Facing An Liang's doubts, Dete thought that An Liang was pretending to be stupid on purpose.

Dete spoke bluntly,"Although you have blocked the news, Bald Eagle has also blocked the news, and several other powerful countries have also blocked the news, we still heard some rumors."

"According to rumors, you powerful powers have found a treasure that can extend people's lifespan. You even broke out a secret war between India and Neon for that treasure."Date added.

"It's no secret in Britannia that the Queen of Britannia acquired that treasure, and I have a friend who happens to be in Britannia."Date provided more detailed evidence

"Although I don't know what the treasure is, I know that there must be a treasure."Date explained swornly.

An Liang responded calmly,"You are talking about the thousand-year-old astragalus."

"You are right, it is indeed a treasure. An Liang confirmed Deite's meaning,"However, its effect is not only to extend life span, but also to extend life span.""

"There are other effects"Dete asked immediately

"At present, the thousand-year-old astragalus has been discovered to have two effects. The thousand-year-old astragalus we discovered has very powerful therapeutic effects. According to our research, it can cure any disease, including but not limited to late-stage symptoms of cancer."An Liang briefly explained

"Secondly, the Bald Eagle discovered that it has a life-extending effect. Although the Bald Eagle determined that the thousand-year-old Astragalus has a life-extending effect, the life-extending effect cannot be measured specifically on the human body, so the specific effect cannot be determined."An Liang added.

Can't confirm the life-extending effect?

​​That is of course a lie.

An Liang still doesn't know the life-extending effect of thousand-year-old astragalus?

However, the more An Liang was so secretive, the more Dai Te believed in the matter of thousand-year-old astragalus. He took a deep breath. Saying,"I want this treasure!"

"Do you know its price?"An Liang asked back.

"I asked around and heard that it’s close to US$100 million per share, right?"Date asked back.

"The price you asked about is not a big problem, but the problem is that no one is willing to trade. The forces currently in control of the thousand-year-old Astragalus are all kept secret and are not willing to be traded at all."An Liang explained

"The Queen of Great Britain has indeed obtained Millennium Astragalus and has also taken Millennium Astragalus. She has now arranged a lot of forces to secretly search for Millennium Astragalus. I don’t think it is a good thing that you have obtained Millennium Astragalus. An Liang reminded him.

Dete insisted,"I still want it.""

"I am willing to buy at a premium, 100 million U.S. dollars each, and I want twenty copies. You can delay the delivery of this portion of the payment. I will deposit them in your hands first, and you will give them to me when I need them."Date explained

"Aren't you afraid that we won't give it to you?"An Liang asked back.

"Afraid! Dete answered honestly,"But I have a way to prevent you from giving it to me." An

Liang said jokingly,"For example, if you record a video in advance and give it to a close person, or store it on a certain server, or even set up a scheduled release in a certain mailbox, as long as an accident happens on your side, the relevant video will be exposed." If we go out, there will be new disputes over the property rights of the Simang Iron Mine, right?"

Date did not answer An Liang's guess. He just responded,"If you want the Simang Iron Ore, I want twenty pieces of the treasure. I will not accept other conditions or offers."

"How do you know we have twenty copies of Millennium Astragalus?"An Liang asked back.

"I have my own intelligence channels."Date responded

"It should have been revealed to you by the Kingdom of Gaul, right? An Liang guessed,"I would like to remind you that the Kingdom of Gaul has been losing in the secret war for the thousand-year-old Astragalus. They revealed this information to you with absolutely no good intentions.""

Faced with An Liang's special reminder, Dai Te's heart thumped. Although he acted badly, he was definitely not a fool. Now after An Liang's reminder, Dai Te found that the Kingdom of Gaul did seem to be unkind.

If he really got the second prize Ten treasures, will the Kingdom of Gaul target him?

It’s really not certain!

"I suggest that you transfer some of your assets to Tyrande, and we will provide you with security in Tyrande. I believe you also want to understand why we will provide you with security."An Liang reminded him again.

Of course Dait understood it clearly. In fact, when Dait proposed to go to Xia Kingdom before, he thought that as long as he and Anliang reached a deal with Ximang Iron Ore, the other side would definitely protect his safety.

"No problem, I'll transfer some of my assets to Tyrande."Date directly agreed to An Liang's request,"But before the transaction, I hope you will show the treasure first."

"After you show the treasure, I will declare the Simang iron ore property rights transaction illegal and invalid on behalf of the Guiyang court, and then sign an agreement with you."Date added.

In view of Date being so sincere, Anliang also added,"After you announce the transaction, we will contact the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and use the 10 billion US dollars in the transaction to make a fuss so that the other party will not will be against you"

"If you guys could solve Theodore's problem, that would be great!"Date responded.

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