asked,"Sachiko, you can change it. Clothes?"

Sachiko Ikeda answered affirmatively,"Of course. Even if Ikeda-kun doesn't ask, I will remind Ikeda-kun that the clothes on my body are just ordinary fabrics and do not have the function of keeping clean for a long time. If there are no accidents, it is recommended to change them once a week."

"What if there is an accident?" Ikeda Shuji asked back

"If there are unexpected situations, including being stained with grease or other food juices when handling cooking, or being stained by other people in the external environment, or encountering other stains, as well as some extreme accidents that lead to If I fall on the ground, etc., I want to change clothes as soon as possible."Sachiko Ikeda explained the situation.

Sachiko Ikeda added in a cute tone,"If Ikeda-kun wants me to change my clothes, then I will follow Ikeda-kun's arrangement~"

Shuji Ikeda listened to Sachiko Ikeda's gentle and sweet response, and he was silent for a moment He stopped, and then seemed to be talking to himself,"Sachiko is so nice!"

"Ikeda-kun is also very good!"Sachiko Ikeda responded immediately

"Sachiko, I prepared a neon kimono for you. Can you change it yourself? Ikeda Shuji asked.

Ikeda Sachiko responded affirmatively,"No problem.""

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group will implant corresponding basic common sense according to the sales area of ​​the household guardian robot. Taking the neon area as an example, the household guardian robot sold in the neon area is loaded with neon daily cooking recipes. And related common sense of life.

Knowledge related to neon kimonos is naturally also in the knowledge storage system of the household guardian robot. In less than five minutes, Sachiko Ikeda changed into a traditional neon kimono. She was calm and elegant He walked up to Shuji Ikeda and made a 360-degree turn to show off

"Does Ikeda-kun think it looks good?"Sachiko Ikeda asked in an expectant tone.

Shuji Ikeda couldn't help but nodded,"It looks good!"

In Shuji Ikeda's opinion, the level of artificial intelligence of his loyal partner is too high, so high that he inadvertently regards Sachiko Ikeda as a real human being.

"Can Ikeda-kun take me to buy the cooking equipment and raw materials for making soy milk?"Sachiko Ikeda asked again

"good! Shuji Ikeda definitely agreed.

Shuji Ikeda took Sachiko Ikeda to the parking garage. He had already prepared a specially modified vehicle to carry his loyal companion.

When Sachiko Ikeda got into the passenger seat, Shuji Ikeda clearly felt the vehicle sinking. He asked curiously,"Can Sachiko drive a vehicle?""

"If Ikeda-kun meant driving skills, I would, but it's not legally allowed, so no."Sachiko Ikeda explained.

Whether it is a security guardian robot or a home guardian robot, with the support of the lighthouse project's optical recognition system and the advanced control system of the guardian prosthetic frame, they can easily master driving skills. It's just that Currently, no country in the world has legal permission to allow robots to drive vehicles.

Even though Xia State allows autonomous flying of flying motorcycles, it does not allow robots to drive vehicles.

The reason is simple. The traffic complexity encountered by the two driving modes is completely different. Level.

When flying motorcycles fly at low altitudes, because the airspace is wide and the number of aircraft is rare, the possibility of accidents is quite low.

However, the ground traffic situation is too complicated. Let alone unclear ground markings, Traffic congestion, numerous traffic lights, etc. It is a huge problem just because human drivers may jump in queues at will. Therefore, even the Xia Kingdom only allows flying motorcycles to fly automatically, but does not allow the Guardian series The robot drives the car.

After hearing Sachiko Ikeda's answer, Shuji Ikeda could only silently regret that it would be better if Neon allowed loyal partners to drive the car!

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