Faced with Theodore's concerns, Anliang did not explain to Theodore how Anxin Bank could make stable profits, nor did he give Theodore any assurances on how to fulfill its promises.

Because these explanations and guarantees make no sense!

There is no basis for cooperation between the two parties, and naturally there is no basis for trust, so the verbal promises are extremely pale and not even half convincing.

Anliang just responded calmly,"The Simang Iron Mine is in your country."

The Simang Iron Mine is in your country, which means that your country has a geographical advantage. If Anliang's side breaks the contract, then your country will The court can cause trouble again at any time.

Theodore immediately understood what An Liang meant,"We both reached a balance of terror?"

An Liang denied,"We should cooperate and win-win!"

The term"balance of terror" is full of confrontation. An Liang does not like this description, he prefers cooperation. win-win situation, so that the cooperative relationship between the two parties can last for a long time

"win-win..."Theodore's tone was a little hesitant.

Because in Theodore's view, this transaction between Anliang and the Guilian court was more like taking advantage of the situation.

After all, the property rights of the Simang Iron Mine were purchased for a mere US$10 billion. This price indeed smacks of taking advantage of the situation.

Even judging from the very poor social environment in Guiyar, the overall ore grade is 66%-67%, with proven reserves of more than 2.3 billion tons, and possible reserves of up to 5 billion tons, and it is a super iron ore in an open pit vein, at least Also worth more than $30 billion.

However, Anliang only gave 10 billion US dollars.

Theodore doesn't think this is a win-win situation.

An Liang guessed Theodore's thoughts from Theodore's hesitant tone, and he said casually,"Does Mr. Theodore understand the free economic market?"

"Have some knowledge."Theodore responded

"If the development rights of the Simang Iron Mine are packaged as a whole and placed in a free economic market, how much money does Mr. Theodore think he can sell for it? An Liang asked.

Theodore answered directly,"At least 30 billion U.S. dollars.""

"I agree with this valuation, but I still insist on only bidding $10 billion. An Liang responded.

An Liang continued,"Let's assume a situation now. In the free economic market, someone purchases the Ximang Iron Ore for US$30 billion. What conditions does Mr. Theodore think the other party will have and what payment he will make?" process?"

Faced with this question, Theodore was stunned for a moment.

An Liang asked and answered himself,"I believe that the biggest possibility is still the same as the current situation, even if the Stability Alliance only purchased the North Area 1 and the North Area for US$14 billion. The mining rights in the second area, but will the Stability Alliance pay the full price directly?"

"Although we are only willing to pay US$10 billion and there are various conditions, we are willing to pay the full amount and execute it in the payment method that is most satisfactory to Mr. Theodore."An Liang added

"In addition, we have many more projects that we can work on with Mr. Theodore. An Liang added.

Theodore couldn't help but say,"Are you planning to enter Guilia to develop an agricultural planting base?""

This Theodore really knows An Liang's identity!

Faced with Theodore's inquiry, Anliang had no intention of hiding it,"If Mr. Theodore invites us to enter Guria for development, we will conduct an inspection first and then accept Theodore. Mr. Duo’s invitation"

"However, we hope to develop corresponding agricultural planting base projects on the west coast."An Liang added.

After An Liang responded, Theodore couldn't help but sigh secretly again. An Liang's words meant that they were willing to give Theodore a big gift.

At present, the overseas agricultural planting base plan has not entered Guria. If Theodore publicly invites the overseas agricultural planting base plan to enter Guinea, and the overseas agricultural planting base plan really enters Guinea, it will be equivalent to adding a dazzling political achievement to Theodore.

By introducing overseas Regarding the agricultural planting base, Theodore will gain greater influence in the Gurian court. At the same time, Theodore will also win the support of the local people where the overseas agricultural planting base is located. That’s why Theodore couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.I have to say that An Liang's manipulation of people's hearts is really subtle. It is obviously a favorable condition for him, but it has become a sharp blade for attacking his opponents.

"Will your agricultural planting base be developed in the same way as in other countries after it enters our country?"Theodore asked

"certainly!"An Liang responded affirmatively.

"Once our overseas agricultural planting base is developed, it will provide affordable fresh water resources, medical resources, and even educational resources to ordinary people in the area."An Liang added.

"We once organized some of your Guinean people to visit overseas agricultural planting bases in Arlia and Lia to let them understand the changes brought by overseas agricultural planting bases to the local area. However, after returning to Guinea, this part of the people seemed..."An Liang wanted to speak but stopped.

Theodore explained on behalf of An Liang,"They were framed by the Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau. It's a pity that I can't prevent such a tragedy.""

"No no no! Mr. Theodore, you have the power to prevent this tragedy."An Liang replied remindingly.

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