An Liang understood Theodore's subtext. What Theodore meant was that the fight between life and death between Renyi Security Company and Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau in Guria was their own business.

Theodore didn't want to offend anyone, and he didn't want to get involved with anyone.

An Liang had to sigh that Theodore could become a centrist in a complex situation like Guria.

"Mr. Theodore doesn't want to hear our terms? An Liang spoke tentatively.

Before Theodore could answer, An Liang continued to add,"We are willing to pay the Guilian court US$10 billion to purchase the property rights of the Simang Iron Mine."

Theodore couldn't help complaining,"How much did you give Dete?""

"Mr. Theodore misunderstood Mr. Det. Like Mr. Theodore, Mr. Det was also dedicated to Guilia's future."An Liang casually cleared Date's name

"Ha ha ha ha!"Theodore couldn't help but laugh loudly.

Did Dete do it for Guilia's future?

This is simply the funniest joke in Guilia's history!

An Liang naturally understood why Theodore was laughing, but An Liang immediately added," Unlike Rio Tinto and Stable Alliance, we will pay the full amount of US$10 billion."

"Um? Theodore immediately asked,"Will you really pay the full amount of 10 billion U.S. dollars?""

"certainly!"An Liang answered affirmatively.

"What are your conditions?"Theodore is not naive enough to think that Anliang will pay 10 billion US dollars directly without any conditions.

To ordinary people, 10 billion US dollars seems to be a simple monetary description of '10 billion US dollars', and they have no idea how much 10 billion US dollars is." Money.

According to today’s gold price, 10 billion U.S. dollars can buy more than 165 tons of gold. A banknote with a face value of 100 US dollars is 15.6 centimeters long, and a total of 10 billion banknotes with a face value of 100 US dollars, connected end to end, can be spread from the imperial capital of Xia to the Bald Eagle’s New York. There are $2.5 billion left.

The weight of a $100 bill is 1.05 grams, and the total weight of 10 billion $100 bills is 105 tons.

Trivia: A $100 bill of the same weight is worth more than gold!

Chapter Two trivia facts: Guinea’s gross national product in 2020 is US$15.7 billion.

For Guinea, although US$10 billion is not an astronomical figure, it is still a shocking number.

So what about Theodore? Maybe you naively thought that An Liang didn’t have any conditions?

"Our terms are very simple."An Liang first stated that the conditions were simple.

"First, we want the property rights of Simang Iron Mine."An Liang first named the Simang Iron Mine.

This is the core condition.

Theodore responded,"We cannot provide a stable mining environment for the Simang Iron Mine. There are a large number of anti-imperial teams around the Simang Iron Mine, half of which are The eagle is behind the scenes"

"In addition to the eagle, Da'aoguo and Neon also secretly controlled some anti-imperial forces around the Ximang Iron Mine."Theodore added.

Although the Guilian court does not have the ability or energy to wipe out these anti-court groups, it does not mean that it is unaware of their existence.

An Liang responded calmly,"We will deal with these problems."

"you...Can these problems really be solved?"Theodore hesitated

"This issue is left to us. Even if we cannot handle it, it is our own business."An Liang took over the responsibility.

Theodore did not dwell on this issue anymore. He waited for An Liang to continue to state the second condition.

"The second condition is still very simple. The 10 billion U.S. dollars we paid to your Guinean court will be stored in our designated banking institutions and the corresponding regulatory agreements will be signed. This money can only be used for the development of Guinea. , including but not limited to infrastructure construction, people's livelihood development, medical education, etc."An Liang put forward corresponding conditions

"To put it simply, this money belongs to all the people of Guria, and the court and ministers of Guria cannot embezzle this money privately."An Liang, in short.

Theodore, who was far away in Guria, couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart after hearing An Liang's second condition, because this condition was completely tailor-made for him.

Theodore I was still worried about how much of the 10 billion U.S. dollars promised by Anliang would be invested in the development of Guiyar. After all, the whole imperial court of Guiyar was in ruins. Even the chief minister took the lead in ruining it, and others followed suit. What's the problem?

Now according to Anliang, the US$10 billion obtained from this transaction of Simang Iron Mine will be completely invested in the development of Guiyar.

Although there will inevitably be problems in the development process Some minor questions, but those things are innocuous.

Theodore took a deep breath before sighing and replied,"You have indeed investigated me!"

"certainly!"An Liang admitted again,"We know Mr. Theodore very well, and we believe that Mr. Theodore is very satisfied with our proposal."

"I am indeed satisfied. Theodore responded,"But I also have a concern. Which bank do you designate? Will the corresponding bank embarrass us during the review?""

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