A little after nine-twenty in the morning.

In the parking garage of a home appliance shopping mall in Neon Tokyo, Shuji Ikeda and Sachiko Ikeda walked into the elevator. When the elevator door slowly closed, a young neon man rushed over quickly to stop the elevator door from closing. Then he walked into the elevator.

However, when the young man walked into the elevator, the elevator immediately made a buzzing sound, which was a warning that he was overweight.

The young man looked confused, because apart from him, there were only Ikeda Shuji and Ikeda Sachiko in the elevator car. How could this be overweight in his opinion?

The young man hesitated for a moment and then exited the elevator. As he exited, the buzzing sound disappeared. The young man walked into the elevator again without believing in evil, and then the buzzing sound sounded again.


The young man's face was full of doubts. He couldn't help but look at Ikeda Shuji and then at Ikeda Sachiko.

"Um?"The young man noticed something strange about Sachiko Ikeda. He looked at Shuji Ikeda again and asked hesitantly,"Is she?..."

Shuji Ikeda did not hide anything,"She is a loyal partner."

Sachiko Ikeda introduced herself to the side,"Hello, my name is Sachiko Ikeda. This is the first time we meet, please take care of me."

The young man looked at Sachiko Ikeda again, and he resisted taking it. I thought of taking pictures with my mobile phone and finally exited the elevator car.

But when he exited the elevator, he immediately took out his mobile phone and posted the current situation on social networks.


Jiro Awashima:


A loyal companion has actually arrived in our Neon!

I just met a loyal partner in the elevator of the underground parking lot of Fukang Shopping Mall. He was wearing a traditional kimono and looked very human from the outside.

If the elevator hadn't been overweight, I wouldn't have doubted the other party's identity.

This loyal companion is named [Sachiko Ikeda], her voice is very nice, and she is also very beautiful.

The only problem now is that the price of a loyal companion is as high as 1 billion yen.

I really envy those rich people, I also want a loyal partner!


The information posted by Jiro Awashima on social networks quickly went viral. After all, Jiro Awashima is just an ordinary person. Even if he posts about topics related to loyal partners, there are no photos or videos, so it is naturally impossible to attract attention.

Although the information posted by Jiro Awashima on social networks did not cause any turmoil, the combination of Shuji Ikeda and Sachiko Ikeda quickly caused a sensation in Fukang Mall.

In the past, loyal companions caused widespread discussion in the neon Internet. Now loyal companions have appeared in the real world. Coupled with Sachiko Ikeda's neon traditional kimono and her extremely high degree of artificial intelligence, it has naturally caused a sensation..

Some customers in Fukang Shopping Mall, and even some sellers, gathered around to watch Sachiko Ikeda. Some of them took out their mobile phones to take photos and videos after asking for permission.

Ikeda Shuji took Ikeda Sachiko to the Panasonic sales area, and he asked inquiringly,"Sachiko, do you think Panasonic's soymilk machine is okay?"

"I need to see the equipment for making soy milk first."Sachiko Ikeda responded.

Panasonic's salesperson, Aie Souchi, immediately answered,"Our soymilk machine is over here."

Sachiko Ikeda followed Aie Zuonai and walked over to check the soymilk machine.

Aie Zuonai introduced the soymilk machine while taking out the soaked soybeans. She explained,"Our soymilk machine has multiple filtration technologies, which ensures that the bean dregs are filtered out. , and it can also be self-heating to realize the simplest way to make soy milk. After hearing this

, Sachiko Ikeda asked,"Do you have equipment that only grinds soy milk? I want to make my own soy milk.""

"Make your own soy milk?"Zonei Qingjiang was stunned for a moment.

"Yes. Sachiko Ikeda responded,"I just checked your soymilk machine. Its heating power is smaller and it takes more time to completely boil the soymilk.""

"There is a little knowledge about soy milk. If the soy milk is not boiled completely, it may be poisoned, so I prefer a soy milk machine with only grinding function."Sachiko Ikeda added.

Shuji Ikeda looked at Sachiko Ikeda in surprise. He didn't expect that the loyal companion robot would have such common sense in life.

When Shuji Ikeda took Sachiko Ikeda to the mall, the information about loyal companions in Neon Internet appeared again. It refreshed the screen.

In view of the pictures and videos this time, there are a lot of discussions about loyal partners on the neon Internet.


Just Instinct:

How powerful is the artificial intelligence of a loyal partner?

[Location information: Fukang Mall, Tokyo]

【Video: Greeting a loyal partner]

Let’s take a look at this video first. The high level of intelligence shown by the loyal partner. If I didn’t indicate in advance that she is a loyal partner, would you be able to tell that this is a robot?

I was blown away by the faithful companion anyway!

Wife robots are nothing compared to loyal companions.

It's a pity that the price of a loyal companion is too expensive. I have no hope in this life!


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