Theodore Otras, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of the Guinean court, is a patriot. He advocates opening up and developing Guinea and making Guinea self-reliant, thus improving the living standards of Guinea people.

In view of Theodore's ideological proposition, An Liang is confident that Theodore will support Det's trading work on the Ximang Iron Mine.

But now we need to get Det completely on board first.

"Mr. Deiter, how would you like to view our thousand-year-old astragalus?"An Liang asked

"If it is convenient, I would like to check it out via video chat."Date did not make any outrageous request like asking An Liang to send twenty pieces of thousand-year-old astragalus to Guria.

Because Date knew very well that such an outrageous request was simply impossible to achieve.

So Date chose to settle for the next best thing. Video communication is needed to view slices of thousand-year-old astragalus.

An Liang refused directly,"The place where thousand-year-old astragalus is stored is highly confidential information and is isolated from network communication. It cannot support network video communication at all, but I can take a video for you.""

Date thought for a few seconds and then agreed,"No problem. But I only give you one hour, and I need the original video file. Although our country is very backward, we also have technical personnel to identify the authenticity of the video."

"Okay, give me an hour."An Liang agreed.

In less than a quarter of an hour, An Liang took a luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle to Shili Bay, and then passed through layers of security measures to the door of the bank-level vault where thousands of years of astragalus are stored.

At the door of the bank-level vault, An Liang wore a rubber Gloves used a brand new Apple mobile phone to record the video. He first recorded the bank-level vault door, thus showing that the storage environment of Millennium Astragalus is very safe.

An Liang first entered the password at the bank-level vault door, and then verified the pupil and iris information, bank-level The vault door slowly opened.

As the bank-level vault door opened, there were actually four security guardian robots behind the door, and they were fully armed security guardian robots. An

Liang took a photo of the four security guardian robots , and then walked into the bank-level vault.

Inside the vault stood bulletproof glass booths with a side length of half a meter. Inside these booths were naturally thousand-year-old astragalus. They were protected multiple times by bulletproof glass. An Liang photographed them one by one, taking almost three photos in total. It took ten booths to stop.

After leaving the vault and the mobile phone network was restored, Anliang first sent the video on the new phone to the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator, and asked the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator to send it to the chief minister of the Guiyang court, Deite..


Residence of the Chief Minister.

Dete received the video sent by No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation. He quickly clicked on the video to view it. The first thing he saw was the door of the bank-level vault. He raised his eyebrows, secretly guessing that General Anliang would Thousand-year-old astragalus slices were stored in the bank.

However, as the vault door opened and four fully armed security guardian robots came into view, Det gave up his previous speculation. The security guardian robots made their public debut in Bald Eagle and achieved has achieved good results, so Deit is quite aware of the powerful strength of the security guardian robot.

‘There are actually thirty-seven copies of thousand-year-old astragalus...No, he only shot thirty-seven, there must have been more off camera. 'Date sighed secretly.

But Dete is a smart man. He has no greed at all. Instead, he is relieved that Anliang has so many thousand-year-old astragalus.

If An Liang only had twenty pieces of thousand-year-old astragalus, then Dete would still worry about whether An Liang would break the contract.

Now that Anliang has more thousand-year-old astragalus, Dete only feels safe in his heart.

After Deite watched the video stored in the Millennium Astragalus for almost five or six minutes, An Liang contacted the other party through the confidential communication line again.

Waiting for the confidential communication line to be connected, An Liang asked first,"Has Mr. Det seen the video?"

Det responded affirmatively,"I have watched it three times. I can ask out of curiosity, what is the total number of possessions you have?"..."

An Liang interrupted the other party directly,"That is confidential information. The quantity and storage location of thousand-year-old Astragalus are all confidential information."

"But to show our sincerity, we can send a piece of thousand-year-old astragalus to Guria in advance. Mr. Deiter, do you need it?"An Liang expressed his goodwill.

Dete immediately responded,"Need it! When can you deliver it?"

"When we signed a cooperation agreement. An Liang replied with a smile.

Dete immediately understood what An Liang meant,"Don't worry, I will deal with the follow-up matters immediately. However, for the sake of smooth cooperation between us, I hope you will register a mining company in Guria and pass this company Mining company to operate the property rights of Simang Iron Ore"

"no problem."Anliang naturally agreed.

These are all minor problems!

In fact, Anliang was even willing to hand over part of his equity to the Guiyang court to make the cooperation between the two parties more reasonable. But Dait seems to have no demands in this regard at all?

Or is it Dait ? Are you waiting for Theodore to make such a request?

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