An Liang once analyzed the situation in Guiyar in detail. Generally speaking, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has gained a huge first-mover advantage in Guiyar for twelve years.

With the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau having such a huge advantage, Anliang originally planned to take the lowest route and subvert the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau's advantage in Guria through a popular plan.

This idea is very good, and the People's Heart Project is also very feasible. It has even taken a crucial first step, allowing people in the Guinea region to visit the overseas agricultural planting base demonstration area, and also allowing the visiting Guinea people to visit the overseas agricultural planting base demonstration area. The public is full of expectations for the overseas agricultural planting base plan.

If the popular plan can be carried out smoothly, even if it cannot completely destroy the first-mover advantage of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau in Guinea, it can at least destroy the foundation of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau among the low-level people in the Guinea region.

However, the response speed of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau was too fast. As soon as Anliang's plan for people's hearts was implemented, it was directly destroyed by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.

Under such circumstances, Anliang's side really has no choice but to suspend the plan of people's hearts

‘Zero: After suspending the Human Heart Project, how do you think we should develop in Guria? '

Anliang previously triggered the 'Hegemon of Guria' mission. When this mission was triggered, the Life Winner System rarely reminded Anliang that this mission was extremely important.

Although there is no penalty for not completing the tasks of the Life Winner System, Anliang still wants to complete the 'Gyria Overlord' plan to see what rewards he can get for this extremely important task that the Life Winner System reminds him of.

‘No. 1: There are currently two backup plans’

‘No. 1: Alternate Plan A: Since the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau can develop in Guiyar, we can naturally develop in Guiyar.’

‘Number 1: We can mobilize more resources to develop around Guria, including more field personnel and more logistics resources, so as to start a tug-of-war with the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.’

‘Zero: What about the second backup plan? '

Anliang didn't like the first backup plan, because this backup plan was a head-on confrontation with the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.

Although it was just a head-on confrontation with the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau in Guria, a head-on fight between the two sides would definitely cause huge losses, and might expand the scope of the struggle, and even attract the attention of the Bald Eagle homeland.

If the Bald Eagle native focuses on Anliang, that is definitely not a good thing.

So An Liang asked for the second backup plan without hesitation.

‘No. 1: The second backup plan is a variant of the People's Heart Plan. We support local forces in Guria as spokespersons.’

‘No. 1: This is also the main method of the bald eagle in Guria. '

The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has fostered more than one force in Guinea. It is precisely because of the support of these forces that the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has such a huge force in Guinea.

‘Zero: The second backup plan is better!’

‘Zero: We are not suitable for direct confrontation with the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau’

‘Zero: You should immediately make a detailed plan around the second backup plan.’

‘Zero: Although our popular plan in Guinea has failed, I hope to continue to work hard in Guinea and at least control the southwest region including the Simang Iron Mine.’

‘No. 1: Received’

‘Number 2: Got it’

‘No. 3: Boss, please rest assured. If all our plans fail, I will release biological viruses in Guria and then control Guria through the medical field!’


‘Zero: Don’t talk about this kind of thing again. Even if you choose the first backup plan, you can’t choose such an outrageous thing. '

An Liang is not a crazy guy, he really can't do such a crazy thing.

However, the code name for the bullshit No. 3 Deathstroke was really correct. An An conscience secretly decided to prohibit No. 3 from contacting Bian Xiaogang, lest these two guys who like to cross the border cause bigger things.

After An Liang finished communicating with the senior management of Renyi Security Company, he took the initiative to send a message to Huang Guoxiang

‘An Liang: Thanks, Lao Huang’

‘Huang Guoxiang: How do you plan to deal with this matter?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I heard that you invested a lot of energy in Guria. Now that it has been destroyed by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, what are you going to do next?’

‘An Liang: How do you want us to handle it?’

‘An Liang: After all, Guiyar is more important to you. '

The Simang Iron Mine in Guiyar is the key to breaking the iron ore monopoly of Da'ao. Theoretically, the situation in Guiyar is more important to Huang Guoxiang.

‘Huang Guoxiang: We hope you can solve the trouble in Guiyar’

‘Huang Guoxiang: We hope you will get control of the Simang Iron Mine. Even if you end up with 100% control of the Simang Iron Mine, we can accept it.’

‘An Liang: We have 100% control over the Simang Iron Ore...Do you believe it yourself?’

‘An Liang: The popular plan we implemented in Guiyar has been temporarily suppressed by the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau. If we still try to control the situation in Guiyar, we can only invest more resources.’

‘An Liang: In view of the current terrible situation, we hope to get your help!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: What help do you want? '

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