Fukang Shopping Mall.

Shuji Ikeda and Sachiko Ikeda stayed for almost an hour and a half before purchasing a soy milk grinder.

Mainly because customers and merchants were too enthusiastic, and a large number of customers and merchants wanted to communicate with Sachiko Ikeda, so it took an hour and a half to buy a soy milk grinder.

But there is a little consolation, that is, when I purchased the soy milk grinder, I received two kilograms of soybeans as a gift.

In the underground parking garage of Fukang Mall, Sachiko Ikeda sat in the passenger seat and proactively asked,"Ikeda-kun, it's almost twelve o'clock. Do you want to eat at home or out for lunch?"

Ikeda Shuji immediately responded. ,"I want to have Xia Guo style lunch, can you make it?""

"sure!"Sachiko Ikeda answered affirmatively,"But I checked the ingredients in the refrigerator yesterday. There are not enough ingredients in the refrigerator. We need to go to the agricultural products trade market first."

"no problem."Ikeda Shuji agreed.

Ikeda Shuji immediately drove to the agricultural products trading market. In the agricultural products trading market, Ikeda Sachiko was responsible for the entire purchase, and Ikeda Shuji was responsible for shooting through the action camera. At

12:30 noon, Ikeda Shuji took Ikeda Sachiko back home. , Sachiko Ikeda immediately went to the kitchen to start cooking lunch, while Shuji Ikeda took a laptop and prepared to edit the material captured by the action camera.

Only half an hour later, Sachiko Ikeda had already completed cooking one meat dish, one vegetable dish and one soup, including one serving Stir-fried pork with colored peppers, a portion of stir-fried bean sprouts, and a portion of tomato and egg soup

"Ikeda-kun, I have prepared the food and it is time to eat."Ikeda Sachiko said hello.

Ikeda Shuji responded,"Okay, I'll be right over."

When Shuji Ikeda sat down, Sachiko Ikeda placed a meat dish, a vegetable dish and a soup on the dining table, and served a bowl of rice to Shuji Ikeda.

"Today, I prepared summer country-style tomato and egg soup for Ikeda-kun. Let’s see if Ikeda-kun likes it. If Ikeda-kun doesn’t like it, I can prepare miso soup for Ikeda-kun in the future."Sachiko Ikeda first explained

"I'll taste it first."Ikeda Shuji tasted the tomato and egg soup first.

The eggs in this tomato and egg soup were not fried first, but were made in the form of egg drop. This kind of cooking has a better flavor.

Ikeda Shuji drank After taking a sip, he praised it and said,"It tastes good! I prefer tomato and egg soup!"

The reason why miso soup is popular in Neon is mainly because miso soup is simple to cook and there are a large number of semi-finished and finished products for sale, which promotes the widespread popularity of miso soup.

Shuji Ikeda ate three bowls of rice in a row and almost After all the dishes were finished, he drank the last night's soup and complained,"Sachiko, I discovered a big problem."

"What's the big problem?"Sachiko Ikeda responded,"I can help Ikeda-kun solve quite a lot of problems."

"I find that your cooking skills are too high. If you eat Sachiko’s cooking every day, I think I will definitely gain weight! Shuji Ikeda sighed, and at the same time he was secretly curious about how Sachiko Ikeda would answer this question.

Sachiko Ikeda responded with a smile,"If Mr. Ikeda wants to exercise, Sachiko can accompany you!""

Facing Sachiko Ikeda, who is soft-spoken and considerate, and can do housework and cook, Shuji Ikeda discovered a bigger problem, that is, what kind of women can attract him?

According to the current situation , Shuji Ikeda suddenly felt that he did not need to fall in love at all, nor did he need to raise offspring, nor did he even need to worry about retirement.

After all, the issue of retirement can also be left to Ikeda Sachiko, and even Ikeda Sachiko can do a better job, right?

Because of loyalty A partner is a robot. A robot will not be tired, lazy, complain, or have second thoughts.

So a loyal partner is a better retirement solution, isn’t it? It’s almost four o’clock in the afternoon.

Shuji Ikeda finally uploaded the clip video, which was later posted on social networks



【My life with Sachiko! 】

Hello everyone!

I am Ikeda-san.

Sorry to keep you waiting. I know everyone is curious about a loyal partner and what a loyal partner can do. Let me tell you what a loyal partner can do.

【Unboxing Video: The Loyal Companion Arrives】

【Late night snack video: Sachiko’s cooking skills seem to be average?】

【Independent Shopping Video: Sachiko can really shop independently!】

【Breakfast video: It turns out that Sachiko’s cooking skills are very good!】

【Clean and tidy room video: Sachiko is very virtuous!】

【Video of Sachiko and I going to the mall: Everyone likes Sachiko like this!】

【Sachiko's lunch: great! Sachiko’s cooking skills are amazing!】

【Sachiko’s charging video: I woke up from my dream! It turns out that the perfect Sachiko is a robot! 】

Through the above eight videos, I believe everyone has a complete understanding of loyal partners.

For loyal companions, I just want to say that if financial conditions permit, I strongly recommend everyone to buy it.

Because a loyal companion is just like her name, she will be your loyal companion.

Although Sachiko has just entered my life, I suddenly feel that I can no longer live without Sachiko. I can’t even imagine how boring life would be without Sachiko?

Finally, let’s talk about the price issue that everyone is complaining about.

The price of a loyal companion is as high as 1 billion yen. This price is indeed very excessive. However, after having Sachiko, I discovered that it is not your fault that a loyal companion is expensive, but you are the only one who is wrong!


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