Deite didn't care at all that An Liang knew the details of the transaction between the Guiyang court and the Stable Alliance. For Deit, there was no loss if the details of the transaction between the Guiyang court and the Stable Alliance were leaked.

"Since you know the details of our and Stable Alliance’s transactions in the North Zone 1 and North Zone 2, then why do you think we will break the contract with Rio Tinto and the Stability Alliance, and then sell the entire Simang Iron Ore to the US$10 billion price? you?"Date asked back.

"Because we will give you an extra billion dollars!"An Liang responded

"We can provide you with a bearer Ruishi Bank account, or we can provide you with an account at one of our banking institutions, or even provide you with cash in an amount not exceeding 100 million US dollars, and it is unmarked small-denomination old banknotes, or Provide you with gold."An Liang calmly said an answer with explosive impact.

Listening to An Liang's words, Deit couldn't help but breathe a little heavier.

"What are you...who?"Date asked deliberately

"Why should Mr. Deter pretend to be stupid?"An Liang sneered.

Daite is indeed the chief minister, but Daite is not a fool. In fact, Daite can make a lot of profits even though he is completely trashed, and it is enough for the Guilia court to maintain a basic framework. It shows that Det is a smart man.

Besides, do idiots really know how to transfer assets and keep a plane on standby anytime and anywhere?

What a joke!

"You should know the situation in Guria. Even if we hand over the Simang iron ore to you, you will have no chance to mine it."Date reminded me.

"That's our business!"Anliang responded.

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has advantages that Rio Tinto and Stable Alliance do not have. The Guardian series robots can completely replace conventional human resources and even some construction machinery.

Simang Iron Mine is very important to Rio Tinto and Stable Alliance. It was a mess for the Stability Alliance, but for the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, it was not a big problem.

Deit was silent for a few seconds before continuing to respond,"Your price..."

"We will give you an additional US$1.5 billion, other conditions remaining unchanged!"An Liang interrupted Date directly.

"But..."Dete still wants to talk

"$2 billion!"An Liang interrupted the other party again.

"no problem!"Date directly agreed,"As for the payment allocation plan of funds, let me think about it first."

"Can."An Liang agreed.

"I also want you to make a promise. At a critical moment, I need you to guarantee my safety and allow me to take refuge in Xia Kingdom."Date made new demands

"Do you think that's possible? An Liang asked back.

Dete was silent for two or three seconds before continuing,"Then the Northern Bear Country?""

"If you go to the Northern Bear Country in this situation, I can guarantee that you will die without a burial place."An Liang didn't mean to intimidate.

An Liang continued to add,"We can let you enter Tyrande and provide you with protection. As long as you keep a low profile in Tyrande, we can guarantee you a prosperous life for the rest of your life."

"good!"Date quickly agreed.

In fact, even if Date does not have such security needs, Anliang will find a way to make Date raise security requirements.

Because in the future Date will strongly prove that the Guiyang court will sell the property rights of the Simang Iron Mine Gave it to them, so Anliang will definitely protect Dai Te's safety.

After all, if Dai Te is kidnapped, recording another video indicating that there is a problem with the property rights of Ximang Iron Mine will inevitably cause another disturbance.

"I have one more question."Date added,"If you get the mining rights of Simang Iron Ore and start mining Simang Iron Ore immediately, the transaction between us will not be the same as before. You will definitely need to pay the full amount."

"Of course we are willing to pay the full amount, but I also have a condition. The funds we pay will be opened in our designated bank account in the name of your Guiyang court, and then the corresponding fund account will be handed over to your Guiyang court for supervision."An Liang put forward his request.

This request has a hidden meaning!

An Liang planned to conduct another negotiation through this request.

Faced with An Liang's request, Deit was silent for almost ten seconds before adding,"You guys I will decide the allocation plan for the funds given to me, right?"

"If you are worried, we will directly give you gold worth 2 billion US dollars."An Liang said calmly.

"Do you have so much gold? Deit expressed doubts,"According to today's gold price, gold worth 2 billion weighs more than 30 tons. Do you really have that much gold?""

"have! An Liang answered affirmatively,"We have two gold mines. You can investigate by yourself.""

"In addition, we can also give you cash in mainstream international currencies, including US dollars, Japanese yen, British pounds, and Xia Guoyuan." An Liang added.

Dete thought for a moment before responding,"I don't want gold, I want one of your treasures!"

"treasure?"An Liang wondered what this guy was talking about?

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