There is bad news in the information sent by Huang Guoxiang!

Previously, Anliang planned to implement the People's Heart Project in Guinea. By inviting people in the Guinea region to visit the overseas agricultural planting base demonstration area, it showed the people in the Guinea region the good changes that overseas agricultural planting bases have brought to the local area, thereby influencing the people. the hearts of the people of Guria.

This plan has been implemented very well. All Guinean people who have visited the overseas agricultural planting base demonstration area are basically full of expectations for the overseas agricultural planting base plan. They hope that the overseas agricultural planting base will also bring benefits to Guinea. Change.

The situation in Guria is particularly bad!

Just the lack of fresh water resources almost overwhelmed Guria.

Due to the lack of fresh water resources, Guinea's development is very backward. Not only does it lack industrial infrastructure, but the development of the agricultural field is also very poor, so that more than 2.4 million Guinea people cannot even provide basic food and clothing.

Not to mention educational and medical resources, are these what the people of Guinea should consider?

However, the overseas agricultural planting base plan from Xia Kingdom has brought a light of hope to the people of Guinea!

But here's the problem.

The overseas agricultural planting base plan has indeed brought hope to the Guinea region, but it has also brought about crises hidden behind the scenes.

The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has been deeply involved in Guiyar for more than ten years. Its tentacles have spread to all aspects of Guiyar, thus deeply controlling the situation in Guiyar.

Under such circumstances, Anliang's small move of arranging Guinean people to go to the overseas agricultural planting base demonstration area was naturally discovered, and the newly sprouted plan of the people was also discovered.

As a result, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau directly targeted people's hearts and minds, and even caused some visitors who actively promoted overseas agricultural planting base plans to disappear from the world.

An Liang quickly read the information sent by Huang Guoxiang. This information recorded that at least 27 people who visited the overseas agricultural planting base demonstration area were missing.

Although there is no definite evidence in the relevant disappearance cases, given the identities of the missing persons and the popular plans involved in the missing persons, there is a high probability that the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is behind the scenes.

Even if there is no evidence to support such an inference, does such a thing need evidence?

"As expected of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, they are really ruthless!"An Liang sighed to himself.

The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has been deeply involved in Guinea for more than ten years. God knows to what extent the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has developed in Guria.

Under such circumstances, the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau Is it difficult for the Bureau to let more than 20 local people from Guiyar mysteriously disappear?

The answer is naturally no.

Not to mention just 27 local people from Guiyang, if necessary, even 270 Guiyang Sub-locals, even in larger numbers, will still be solved by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.

After all, it’s not like the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has never done anything like this, so why should you be surprised?

Renyi Security Company’s confidential communication software In the management group, Anliang sends messages

‘Number Zero: @Everyone: [Information related to Guria】’

‘No. 0: This is the information sent by Xia State’s National Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. Please check it first.’

‘No. 1: Received’

‘No. 5: Received’

‘No. 6: Received. '

In less than a minute, all senior executives of Renyi Security Company responded to the message.

Almost three minutes later, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan was the first to reply to the message.

‘No. 4: BOSS, after the previous relevant visitors returned to Guiyar, in view of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau’s in-depth control over Guiyar, we did not monitor the relevant objects in real time.’

‘No. 4: Coupled with the lack of Internet infrastructure in Guiyar, we are unable to monitor the corresponding targets through the security monitoring system.’

‘No. 4: At present, we have urgently verified some of the lists in the relevant information and confirmed that the four visitors have indeed disappeared, and are continuing to confirm the information.’

‘No. 1: The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau will probably take further actions. I suggest temporarily suspending the Human Heart Project.’

‘No. 2: Seconded’

‘No. 2: Our field force and logistics resources in Guinea are far inferior to those of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. If we continue to implement the popular plan, it is very likely to be repeatedly sabotaged by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, which will cause a loss of confidence among the Guinean people. Create a panic mentality’

‘No. 6: I also second the proposal’

‘Number 6: Boss, I also suggest that we temporarily suspend the human heart plan to prevent the bald eagle from creating an atmosphere of terror in Guria. '

No. 6 John Dean is a psychologist, and his analysis naturally attracted An Liang's attention.

In fact, An Liang also understood that according to the current situation, they really needed to stop the plan of the people.

Otherwise, the Human Heart Plan will be repeatedly blasted by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, causing the Human Heart Plan to completely fail.

It's just that after losing the popular plan, Anliang's difficulty in planning several kingdoms will skyrocket!

After all, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has taken the lead, and it will be very difficult for Anliang to break the situation....

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